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Everything posted by SMSgt

  1. I almost bought one once and upon test drive I discovered that the car was a rocket. Don't ask me how I know. The new SHO's don't have Yamaha engines though.
  2. The second hardest thing we as emergency responders have to do is run on a friend. Take care of the rest of the people you are responsible for now and keep her in your heart. Now on with the official business. You know, as a firefighter, that if you are in the paper or on TV that you owe all of us, who see you, ice cream. Sorry man it's a rule.
  3. My wife says she can see the maturity in your years as your motorcycle tastes have changed. :)
  4. I'm as new at this game as can be but I wouldn't think that it would be right to get credit for your own target. Someone will get a picture some of us just have to wait for warmer weather then we can get in longer rides. There are waterfalls out there just falling to get a pic taken with a good looking scoot. Patience my friend.
  5. SMSgt


    It would apear you made it through your situation, what did you do? Oh please do tell.
  6. Sorry about the accident. You know there are only two kinds of motorcycle riders..... those that have wrecked and those that will. If I were going to give you any advice, like I have a right to give anybody advice. I would just say to do what it says on the back of the car......FOCUS. Take care and good luck with the insurance company. Later Kent
  7. Ice cream are you crazy man it's friggen freezing out there. I'm lucky just to get the scoot out of the garage. I'm heading to Phoenix to the race this weekend so I will be able to thaw out. I'm going to go the the Cheese Cake Factory and stuff myself with ice cream. I'm sure I'll drive past a museum or two does that count?:rotf:
  8. The wife and I dang near froze to death getting this so you're going to see it anyway. It was a fun ride though.
  9. PM me your address and I'll get it in the mail to you. You can pay for shipping when we see each other. When ever that might be.
  10. I just took one out of my 03, do you want it? I've never used it so I don't know if it ever worked or not.
  11. Yeah the conversion is nice. I was thinking that 7 degrees sounded pretty dang cold. Have a happy ride.
  12. WOW....... that is some incredible driving.
  13. I was planning on going hunting today but it snowed all night. I did had both the R* and RSV out this week though. Happy hunting:080402gudl_prv:
  14. Now you tell us of all his failures and want us to believe he can build and weld antyhing "from scratch". It's going to take more convincing than that. But you can keep trying.
  15. I'm not quite sure how this started out but the first liar didn't have a chance.
  16. That is just great. Now if you want your rider bell you have to come to Oberlin and look me up.
  17. ok:no-no-no:, sufficiently scolded..now go find a railroad crossing sign.
  18. Thanks for allowing the pic. As I was riding around in the cage thinking about this game I noticed an old fashioned railroad crossing sign. So I will not run out and take a picture in front of that sign but. I would like to see a picture of you and your motorcycle in front of an old fashion railroad crossing sign you know the kind that has no lights and is just a 4X4 post with the white X saying RAILROAD on one side of the X and CROSSING on the other side of the X. So there you have it. And don't get run over by a train in thr process. I'll give the winner a riders bell at the MD in Oberlin. How I got the pic to show up is I replied and in the menues below the reply screen there is a place to manage attachments. I clicked there and uploaded the picture. Then I clicked on the picture and when it showed up I copied it and pasted it in the body of the reply. Now remember this is my first time so maybe it was just a fluke. Thanks for letting us play Kent & Kerrie
  19. Ok, so I'm new to this. I'm supposed to take a pic of me my scoot my significant other (wife) with some flowers? Is that right? Do I actually have to get on my RSV ride out in the snow and freeze my bejeepers off or can I just say "dear......, step out into the garage" and here is the pic.
  20. If I were to try that it would more than likely make my wifes middle finger start twitching like it has been known to do.
  21. Pipes huh???? Before long it will need lots more chrome, preformance, ect. There is always something they "need'" at least that's what you are going to tell your wife. :rotf:
  22. SMSgt


    Worked for me. I've ridden that road about 25 years ago. Lots of forest fires that year, Yellowstone ablaze. There was even fire around Red Lodge MT. Thanks.
  23. Great now there is one less things for our legs to do. Thanks Honda.:rotf:
  24. These are the best ones I've seen out there. http://www.ridelikeapro.com/ Good luck and have fun
  25. There's got to be more to that than 14 secs. I think a Yellowstone trip is in order when we get to Cody this year. See ya'll there.
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