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Steel Horse Cowboy

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Everything posted by Steel Horse Cowboy

  1. I'll try to schedule a ride that way next month. Thank you.
  2. What kind of mufflers do you have? I might be interested in them.
  3. @djh3 @BratmanXj @Freebird@vzuden Thanks for your replies and comments. When I got my "99" RSV in "2010" I replaced the original mufflers with HD mufflers and was fine with that until I heard an RSV with Roadhouse mufflers, I was hooked and soon found a set and was very pleased with the sound. I will put HD mufflers on this "08" and continue to look for and hopefully find a set of reasonable and affordable set of Roadhouse.
  4. I know that this is probably a long shot but I'm looking for a set of Roadhouse mufflers for my NEW to me 2008 RSV. I had them on my 1999 that got totaled (not my fault) in July "23" and the mufflers were damaged badly in the crash and I didn't buy the RSV back from the insurance company. Thank you, C.R. Steel Horse Cowboy 🤠
  5. Yep, it's the regulator, mine did the same thing last year. Just like you, I made it home safely. C.R.
  6. Jose, I'm getting ready to open mine up to change out the control head. If you haven't solved the issue yet, I would be willing to test your radio parts while I have mine open. C.R.
  7. Masterguns, sounds like you've been through quite an ordeal. It's good to hear things went well with your surgery and you have been ordered to go back to riding. SEMPER FI, C.R.
  8. O.K., here's the last one.
  9. Well, apparently my phone will only upload one picture at a time.
  10. Here are some pictures finally. This is the lineup for them so far. cb1313 reinyrooster Barry1951 dacheedah beltfed50 uncledj
  11. Go to the link that beltfed50 posted above. The ones that I have look and mount just like the Diamond R armrest except mine doesn't have a round chrome rod between the swivel and the armrest, mine is flat 1 1/2" chrome with four 1" holes. I will get some pictures and post them tomorrow. I'm not where they are at right now. Sorry for the delay. C.R.
  12. I have a set of yamaha rear arm rest if you are still looking. Asking $100 plus whatever the shipping cost is. C.R.
  13. Ditto on Cumberland Falls, it's a very nice place. The lodge restaurant has very nice reasonably priced buffet. We usually ride from Hwy. 27 and then ride on out to I-75. C.R.
  14. Eck, You need to update the date on your camera, it shows 02/02/2013. It's a year behind. C.R.
  15. Have your battery tested, sounds like it might be a little weak. C.R.
  16. I'm glad that I joined the laid back Marine Corp. and only had to visit y'alls house once. Semper Fi, C.R.
  17. Fine looking MARINE. Tell David; "Thanks for his service to this great nation and the freedom (which isn't free) that we still enjoy." I pray daily for all our troops and thier families. SEMPER FI C.R.
  18. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=79811&highlight=MILES C.R.
  19. I bought one at that price and they work fine. It could use a modification to the wheel clamp, it needs to be the L shaped clamp (but the clamp it comes with will work). I did drill a hole on each side about half way back and put eye bolts in so I could attach the hold down straps too. It does come with eye bolts and holes near the front of the lift. It also has a removeable plate to drop the rear wheel through. C.R.
  20. Easily shortened, just unbolt the ball hitch, cut the sqauare tubing to desired length, drill holes and bolt the ball hitch back on. C.R.
  21. If you are an Old School gauge watcher and think that anything above 190* is getting hot, don't install a temperature gauge. When I first installed mine and saw the temp get up above 195* I took the gauge back to the Advance Auto and made them replace it under warranty. When I put the new gauge in and it done the same thing, I got worried and took my themostat out thinking it was stuck closed. The thermostat was fine, so I checked a lot of other things thinking maybe the fan wasn't working or the radiator might be stopped up or a few other things. Everything checked out good. I then called the Cycle shop where I get all my parts and he said that 190* - 210* was normal temp. I also looked on the site here and found some threads that confirmed this. The other day mine did go up to 230* in stop and go traffic. So, unless it gets up around 240* or the temp light comes on don't worry about it. That's easy to say but hard to do if you are an Old School gauge watcher. Here's a link to the gauges I installed http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=63928 V7Goose it's good to see you posting again. C.R.
  22. Yama Mama, try looking on www.armslist.com and select your state. C.R.
  23. Great tunes. I'm not that old, but I grew up listening to this music as a teenager in the 70's. I may still have an 8 track of the greatest hits. C.R.
  24. I'm not disputing anything anybody has said, but I have the same trailer and the only thing I did was to lengthen the tongue 2 ft. I have a large cooler rack and a large sears cargo carrier that I have attached to it. It pulls great with no issues at all. As a matter of fact, it pulls so well that unless I look in the mirror or hit a bump in the road and hear it rattle, I forget that it is back there. Well, I was going to attach a picture but I'm not on my computer that has my pictures. If you look in my profile page you can see a picture of the scooter / trailer combo. C.R.
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