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Everything posted by venture83_98

  1. I actually found one. Thanks for the response
  2. Looking for the right side top fairing panel for my ‘86 VR Thanks in advance
  3. Hello, Do you still have the mirrors? thanks
  4. Needles were replaced. I believe that is the procedure I used. Guess the carbs come off again......... Now I need to borrow a carb tune again.........
  5. My problem is that 3 of the 4 fittings are broken off. Somewhere on here i found a post that gave a measurement for setting the floats from the base of the carb. It looks like they are available from Yamaha, but I am not 100% sure. It looks like it may be #42, but not sure.
  6. My '86 has about 500 miles on it since carb rebuild (including all rubber parts and the diaphragms ), valve adjustment, carb synch, new fuel pump, lines and filter. Also had the tank lined. I am sometimes getting gas coming out one of the overflows and get a gas smell most of the time. I checked the plugs and cylinder #'s 1, 2 , and 3 look like the plug in the first pic. cylinder #4 is in the second pic. It was wet with fuel. I took the tops off the carbs and noticed that cylinder #2 had fuel on the top of the diaphragm. It looks like it came through the hole in the slide. I am thinking that #4 has a high float level. But am not sure. Any input would be appreciated.
  7. I got a much better cord for the input, but no change in the noise. Which is what I expected. Does the shield in the cable from the amp need to be grounded? I just have it twisted together and covered in shrink tubing.
  8. I was leaning toward that myself. They were a pretty cheap set. Planning on buying a plug at Radio Shack and using "real" wire instead of the tiny wires on most headset cords.
  9. Since my cassette player didn't work, I removed it and installed a MP3 input using the cord from a set of headphones and a switch using the directions found on here. It works great except when I plug in a charger to the player. When I do, I get a repetitive noise/ popping through the speakers on the bike. This happens with the bike running and also with the bike off. It makes the noise when the switch is set for the MP3, or the radio. It also happens with the radio power tuned off. I have the power hooked up to a switched fuse, and grounded directly to the negative on battery. Now for the weird part......If I remove the negative OR positive power wire, It STILL makes the noise... I have tried with an iPod and a generic mp3 player. Any ideas? Also, the wire for the MP3 is cloth covered. Possible source of noise? This is on my '86 VR
  10. JBM industries part #m-73 if I recall correctly. $19.50each + $6.80 shipping on entire order jbmindustries.com That is where I got mine
  11. That's the one. $63.25 shipped at boats.net. Didn't even think about new. Everything else I have checked has been unavailable. Thanks.
  12. After dropping my '86 last month, I need the right side top panel that has the speaker in it. Mine broke and is missing a fairly large piece so I cant repair it. Been checking ebay and haven't found one yet. Thanks in advance.
  13. My cassette deck doesn't work. PM me your address and I will send them out to you this week.
  14. ok, here is the next one....
  15. Yes, I did. And now for something completely different......
  16. Jawa 500 boxer prototype, 1984?
  17. Pretty quick yourself....Correct
  18. Ancient chinese secret.....
  19. lets try this one.............
  20. Actually, I did find the exact pic. Good thing the info on the pics was in english, since the site was not. I will post another when I get a chance.
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