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Everything posted by venture83_98

  1. Honda VF500F Interceptor
  2. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=83437&d=1397215811 Suzuki Calvacade, 1986 or so
  3. I am aware of that issue. Plan on checking that by the weekend
  4. Ever wonder how well the crash bars on a Gen 1 work? Pretty darn well as I found out this morning. About 4:45 this morning, I lowsided on some gravel/dirt turning onto the road I work on. I was on the ground, doing a superman slide, listening to the bike slide, then flip onto the right side, and slide some more. Got help picking the Bike up by a truck driver that was pulling in behind me. Took a bit to get it into neutral and restarted. Rode the last 500 yards to the parking lot and pulled into the shop to survey the damage. Left side airwing bolts broken, but still intact, clutch lever bent up, possible tweaked handle bar. Right side broken top panel/speaker housing, scrapes on corner of fairing, crack on edge of turn signal lens, crash bars scraped/ bent in a bit on both sides. Pretty sure the chrome corner guards (right below the mirrors) saved the right upper fairing from cracking. Took a chunk of paint off my helmet, scuffed my new (worn twice) boots and overpants. A bit sore, but no major damage, so all is good. So, where do I send my $5 crash "penalty"
  5. (copied from Wikipedia) http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/4/4c/Flag_of_Ohio.svg/244px-Flag_of_Ohio.svg.png The large blue triangle represents Ohio's hills and valleys, and the stripes represent roads and waterways. The five stripes also represent that Ohio is one of the five states that comprised the Northwest Territory (Ohio, Michigan, Indiana, Illinois, and Wisconsin). The 17 stars symbolize that Ohio was the 17th state admitted to the union. The 13 stars on the left, above, and below the circle are for the 13 original colonies of the United States. The white circle with its red center not only represents the first letter of the state's name, but also its nickname, "the Buckeye State."[/url] Drawn by John Eisemann, architect and designer for the Ohio State Pan-American Exposition Commission, it is the only American state flag that is non-rectangular, and one of only two non-rectangular official jurisdictional flags, at the state level or above, in the world (the other is the flag of Nepal). Loosely based upon the design of cavalry flags of the Civil War and Spanish-American War, this type of flag is known as a burgee.
  6. Glad you got a hold of him. I never heard from him. I wonder if he thought we were the same person, since we were both looking at it for someone else??? Anyway, glad it got accomplished. Kurt
  7. I called him Wednesday night. Haven't heard back. If you can get a hold of him then go ahead. I am going to try to reach him this morning.
  8. Calling tonight actually. Depending where in town he is I can probably check it out after work tomorrow afternoon. I will update later....
  9. I am in Columbus, willing to do what I can if needed.
  10. already have one being held at o'reilly's. The mr. gasket 42s still the best choice for a Gen 1??
  11. I dont get a steady stream from the pump. I get a shot of fuel with each click......
  12. When I just have the hose going into an open container, yes. It is in 3 pulses, but does have decent force.
  13. on my garage floor. removed for testing. will replace it when i figure out issue
  14. I ran a line from the pump to the carbs, no filter. acts the same. Pump won't pump if any thing blocks flow. pumps 3 times if hose is left unconnected.
  15. fuse box has been replaced. checked power on fuse, seems ok. battery is at around 12.39v static. had 11.75v at fuse. I really dont think it is power related. I had NO fuel coming out of any float bowl drain with the key on. I actually removed 2 of them completely. I think either the pump wont push any pressure, or something clogged the fitting on the carbs before it seperates to the 4 lines. I also updated my original post to say i noticed a whiteish powdery residue on the needles that was not there when I started adjusting. It is only on the needles and does seem to make the slides stick. I do have brand new JBM diaghaprams.
  16. ----That crossed my mind. wouldnt be the first time ........ I have also pulled the line from the tank to the pump inlet and it seems unrestricted. Glad I have a detached garage......
  17. Finally got the '86 running well enough to sync. I was using the carbtune do loaned me and got it pretty close when I ran out of time. I came out the next afternoon and the bike would not start. Cranks fine, but won't fire. It will run for a second or two with a shot of starting fluid. I started thinking a had a fuel delivery problem, so here is what I have checked: Power to pump is ok. opened all 4 bowl drains, got no fuel out of any. put fuel hose into a gas can and turned on key. ran for 2-3 seconds. pumped fuel out fine if hose is connected to carbs, or just blocked by a finger, I get maybe half a click. I also repeated all of the above with a new line going from the pump directly to the carbs. Same results. Am I barking up the wrong tree? Could I try putting a fuel supply above the carbs and seeing if it runs on a gravity feed? ****Just pulled my carb slides, and the needles have a whiteish powdery substance on them that was not there when I reassembled the carbs. I am guessing this is related???
  18. PM sent
  19. Thanks to Freebird, have one on the way. I plan on buying one as soon as I can. My 15+ year old motion pro mercury sticks just dont cut it anymore.......
  20. Anybody in the Columbus, Ohio area have a carbtune they could loan out, or be able to let me come use. I think I have most of my problems worked out, but need to get the carbs synched to see where I am at. Any help is greatly appreaciated.
  21. Someone offered a set up before you said you had them also. Thanks for checking. All I need now are the needles and some jets. Any ideas? The needles are listed as discontinued/ unavailable.
  22. The 1200 and 1300 have different size jets , and the needles have different numbers also. So, I would needs parts from a 1300.
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