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Everything posted by SMSgt

  1. The pic says it's a Harley Camper:think: I didn't know Harley made a V8:whistling:. I wonder what part on it makes it a Harley:stirthepot:.
  2. I, same as you, wanted to put 90 degree valve stems on my 03. I looked and shopped and asked questions and finally settled on K&L 32-5414. Now I tell you this because you DO NOT want to by those valve stems,:bang head: THEY ARE JUNK and too small. The valve stem needs to be a 10mm..... That means to buy 10mm. Now do I need to say that again 10mm. I don't know why there is so much discussion on the size of that hole and no one seemed to have the right answere. Now the disclaimer. I have not worked on every Yamaha out there only my first gen, my XS1100 and my R* and RSV so there may be some differences but all of these were 10mm valve stem holes.
  3. I paid $7000 for my 03 last year. I've put quite a few extras since then but when I bought it last year it looked just about like that one.
  4. That is so fun. I have two Bassett hounds and all they do really good is sleep.
  5. The Weather Channel says yesterday's east coast earthquake was caused by an unknown fault line running under D.C. and through Virginia. It is now being called Obama's Fault, though Obama will say it's really Bush's Fault. Other theories are that it was the founding fathers rolling over in their graves, or that what we all believed to be an earthquake was actually the effects of a 14.6 trillion dollar check bouncing in Washington. (I loved this one and just had to share it - thanks!!)
  6. I used to run regularly, when I was a full time fire captain. And when I was in the Air Force. Now I'm a full time....... well nothing:cool10:. I don't have a job anymore:happy65: and do my best to get out of bed before 10:00 AM. Now the only jogging I do is in my sleep:draming: and sometimes I wake up tired so I know that the jogging works.
  7. As I see it when you spend the kind of money we spend on our motorcycles whether HD Victory, Honda, RSVor whatever brand a person chooses to ride that person will have a good motorcycle. There are lemons no matter what brand you might buy and they all need regular maintenance. What I like best about the HD is the color selection. They have some great colors. That's about it. I've never owned one but I have looked at them and other than looks I don't see alot I would want to buy. Oh yeah and sound but I have a Road Star too so that takes care of that. Now the BIG difference I see in the motorcycle world is the attitude of the rider. I don't even like to walk into a HD dealer. I don't drive an inferior machine and I don't need to be told that buy a guy who can't even spell Yamaha. I don't need to be told that I am inferior because I ride a clone. I don't need to be told by a kid with 20 miles riding experience that his HD is better than my Yamaha because his HD is black. In the previous example of a road test there was talk of loosing power at altitude but when I came over the Rocky Mountains at over 10,000 feet my RSV didn't even b reath heavy. There is a youtube video comparing the RSV and HD and when all was said and done it was the "Harley mistique" what won over the evaluators. What the hell does that mean? And how can you compare a HEAVELY modified HD to a stock Venture. Lets compare my HEAVELY modified Road Star to the HD and we might have a more evenly matched comparison. OK I'm done.
  8. At intersections that the light refuses to cooperate and there is no possibility of help from a cage I will hop off the bike go push the pedestrian crosswalk button and hustle back to the RSV and proceed. I will park to the left side of the loop and stop so that I think the exhaust is closest to the sencer. I had a magnet and lost it but haven't experienced a great deal of problems. There is so much traffic anymore that there is almost always some cage wanting to be where I am. I have never just proceeded through a red light. With my luck that would be the time the LEO walked out of the doughnut shop.
  9. 1. tires...... there as many opinions about tires as there are members. I run Elite III on my 03 and have no problems with them. Just maintain the air pressure and they will last longer. 2. Pinwall. I have delt with them on an occasion or two and have no complaints. If it were me I would go the warranty process. The radio isn't all that important to me because I like to listen to the engine sing to me. 3. Radio.... All the radios are the same right down to the cassette tape. and have fun.
  10. SMSgt

    2003 RSV

    My sweet wife said "I'm going on Run For the Wall next and I want a more comfortable motorcycle." So here it is.
  11. SMSgt

    IMG 2227

    From the album: 2003 RSV

  12. SMSgt

    IMG 2226

    From the album: 2003 RSV

  13. SMSgt

    IMG 2225

    From the album: 2003 RSV

  14. Great story. You are at the beginning of a great adventure. :happy65: I adopted a little Korean girl when I was in the AF in 1976 while I was stationed in Japan. She has grown into a beautiful young lady. All these little ones are such blessings. Good luck Kent and Kerrie P.S. Don't they make car seats for motorcycles? I had all my kids riding on my motorcycle, sitting in front of me, as soon as they could sit up. But those were different times then.
  15. Bill If you have a 78 the best place for help is mustangii.net they have a wealth of information on the second generation mustangs. Check out my gallery of my 78 Cobra. Good luck Kent
  16. You must have matured early.
  17. I hope your local Yamaha shop is as good for you as Yamaha of Cucamunga was for me. I'd almost trailer mine there for maintenance because they were so good to me and took such good care of my RSV.
  18. I have two garages. The one we park the season car. That's the car we are driving for the present season, summer, along with the Road Star (mine) and RSV (ours). In the back garage (shop) which is 40X60 and barely big enough for the truck, car trailer w/car inside, two more Mustangs and the off season car. Plus a ton of storage for the stuff, I don't have junk. The shop has two 10X10 overhead doors and two 12X14 rollup doors. I wouldn't have it any other way.
  19. I was at MD in Oberlin. I stopped there on my way home from DC. My original plan was to do the repair at Freebirds house but I realized it wouldn't make the trip the way it was running. I got my brakes and clutch oils changed and got the RSV pinstriped. Looks great. I still need to post pics of the pinstripe job. I too like working on my own stuff but I was 500 miles from home and only had a day to make it dependable. I bought it used so I have no idea the "real" care it had prior to my taking ownership. But is sure runs good now. All in all it was a great trip. If you've never done Run For The Wall you ought to try at least one day of the ride. What an eye opener. I did last years trip too on my Road Star and really enjoyed that trip as well. I appreciate all of the help the forum has been for me and I have enjoyed all the great people I have had the opportunity to meet. We'll be in Cody too, by the way.:cool10:
  20. Yamaha of Cucamonga I have read many posts about “stealers” and how they aren’t all that good. Well I would like to give the highest kudos to Yamaha of Cucamonga. I recently rode coast to coast with Run For The Wall. We depart from Rancho Cucamonga on the 18th of May. I got to Rancho on the 16th for registration and visiting new friends. Well the RSV was running like a turd, well maybe not a turd really but it was running really badly. I would have to increase the RPMs to 3000 just to get it to move. This is my first 2nd gen so I thought, although strange, maybe this is just the way it is. So on the 16th of May as we were driving in traffic I thought I’d just increase the idle and see what happened. Nothing happened still a turd. I started looking for a dealer and found Yamaha of Cucamonga. I took the scoot in and was told that it was firing alright on 1 and 2 but 3 was only hitting about 25% of the time and 4 was cold, not firing at all. The mechanic, Bill, did a carb rebuild and cleaning. He found clogged primary jets and missing O rings in the 3 and 4 carbs. Once he completed the carb rebuild and took it for a test ride he identified the fact that I had modified the air boxes which screwed things up there as well. Well after spending $450.00 and leaving happy, 5 hours later, we feel the money we spent was more that worth it. The Venture didn’t miss a beat for the next 6,500 miles of our trip home. We probably would have wound up beside the road somewhere had I not gone and gotten the problem fixed right. Oh yeah, one more thing, Bill saw my blocked off AIS and told me that the Venture wouldn’t backfire if it were tuned properly, it hasn’t back fired since he complete his work on it. It back fired all the time before he worked on it. If you are ever in So Cal and need a good shop, go by and see Jay Conaway, the owner, mechanic Bill Colvin and the guys at Yamaha of Cucamonga. P.S I will only take it to a Gold Star mechanic.
  21. Doesn't sound like a bit of fun. Take care of yourself. Hope your recovery is quick and painless. My prayers will be with you. Kent
  22. I'll be there. I'm riding from LA to DC with Run For the Wall. RFTW.ORG. I already have all my reservations and will be in DC on the 27th and will be there for 3 days. I'll be there for Rolling Thunder as well. I'm leaving DC and heading for MD in Oberlin. Then back home to UT.
  23. My wife and I went to Henderson NV to watch our grand son play T ball. I have never had such a fun experience watching any baseball game, in my entire life. The little kids 4-5 years old were so fun to watch. Some were even shorter than the T ball post. No one struck out and no one walked. There was no score keeping and every player got to bat every inning. But of course there were only 5 or 6 kids per team. The infield was filled with the players and behind every player was a parent giving encouragement to their little champion to be. The little Babe Ruth wannabes would stand at home plate the official (from the city parks and recreation) would wind up and place the ball on top of the T the little slugger would give it his all and, most times, hit the T post. The ball would fall to the ground and the whole process would start over again. Once the ball was rocketed into the infield 4 little figures would rush to the ball only to fall on it and then fight over who got there first then all the future leaders of America would stand up and the ball still sitting in its sandy divot. Only for one of the parents to point out that the ball was still resting in the sand and suggest that one of them pick it up and throw it on to the first baseman, who wasn’t sure what it meant to be a first baseman nor what to do with the ball once it was in his possession. All the while the little slugger either walked, fell, wander or the really experienced veteran would actually run to first base only to meet his little teammate there on first base. With a little encouragement from the on field parent/coach the first player that was on first base would rocket on to second base or the pitcher’s mound maybe on to the big peoples second base which was about 20 feet further out toward center field. One little player would run from third base back to first base instead of home base. I guess he wanted to keep on running. Anyway, all in all it was the greatest sporting event I have personally ever witnessed.
  24. Thanks Goose, you da man.
  25. WOW Jeff you're old.........
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