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Everything posted by SMSgt

  1. Well I went to Radio Shack and bought a 5 pin DIN cable. It had two male ends. I got on line and ordered a 5 pin DIN cord with one male and one female end. So I'll just plug in the extension cord and have my little mod complete. I'll return the Radio Shack part as it no longer serves any purpose.
  2. When I was in Air Force boot camp, 1972, we had a marching cadence that started out "here we go again.":bang head:
  3. Did you just plug the old style DIN cable and use it as an extension? Or did you have to do some cutting and splicing to get the female end for yout wife to plug in? My wife wants arm rests too, where did you get yours?
  4. I saw a picture of an RSV showing the passenger intercom recepticle up on the back of the drivers back rest. I would like do that to mine. Has anyone seen that or made that mod? Can anyone offer me any suggestions? I know it will take some kind of wiring work under the left rear armrest but I can't even get that off. Thanks Kent
  5. So if you and your wife were home, who was riding your Venture?
  6. That's just about enough exercise for me for today.
  7. I bought my RSV last summer......It is my next bike. I also have a Road Star and love it so I have no intentions of getting rid of it or the RSV. I looked and decided that the RSV looks like a motorcycle rather than the Gold Wings. No doubt the wings are great motorcycles but I just didn't care for a motorcycle that you can't see the motor. I'll drive both of my Yamahas until they turn to dust then but another one. Now on the other hand if I couldn't get a Yamaha I would look at the Kaw 1700 Voyager. I don't like the HD attitude enough to join that crowd. Every HD rider I have rode with seems to think that I ride a clone and that makes them better than me.
  8. Tom I knew I liked you for a reason. I have two Bassetts one, male, Rufus, is getting quite old he just turned 12 and my female is named Copper who is not quite 8. I have had Rufus for some time and love him as much as any person I have ever known. I didn't understand why people refered to there pets as a sweetheart then I got Rufus and he is really a sweetheart. I'm a bit more attached to Rufus because I have had him longer. I had a friend buy Copper for me when I was in the Middle East in 2006. She is the whiner and Rufus is the barker. He just talks to me and I know he is sure I understand him.
  9. Sounds like it's mod time to me. When there is a filter in the tank that is normally just to protect the fuel pump which is also in the tank so both are changed together. There is a filter located someplace along the frame of someplace equally hard to get to. It the case of the motorcycle I'd just put a filter in line someplace prior to the fuel pump if you can. If you can't put one before the pump then the last choice you have to to put it wherever you can. Good luck and enjoy the ride. Kent
  10. No offence to your cousin but you could put those on any HD and make a pretty good boat anchor. I guess my tastes aren't that cool. I rather like most the HD colors from the factory.
  11. She was just coming through the wrong border. "We don't got no stinkin border patrol agents on the other border.":Cartoon_397:
  12. Welcome to the fruit cake farm. Now you can become a bling addict like most of the rest of us. That is a fine looking ride. Have fun with it.
  13. I'll take my money the honest way, I'll just wait for Obama to give me some. After all doesn't every American and anyone that can swim the river have a right to a new Caddi.:bowdown::bowdown:
  14. My guess winter will be over about March 21st or so. But the weather here is sunny, cold and lots of snow on the ground. It's still mod season here in sunny cold southern UT.
  15. Well I guess I'll just have to come and see what all the hooraa is all about. I made reservations for Friday and Saturday night at the Comfort Inn in Elyria. Then it's off to see the grandkids in Gladstone MI. I'll be due for an oil change at that time should I get it done before I get there or is that something that will take place there? I will be on my way back from DC so I won't be carrying maintenance type stuff with me so will that stuff be available locally?
  16. I think that cassette deck is worth 2 grand that's why I used it for a wheel chock when I shortened my front forks. I see folks on ebay trying to sell them for 150.00 or so. I've got one I'd give away.
  17. It's not winter time it's mod time. This is why they invented heated garages.
  18. Advertise, advertise, advertise. Go to as many shows as you can and pass out fliers to those who are presenters. Talk to the people and let them know of the importance of what you are doing. I have been to more shows than I can remember I have a show car a Mustang Cobra that has won many awards and at every show there are people telling us of other shows and it helps a great deal to get to know the people you want to come. Are you going to charge admission to the show or just charge the presenters? I never minded paying to get my car in a show. If it is a good cause that is. There are shows that I won't do because they are just there for personal benefit. Anyway good luck. I'd come if it were in the western part of the US.
  19. Freddie I just completed this mod. There is clearence in the fairing for the forks. I didn't have to change anything as far as cables or wires. I already had 1 1/2" risers on my bars but I don't think there would be a problem with the stock risers and clearence. I took the complete fairing off and it made the job a snapp. I measured from the top of the bottom tripple tree clamp and it was 8 1/2" to the top of the fork tube, not counting the cap on top. I pushed the fork tubes up to 9 1/2" which shortened my fork by 1". Lots of riders have have the risers in on their handle bar clamps. They are a tight fit but nothing that isn't workable. This really is an easy mob. Hope you have a jack it will make the job a whole lot easier. Good luck and have fun. Kent
  20. I think I'd call the police and report a road hazard.
  21. SMSgt

    road trip

    Hey Condor I think you ought to rethink that Green River then left, unless you are on a dirt bike and want to ride on 300 miles of dirt. I can't see anything going north out of GR. I thought I'd head up I 15 and either go through Yellowstone or head over toward Thermopolis. Might even take 89 north through the Snake River Valley, now that's a beautiful ride going into Jackson Hole. What ever way you go enjoy the ride and I'll see you there. As far as the original question If I were traveling coast to coast and wanted to make time I'd take 20 to Dallas then head up 287 to Amerillo and take 40 the rest of the way.
  22. I know just enough about golf to change it when it comes on TV, but those are funny.
  23. That's all it takes. Good luck in whatever you ride, just keep riding.
  24. How much money is cheap?
  25. I'm with Golf&Venture. Sounds like a cool mod, now that my mods are complete. Is there anyway to get a tech article on this? hint, hint, Flyinfool
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