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About SMSgt

  • Birthday 03/05/1951

Personal Information

  • Name
    Kent Brown


  • Location
    Cedar City, UT, United States


  • City
    Cedar City


  • State/Province


  • Home Country
    United States


  • Interests
    I read novels almost constantly. I restore old Mustangs.
  • Bike Year and Model
    2003 RSV 2004 Road Star 06 GL1800 Roadmith
  1. I put his gauge set on my 03 several years ago and really love them. Next time you see Ponch just do me a favor and ask him where I can get the tach. I'll do the rest myself. Pass on a hi for me. We talked a few times when I was doing my gauge install. He is truly a great person and a tremendous asset to VR. Thanks immensely If anyone else knows about the tach I'll love to hear. Thanks
  2. Thanks for the update, Don. I have thought a lot about Ponch since his accident and have often wondered how he was doing. Glad to see that he is on the right side of the grass and doing as well as can be expected. I miss his posts and the great input he had here on the forum. I was also a gauge customer of his and he was really good to work with. Any idea how I can get another gauge set? Getting old sucks. Thanks again and pass on my wishes of good luck and happy times for Ponch and Lil'bit.
  3. There are lots of RSV's in sunny AZ. The RSV was probably behind chasing the parts.
  4. Sounds like one of those attack squirrels. You out to consider yourself lucky that it wasn't an attack deer.
  5. OK so someone has to say it........ what the heck is a kg?????? I know it is a kilogram but how much do these motorcycles really weigh here in America.
  6. Did a couple hundred miles here today. Had a great ride in the mountains and not a rain drop in sight.
  7. Yes I would. When I bought the first one in 1985 I bought it because it is what I wanted. When I bought my 03 it was what I wanted, again. So when they come out with a new, I mean really updated RSV, I'll buy again.
  8. Looks fun. I had a chance at a 32 Ford when I was in high school decades ago. I am in the process of redoing a 67 Mustang now. It's a bit chilly out side and my shop doesn't have heat so I work on it in the warmer months which is when I play so the 67 is being patient.
  9. Barrycuda You have the best color, fastest too.
  10. I bought a GL1800 Roadsmith trike for Christmas so you can put me on the Goldwing lit too. I still have the RSV and R* but will be selling them soon. I need to come up with the money to pay for the trike now.
  11. I had decided on a 4 post lift until I found out that it would cost another $1000 or so to buy the jacking adapter. Also I need one that I can drive through because my shop is 60 feet deep and I am planning on putting the lift in the center on one side and would like to be able to drive a car from back to front in my shop. Thanks for the imput.
  12. I'm looking at buying a 10,000 pound 2 post automotive lift. Does anyone here have any advice for me? What brand do you owners have? and what would you suggest? Thanks Kent
  13. I just got back from a 2600 mile trip to S Dakota from Southern UT. Now my 03 RSV is leaving little spots of oil on the garage floor under the vent hoses that come out of the bottom of the motorcycle just aft of the engine. The oil spot is about 2 to 3 inches long and 1 inch wide and it is not dark dirty motor oil but still it looks like motor oil. My guess it is coming from some kind of breather hose or something. Does anyone have any ideas what might be causing this? I didn't have this same issue last year when I got home from a 6500 mile coast to coast trip. Thanks Kent
  14. That was exactly what I was thinking. I'll contact him as soon as I can find him.
  15. I was looking at my original post. It is not the fairing that is cracked it is the smoke colored vent that mounts on the left crash bar. So that is what I really need. If it is repairable let me know what kind of glue I need to get. Thanks Kent
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