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Everything posted by SMSgt

  1. Yeah I guess you're right Condor I think I ought to put new tires on it before RFTW. Any suggestions?
  2. I put a set of Ponce gauges, oil pressure, water temp and tach, shortened my front forks by an inch , did the “Jason mod” on the vacuum ports at the base of each intake port, relocated the fuel filter, put a trickle charger plug on the battery, put spacers on the passing light bar and put in iridium spark plugs. Since I bought it last summer I have added Iso Grips, bag rails, spoiler with light on the trunk, RK mufflers, brake/tail light under trunk, fringe on the brake and clutch levers, All that is left is to get my seats reworked by Rick Butler. I think the mods will be done at least for a time.
  3. I'd be living in Texas now if I could talk my wife into it. I love TX and have lived there on occassion thanks to Uncle Sam. Good luck.
  4. Ain't that the truth.
  5. boy the first liar hasn't got a chance.................:Laugh::Laugh: I'd post a pic of my man cave but I'm not smart enough to put a pic on this forum, or any other forum for that matter.
  6. I put a couple of 3/4 inch spacers when I last had it off and split the fairing. I can now get the front of the fairing off with the lights in place. It ain't easy but neither was taking the lights off. I had to drill the machine screws then use vice grips to get what was left of the studs. Anyway could anyone tell me how thick the spacer is supposed to be on the light bar? Do I need to go more or less? Thanks Kent
  7. My sweetheart got me an Ipad and some Ponch gauges that are already installed.
  8. Thanks to both of you. I'm replacing the fuel filter today and I'll give it a closer look. I was just afraid that I might have had a problem because it ran when I put it back together and then didn't run again. Thanks again and have a Merry Christmas. Kent
  9. I'm not sure I have a fuel pump problem or not. I've had it down for a couple of days for some mods. Lowered the front forks and put in some Ponch gauges. I had the fairing completely off and back on. I started it and let it run to test the gauges and everything seemed to do just fine. I could hear the fuel pump run for a few seconds when I turned the ignition on. Now after I put the fairing back on and finished up with everything I turn the ignition on and there is no fuel pump sound. It still starts and runs but I don't get any pump sound. Now here's the question......What's wrong with it? One more thing I have an 94 Road Star and I took the fuel pump off of it, some time ago, does anyone ever run RSV's without fuel pumps on a permanent basis?
  10. I'm doing the southern route this year. I did the central route last year. I'll be going all the way again. This is one of the greatest motorcycle rides I have ever been on. Are you leaving from Rancho?
  11. I have two questions concerning the Run For The Wall. First: How many have heard of Run For The Wall? Second: How many are going to go with me next year, 2011? Last year I only saw one Venture and about 4 Road Stars. This year there will be one less R* ,mine, and one more RSV, mine. It would be nice to see a whole contingent of Road Stars and Royal Stars. RFTW really is a great ride and the experiences are irreplaceable. All motorcycles are welcome as well as non-vets. For the west coast rider you will end up on the east coast just in time for the Maintenance Day in Oberlin. The web site is RFTW.ORG. Give it a look see and see if you can fit it into your schedule.
  12. Yeah I know I still own the house there and heard on the news that the power was out. I had to call my son to go and check things and as usual the news was wrong. I live under the flight path for Cedar City airport now. Oh well I guess I can't worry about it. See you later. KB
  13. Yeah, I know how that is. I lived down there 26 or so years ago on 2875 W and got divorced and bought a house up by Sand Ridge and North Parks. No trains but airplanes seem to have a hard time staying in the air in my neighborhood.
  14. You aren't far from my old house at all. I lived in Roy until this last summer when I got married and moved to Cedar City/Enoch.
  15. You':thumbsup2:re right that did make me and my wife smile. Take a look at the one from Ray Stevens. It comes up after this one finishes, along the bottom and a few to the right.
  16. I plan on making it to MD on the way home from DC. As far as what I've heard about you, if you are already denying it then there must be some truth to the rumor. You know there is a difference between a sweet kind of a person and a really sweet person, don't you?
  17. Come on down anytime. My door is always open. I pass through SLC at least a couple of times a month. My mother still lives in N. Utah and I still go to the VA hospital up their.
  18. I'm going to send mine to him when I start my annual mods.
  19. I haven't used them yet but will on my next tire change either on the Venture or Road Star. Here is a short video on dynabeads [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eq263AYgyYg]YouTube - DynaBeads demo video by Evolution Cycles[/ame] I hope it works you you.
  20. I have read about Dyna Beads on this site as well as Road Star Forum. There are even some You Tube videos on the subject. The general consence is that they work. As far as the tried and true method goes well...... times are a changing. I'm going to use Dyna Beads on my next tire change on both scoots. OK now I'll shut up and sit in the corner.
  21. Well Big Tom. I am familiar with disfunctional families I have been writing on Road Star Clinic for a couple of years and having a lot of fun. And yes actually I do live close to a Dairy Queen. I welcome anyone riding through Southern UT. My door is always open and I have a huge shop for repairs or even secure storage.
  22. I look ar ebay regularly and would rather "buy-it-now" than bid. I don't like bidding and waiting until I have a chance to get back and see what is going on. I have purchased a couple of things from Pinwheel and really don't have a complaint. I control what I pay. You just have to watch what shipping will cost.
  23. Just thought I'd take a moment to introduce myself. I've been lurking in the shadows for a few months now and decided I need you guys more than I thought. My name is Kent Brown and I live in Cedar City UT. I'm a retired Senior Master Sergeant (SMSgt) from the USAF with 33 years time. I also retired as a full time fire Capt about 7 years ago so now I'm twice retired and don't do much except motorcycles and Mustangs, I own 3 of them. One of my "things" is riding across this beautiful country. So I bought an 03 RSV. I like the colors on the 03 and of course I liked the price as well. I bought it because my wife wants to ride to DC with me next May and said she didn't want to ride that far on the Road Star. She told me to buy the Venture so she could go along. You just got to love a woman like that. Anyway I owned a 1st gen Venture (84) until about 8 or 10 years ago and then RA got me and I couldn't ride anymore. Well I got some wonder drugs and now I really don't experience much pain. I'm going to try and go to Oberlin next year for the maintenance day, or whatever it's called, on the way home from Run For The Wall. Then I'm thinking about going to Cody in July. I don't know how to do pictures yet but I'm sure I will learn. Then I'll post some. Well I guess that's about it for now.
  24. Well if it makes you happy it makes me happy. I know the truth but I like the idea that the days are getting longer but why would I want a longer day if I can't ride anyway. Then again I don''t care how long the days are as long as the roads are dry and I can put a coat on. And yes you are right spring is coming. It has been coming since summer chased it away last last June 21st.
  25. Thanks Swifty. That might work out just right for because my wife and I will be on our way home from DC at that time. Thanks Kent
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