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Everything posted by shikano53

  1. Thanks for the information. I will run a tank or too through it and see how it is and perhaps some Sea Foam although I'm not sure where to get it in Canada. Chris
  2. Thanks for all the comments and information. I do have the high output stator so I might see if I can find some 55 watt sealed beams that will fit the Yamaha bracket. Does anyone know of a cross-referenced 55 watt sealed beam unit that fits? The stock Yamaha sealed units are Wagner 4449 12.8 volt 30 watt sealed unit. I know this because I replaced one of mine yesterday. I replaced it with a sealed unit from Canadian Tire a GE 4411 12 volt 35 Chris in Red Deer, AB
  3. Where are those nipples located? I should the ones on my bike as well. Thanks Chris
  4. I know there is quite a bit of info on this, but yesterday when I was out riding for the first time this season and on my new to me 2004 RSV, it popped and backfired on deceleration. The air filter is clean and I changed the fuel filter. I think tomorrow I will sync my carbs. Anyone have any suggestions on what else I could do that might possibly stop the popping and backfiring? It isn't bad, but it is still there. Thanks in advance Chris
  5. I had the local stealer install the Yamaha driving lights. I had them wire the lights so they are on all the time except when the high beam is on. They didn't install the switch. So now I'm thinking is that practical or even safe? I ride at night and want as much light as possible on the road. I replaced the stock headlight bulb with a PIAA intense white. I'm wondering if I should re-wire them so they are relayed through a switch and I can turn them on and off regardless of whether or not the headlight is on low or high beam. How do you run your driving lights? Any comments or suggestions are welcome. Chris in Red Deer, AB
  6. This thread might get moved and if so I apologize in advance. I bought my 2004 Midnight RSV in November of 2010. I have done considerable work to it just to get it where I want it to be. However that being said, the small, black push to talk button that is on the passengers intercom control is missing. I have no idea where to look to get a replacement. The PTT still works, it's just the button that is missing. If anyone knows where I can get one, has a part number or even may have a spare one sitting unbeknownst in a junk draw or jar hanging in there garage somewhere I would pay you for it along with the shipping. Thank you in advance Chris in Red Deer, Alberta
  7. Awesome! Thank you. Chris
  8. Many thanks folks! I will let you know how I make out. Chris in Red Deer
  9. Hi, I have two different part numbers for a DEKA AGM battery. ETX 18L ETX 20L My understanding is that the 18L is for the first Gen and the 20L is for the 2nd Gen. Is this correct? Thanks Chris
  10. Hi folks, I live in Red Deer, Alberta and need to put a new battery in my 2004 RSV. I see most folks go with the Deka AGM battery. Anyone have any idea where I can purchase one in Alberta? Thank you in advance Chris in Red Deer, Alberta
  11. Hi, Sometime in the dim past, that could be yesterday or six months ago depending on who is asking me a question, someone invited me to a meet in the Kootney's but I can't remember who that was and when. Then someone asked me if I had been to the Kootney meet last year. I know it is slim information to go on but if anyone is familiar with that event could you please drop me a line. TNX Chris in Red Deer, Alberta VE6ENR
  12. Forgot one question...What size is the crush washer? TNX Chris in Red Deer, Alberta VE6ENR
  13. Thank you, thank you, thank you! The information is awesome. I will give this a go once the weather warms up. It never fails to amaze me how this forum and the Venturers forum always restores my faith in people through their simple kindness and eagerness to help, at least as fellow riders. My son in law is going to give me a hand. He has been a journeyman mechanic for 15 years. Thank you! Squidley, I will call if I get into a bind. Could you please tell me though, what is RTV? I have no idea what the initials stand for. Thank you Chris in Red Deer
  14. Hi, I purchased a high output stator from Buckeye Performance and have been reading the threads both here and the step-by on the Venturers.org site and have a couple of questions. In a thread on the HOS install someone said this: Basicly just remove both Case Covers on left side of engine. ( You have to remove the aft cover also, to access the Wireing bundles) After cover is off, Its just a few small bolts, to change the Unit. The one sticking point is the Gasket that Seals the 3 large wires from the Stator, and the 5 small wires from the " Ignition Pick Up Coils " Be sure to order New Gaskets, for the Case Covers !!!! ( Both of them ) Also, the Lower Bolt, on the Aft Cover, has a Brass Crush Washer, that makes an Oil Seal. Its advisable to order a few of those and keep on hand. In the step by step photos on the Venturers.org site it looks like someone is taking the exhaust apart and considerably more is involved than removing a few side covers. Am I missing something here? Do you have to drain the oil from the bike in order to instal/replace the stator? If anyone could help clarify this for me and or give me some additional information it would be much appreciated. Thank you in advance. Chris in Red Deer, Alberta
  15. Hi SilvT thanks for your honest and candid comments. My comments are purely my subjective evaluation of riding the following bikes in the wind over a period of 25 years and coming to the conclusions I have come to. 1984 Venture Royale 1986 Venture Royale 1983 Venture 1984 Venture Royale 2001 RSV 1500 Gold Wing 1800 Gold wing 2006 HD Electra Glide Ultra Classic 2004 Midnight RSV - current and riding with a GWRRA chapter on many rides in very strong winds and on the interstate behind large tractor trailer rigs. Please remember this is only my totally subjective experience and my wife's input who has been with me on just about all of these windy rides and who has always ridden with me on the back of all the above named bikes. Worst - 1800 Wing Hands down. That also comes from the three dozen wing riders in the local chapter who also grit their teeth when ever it is windy and making similar comments and observations. The person I purchase my 1800 Wing totally refused to ride in the wind and would not take his bike out in it. A friend who lives across the street from me owns an 1800 2008 Wing and he absolutely hates riding in the wind because the huge amount of exposed sail on the wing blows it around. Next are the 4 1st gen Ventures I have owned and riden across the northern US with my wife and life time riding companion. On one trip coming home on a 1984 Venture Royal from Lloydminster Saskatchewan to Red Deer we basically white-knuckled the entire trip home driving on the shoulder of the road it was so bad. We repeatedly kept asking ourselves if the situation was serious enough to warrant stopping for the night. Best bike hands down in any kind of wind was my HD 06 Electra Glide Classic. It didn't matter how windy it was, the HD was always rock solid and never got moved around. The second bike I have owned that I would consider the best, better than the Gold Wings was my 2001 Yamaha Royale Star Venture. My wife will place the same vote hands down. She knows instinctively when something is wrong and by the tenseness in my upper body and how I am responding to the driving conditions. I can honestly say that the RSV handles good in the wind and in the buffeting behind a big semi-tractor trailer rig. I know how to ride curves and counter-steer in windy conditions and it is my opinion that the RSV far out handled my gold wings in the wind. Don't flame me. I loved my Gold Wings but my choice and reasons for switching back to the Yamaha are because it handles better, doesn't get pushed around in the wind and is more comfortable for me adding to my overall confidence and safety for both myself and my wife. I don't know if that helps you or not. Here are things that I do before each trip and once a week when not holidaying Tire pressure - inflated to what is written on the sidewall of the tire at cold psi, not the bike owners manual or the rear trunk lid. Front forks inflated for my current ride and adjusted if road and ride conditions change Rear shock adjusted for current ride and again, adjusted if necessary as the trip progresses. Those little things are things I do religiously no question. I don't know if this helps you or not but it works for my wife and I. Kind regards Chris
  16. Thanks everyone for your comments and opinions. That is pretty much what I was expecting to hear. I don't normally run anywhere near that speed but it is nice to know it will do it and that it is available when needed. I had a 2001 RSV and really loved the bike. I have since then owned two Honda Gold Wings; a 1500 and an 1800. I sold my 1800 to come back to the RSV because for me, and just my humble opinion, the RSV just fit me better and felt so much more comfortable. The wing always got blown around in the wind but the RSV never that I can recall got pushed around. As a matter of fact my very first long run on the 01 RSV was with a salty old biker who had a 99 RSV and we were out in the windy nowhere of Central Alberta running east and he said over the CB, "By the way do you notice the wind at all?" I said, "What wind?" And his response was typical Kipling of course from Kipling's story of how the Elephant got his nose which I highly recommend you goggle and read, as such he said, "Oh rash and inexperienced traveler, Vantage number one young fellar." You done don't get pushed around in the wind on these here 2nd gen RSV's like you did on the 1st generation configurations. So for me I really love my RSV. Other than getting the bike home just in front of our first Calgary/central Alberta snow storm in November, I can't wait for riding season 2011 to begin. I have been busy putting things on and getting her tuned up for 2011. All I need to to do now is synch the carbs with my trusty Carb Synch II that I used previously. I have since put on a set of new Avon Venom X's, a new Tulsa tall, a high output stator and a set of Yamaha driving lights, new rear brakes, synthetic oil and new filter and a new fuel filter. The air filters were mint clean so kudoos to who ever owned the bike before the guy I bought it from. I do recall back when I had my 01 some guy in a truck trying to pass me on a passing lane going up a hill out in the middle of *uck duck no where Alberta and just for funning, I slapped spurs to the old girl and walked away from the guy in the truck like a scalded cat. I finally backed off the throttle at about 165kph if I remember correctly and let him pass me. He waved and gave me a thumbs up as he went by. Or was it the bird?? I don't remember. Oha Waelll! I also recall very clearly swapping bikes with a buddy who had an 01 1800 wing (Which I eventually bought from him) and we put the peddle to the metal and he was totally *ucking shocked that the RSV has the power it had. It really surprised him. His words more or less were something to the effect, *&holy *ucking #hit, this thing hauls @ss. So thank you for the confirmation for me while the snow is still thick and deep on the ground and roads and the 2011 riding season has yet to start for us poor unfortunates who live where we really get winter. Chris in Red Deer, AB
  17. Thanks folks. I appreciate all the comments. I didn't say I cruise at that speed I was just curious if the bike would cruise at that speed for extended periods of time. I kinda figured it would. The reason I asked is that I do know folks who get on the highway and that is their regular cruising altitude. Don't know why, but there it is. Chris
  18. Hi, I own a 2004 RSV and was wondering if the RSV is good to cruise at say 140KPH or 150 KPH all day long kind of thing. It's a purely subjective question but when I had my 1800 Wing it could cruise all day long at 150 160 KPH no problem. All comments are welcome. Thank you in advance. Chris in Red Deer, AB
  19. Hi folks, Thank you for all the great information. I want to be able to port the GPS from the bike to the car and from the car to the bike. I am looking at the newer Zumo but boy, they are expensive. I'll let you know. Thanks again Chris
  20. Hi, I drive a 2004 Midnight Venture and I am looking for a new GPS unit. I have an ten year old Garmin Nuvi 360 but it has too many restrictions. I am looking for something that I can set multi way points with and that can retrace my route. What are you folks using and what do you suggest? Thank you in advance Chris in Red Deer, Alberta
  21. Thanks Folks, Much appreciated. Chris in Red Deer, AB
  22. I am thinking I would like to put a bit of pin striping on my 2004 Midnight Venture and was wondering if anyone has done this themselves and if they have used a kit and where to purchase them. Thank you for any help or advice. Chris in Red Deer
  23. Hey thanks for the comments and thoughts. Boy I tell you this winter has been unreal but maybe not as bad as the folks on the east coast. Riding season can't come soon enough for me this year. Chris
  24. Thanks everyone for the great comments. Goose I will look into flights to San Antonio tonight and see what is the cheapest I can find. Any Harley Dealers there to rent bikes from? Or a Goldwing if Honda rents. Thanks for the information. Chris
  25. Hi, Now this might be a crazy idea but I figured it was worth a shot. My buddy and I live in Calgary, Alberta and we are both getting really antsy to go for a ride so we are wondering what would be a good destination where we could fly to from Calgary, on Thursday, February 17, rent a couple of bikes, (Harleys most likely because I don't know anyone else who rents bikes) Ride Friday, Saturday and Sunday and fly back to Calgary on Monday. I am thinking Phoenix or Palm Springs California but I'm way open to opinions and suggestions for best bang for the buck for a short but intense three days of riding. Places, roads we could ride, dealers who rent bikes. All ideas/thoughts appreciated. Chris in Red Deer, (Calgary) Alberta
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