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Everything posted by SMSgt

  1. SMSgt


    If you get blue smoke just after starting then it goes away there is a good possibility that you have a valve seal going out. Not real hard to change but the stealer will want your first born so be ready:mo money:. If you have them adjust your valves they might be able to check it out for you at that time. Good luck.
  2. Now I have a really dumb question, when is this maintenance day taking place???????
  3. SMSgt

    Old Farts

    What picture I don't remember watching any picture. I must have got up to go to the bathroom and forgot what I was doing before I was doing what I forgot I was doing.
  4. I'd do it.............. if I were 40 years younger. I'm a lot older and a lot wiser now and I realize that money isn't all that important.
  5. Got my vote but you still have a way to go.
  6. 74 degrees and sunshine?????????//what are you doing on the computer?????????
  7. I try to ride year round. At least a time or two each month. You get lots of stange looks from the cages and occasionally you will see another cold weather rider. I enjoy the feel of riding on really cold days. Now I wouldn't start a trip cross country mind you but still I like to take at least a short ride every now and again in the winter. Provided the roads don't have any ice of snow on them. I can deal with the cold.
  8. I had dear whistles on my old first gen venture..........why you ask???????????????...........because they were chrome. Don't recall ever hitting a deer for that matter I don't recall ever seeing a deer. Now I'm much older and the only way I feel safe around deer at night is when I'm watching them on TV. I don't ride in deer country at night if I can help it and if I do I slooooooow way down and look far ahead. Just my .02.
  9. I see $429 going, but not from me. I just bought me a cheap orange vest with reflective tape on it. The kind construction workers wear. I've never warn it but I've got it in case I ever ride onto a military. installation.
  10. SMSgt


    I bought the program from AAA that coovers motorcycles. It is the program that covers RV's. I haven't had the need to use it yet and I hope that if I ever do they don't let me down.
  11. I'm new to this forum although I'm not new to formus in general. Now after reading some of this swilge I'm pretty sure some of you aren't completly right. Now this isn't a bad thing, as things go, just an observation. By the way I'm glad to be here.
  12. NO PROBLEM..............what in the hell does that mean. It seems to be a replacement words for your welcome. When I tell someone thank you for them doing their job then they tell me "no problem" I feel like asking them if doing their job is normally a problem but this time it was no problem. I'm an old grouchy fatherless child and I could go on and on about pet peeves. OK just one more since you asked. This is also a bathroom peeve. When some one goes into the mens room and decides to turn the stall and toilet into their urnial, without lifting the seat. Then they commence to pee on the seat, the floor and probably thier pant leg and shoes. Then the low life leaves without flushing the toilet nor does he wash his hands.
  13. I have been on Road Star Clinic for years. Then when I bought my RSV the guy I bought it from told me about this site. I'm glad to be here but now I have to look at both sites to try and learn all I can about each bike.
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