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Everything posted by SMSgt

  1. Yep.........that pretty well sums it up.:bawling:I knew I rode all these years for a reason. Thanks
  2. I can't decide if most of those people are stupid or lucky. I'm not enough of either to ever try any of that kind of stuff. But then again I'm old and I didn't get this way by being lucky.
  3. SMSgt

    2004 Road Star

    I bought my Road star as a gift to myself after my first Middle East trip, ending Sept 2006. I bought this in Oct 2006.
  4. SMSgt

    2004 Road Star

    From the album: 2004 Road Star

  5. SMSgt

    From the album: 2004 Road Star

  6. I think she, Christene Agu.something, went to the same music school as Rosanne and I wouldn't feed her bones to my dogs.
  7. It is almost impossible to do it with a touch pad. Now I know why I was never an AF pilot. I am a private pilot though.
  8. I have a Diamond R on my as well. It's an easy install and works as a running light and a brake light.
  9. I received a coupon code, 55633, today with a Leatherup.com order. Good for 10 percent off. Ya'll use it if you would like.
  10. Tooooo funnnnny. :rotfl:
  11. I have a quick question about valve stems. I am going to put 90 degree valve stems on my 03 RSV. There are two sizes available 8 MM and 10 MM. I have searched the forum and found threads on valve stems and could not find the answer to my question. I did read on the forum that the front and back wheels are different as far as the the valve stem hole. True or false? I'm going to put K&L valve stems on, either part number 32-5419 10MM or part number 32-5414 8 MM. Now my question is what size is the valve stem hole, 8 or 10 MM?
  12. Why not?????????????
  13. The only thing that will keep you dry in the rain is to stay inside. At speed, any speed, you will get soaked from other vehicles spray if not from the rain itself. Good luck with that inside of your pant leg wetness
  14. WOW....... I remember learning that as a kid. I had almost forgotten that there was more to the song than we routinely hear. It always brings a tear to my eye. Thanks for the reminder Kent:clap2::clap2:
  15. I put Ponch gauges on mine and I had to remove that plug. The most important thing is patience. Spray some penetrating oil on it and wait for a time 15 minutes or so then spray more on it. Wait oh a half hour or so and then use a new 10mm allen head driver I bought a new impact socket. Be extremely careful and give it a steady twist with a breaker bar. Worked for me. Good luck Kent
  16. I got the DIN extension in the mail today and completed the mod......easy. Just did a complete loop under the pax seat and was done. Easiest $1.50 mod I have ever done.
  17. It was rather simple, being AF and all. (TI) Here we go again..... (us) Here we go again...... (TI) Marching down the avenue....... (us) Marching down the avenue..... Then we would go on to some other rant.
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