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Everything posted by SMSgt

  1. Looks like a great ride. Me, my wife, brother and his wife and another friend are heading to S Dakota in a few weeks. We are going to spend about 5 days just roaming around the Colorado Rockies. Should prove to be a fun trip.
  2. COOL.................
  3. I got mine done last year at MD. He did a super job on mine and the price was right. I like what he did to yours. I have no regrets about getting mine done.
  4. I have an 03 RSV. It was running terrible. I was in California getting ready for a cross country run. I broke down and took it to the local dealer in Rancho Cucamunga and the guys there were great. I would not have made it on my 6000 mile trip without getting their help with my RSV. So my advice is to take it to a reputable dealer and have it checked out with the correct tools and testing equipment. If you haven't got the tools you just as well either invest in the education and tools and then get the experience necessary to make things run correctly. Or take it to a dealer and get it fixed correctly. Good luck been there.....done that. Kent
  5. Yeah that's what I'm talking about.:mo money:
  6. You might do a search of motorcycle salvage yards in your area. You just might get lucky locally. Good luck.
  7. I don't think the government has any business in the motorcycle business, as a matter of fact everything the feds have gotten into they have screwed up. IMHO:stickpoke:
  8. I first heard about the Panama Canal when I was in grade school and have always wanted to see it. It was well worth the time and money. And I will play the safety chrome card when the time is right.
  9. Just got back from a 15 day Panama Canal cruise and it was just super. We did the normal souvenir shopping and tours and all the stuff. Now my wife was just amazed at the money I let her spend on jewelry and whatever she wanted thinking that I was rather generous. :mo money:All the while I’m thinking that someday soon the scooters are going to need something as frivolous as safety chrome or whatever so I just told her to buy what she wanted and that there might, yeah right, come a time when I might need a motorcycle part or something. Anyway it is great to be back home. Now what do I need for the RSV????
  10. Yeah there are times when we want to get a couple of gallons of liquid gold have something cold to drink and get on our way then about the time you are walking back to your mount some old, really old guy who loves to hear the sound of his own voice comes up and wants to talk about back in '47 when he would ride his "hog" and on and on and on. I love old guys and talking to them but when you want to get some where.... Oh and back to the question about people staring I figure they are jealous. Give them a nod and off we go.
  11. Yeah Dyna Beads don't work for those that have never tried them and D404's are terrible tires for those who don't use them either. I have Dyna Beads in the Venture tires, and 404's on the Road Star and everything is great on both bikes. Do what's best for you and ignor the rest.
  12. I guess the good folks at Yamaha know the Venture crowd is getting a little older therefore we need a couple of extra wheels to keep her balanced. I keep waiting for them to put a big screen TV in the cassette slot.
  13. I put progressive front springs on my 03 let all the air out. I don't have any complaints with the new set up. just make sure to use the right length tube in the fork tube.
  14. I took the Basic Rider Course in the middle/late 80's and the Advance Rider Course in the early 90's. Both were free to me because I was on an Air Base. I enjoyed both of them and there is nothing better than getting paid to ride a motorcycle.
  15. The xs1100 came before the XVZ1300. I had seen the XS1100 advertised as a Venture when it had all the Yamaha stuff on it, fairing and bags and such. I mean if he is talking about a Yamaha, maybe he's talking about a Suzuki of Kaw or Honda, who knows?
  16. I would like two 5 3/4 and two 3 1/2 if it's not too late. Thanks Kent
  17. So sorry to hear about your mom's passing. Too bad moms and dads can't live forever. Good luck and remember to take care of those left behind.
  18. Like the old saying goes, the man whose single his pockets jingle. Why don't you take out a loan on the scooter and use it to get the divorce and keep the bike. Just a thought. Oh yeah and learn to dance. Girls love guys who can dance.
  19. Cool.
  20. That is so sad, cancer is a horrible way to have to go. God bless and good luck.
  21. If it were me I'd put a patch on the inside. The nail didn't puncture the inside of the tire or you would already have a flat. All you are doing is adding a bit of thickness to that particular spot on the tire. That's what I would do and ride it until it is time for a replacement. After all if the nail penetrated the tire and it went flat you would get it patched, so why not now. I wouldn't use a plug because you don't know where the nail was heading and if you go streight in with the plug you will miss where it nail was going. Just my .02 Good luck
  22. I enlarged the air holes in my 03 and I am here to tell you that it doesn't work, on a stock set up. I had to buy new air cleaner boxes to fix the problem that I created. I have found that bone stock is the way to go with these engines. Now there is no back fire or hesitation and no bogging down at full throttle.
  23. I knew I wanted to buy a Venture so when I went shopping for the perfect RSV I came across your site. I also am a member of the other Venture site but I don't spend much time there. I use it mainly for the tech stuff and compare notes between the sites. I'm also a member of Road Star Clinic and spend some time there as well but most of my time is spent right here. Thanks for the site Oh yeah I found your site through an ad on ebay when I was RSV shopping and the motorcycle that was listed there was also on your site so I guess that's how I became familiar with your site.
  24. On one of my boring nights I typed in used underwear and people were actually selling their used underwear. I guess that's easier than washing it.
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