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Everything posted by darthandy

  1. While it may just be about "good versus evil" it still promotes the image of motorcyclists as criminals or worse. I'm glad Nissan had the decency to pull the ad and apologize. Now for a good swift kick in the pants to the nit wit who came up with the ad and the one who OK'd it (Or the committee). By the way, the announcer is the same guy who does Sleeman Beer commercials and talks about the company's "shady past" ... odd coincidence! Andy
  2. Sweet looking ride! Time to start enjoying it. Nice that you're back, up and at it. Andy
  3. Yes, you still need the switch as the headlight stays on when you start the bike. It may not be a problem now, but as your battery wears down (as well as the charging system) you could find yourself with the headlight off after starting the bike and then you would have to restart the bike to (hopefully) get the light back on. Hey Jeff, nice elegant solution. I'll have to look into it when I get around to being able to afford an HID headlight. Thanks for the info guys. Andy
  4. Since this thread seems to refuse to die anyway, here's another question. Some time back, Dingy had written a "Relays 101" document that showed how to wire a cut out switch so that your headlight would go off when starting the bike and turn back on once the bike was started. Does anyone know if this would solve the HID problem of the light turning off due to low voltage when starting the bike? Would a separate switch still be required? The only problem that I can see is that the light is being switched off then back on fairly quickly and that might be hard on the light, but I don't know enough about HID systems to be sure. Andy
  5. The people in Belgium are completely insane!! But what a fun place to live! Wouldn't want to try this stunt in the U.S. though. No offence to our below the border friends, but can you imagine what would happen if they did that in New York city or Houston, Texas? What am I talking about? Watch the video... http://gizmodo.com/5901035/what-happens-when-you-push-the-button Andy
  6. How did you go through the list? Do you have to subscribe first? When I go to their site, I can't find a way to check out all the content. Neither the "browse" function nor the "search" function allows me to see everything that they offer. As for the Gb limits, I have 80 Gb per month on my cable connection and use less than 20 Gb per month now, so I should be able to watch a fair number of movies and shows each month...certainly more than we're likely to watch, anyway. Andy
  7. The Canadian version, that is. I've heard that what we get up here is not quite the same content as the U.S. My wife and I like to watch movies now and then but I get annoyed at all the stuff the networks cut out. Except for some of the special effects filled movies, I'm quite happy to wait a few months and watch them at home on TV rather than at the theatre - that gets expensive in a hurry. I've gone to their site to check out what they have available, but there doesn't seem to be a way to bring up everything. You have to use their "browse" function which only shows a few movies in each category or use "search" which brings up a lot of stuff that doesn't seem to belong in that category. So - how do my fellow Canadians feel about Netflix? Is it worth the $8.00 per month? That sounds better than the $5.00 + the cable company wants for one movie rental. Andy
  8. 7 will have to do for now! Andy
  9. Sorry...you`re 43 years too late! Oh hell...that really makes me feel old!!!
  10. Would I be confident that I could make it? Absolutely! Would I suggest it to my wife? What...are you crazy?? Andy
  11. I know a few of the people in that club and will be looking into it. For now, I belong to a small local club and, as mentioned, the GWRRA. That should keep me busy this year and I'll see if I can head up to try an occasional ride with some of our esteemed members from Kitchener and Brantford. Like the man said ... it's as much about the people as the ride. Andy
  12. Happy your OK. I had a brush with a family of them last week. They decided to cross the small, winding hilly road I was on at the bottom of a dip. Had I been on the bike, I would have been moving faster and would have been way too close when they crossed. Still waiting for that battery technology that will allow a portable 50,000 Watt laser to be mounted on the front of the bike. Can't hit what evaporates, you know! Andy
  13. Very sorry for your loss. Wish I could be there. Andy
  14. I'll take two 5 3/4 and two 3 1/2. Paypal once I have the price. Thanks, Andy
  15. Here's a view on a Venture trike I recently saw. Andy
  16. Our thoughts are with you as well. No one should have to go through this kind of suffering. Andy
  17. I belong to a small local riding club and decided that it would be fun to join another club (More clubs, more riding, right?), that was affiliated with what I ride. So...I joined the Star Riders club and went onto their forum (It's free, anyway). It took a couple of weeks to hear back from the president who looks after memberships. Then, I noticed on the forum that there was talk of a recent split between the Northern Stars (Canadian version) and the international group. And judging from the various threads on the forum, the split was not quite amicable. At this point they said a new patch would be designed. In the meantime I contacted the pres. to find out who ran the local chapter. It seems that director of the local chapter had quit but that I could ride with groups from nearby chapters about 72 km (45 mi.) to 118 km (73 mi.) away!! I like to ride, but that's a long way to go for a weekly evening ride - and then have to ride all the way back. Yeah, I know, it's all about riding but this wasn't what I wanted. I said that I would be willing to be director of a local chapter and what did I have to do? That's nice said he, we'll talk about it sometime?!? It's been a while since then and as I have checked out their web site, I noticed that the pics are usually of the Star twins and of guys trying to look like a gang rather than a club. Now I'm not criticizing but that didn't look like my style. As well, I noted on the forum that there were already some "discussions" going on about the new patch and how it had been chosen. These folks seem to like to argue! Mostly, they seem very disorganized. In the meantime, I'd had the opportunity to meet and ride with the local GWRRA chapter and attend some of their functions. Really great group of people who like to ride and to support each other. While they obviously prefer their Goldwings, anyone is welcome to join their rides. On one ride, we had, in addition to the Goldwings, a Venture (Guess who?)), a couple of Kawi Vulcans, a Suzuki boulevard and even a Suzuki Burgman! I eventually realized that what really attracted me to the group was their attitude - it was like the one found on this forum. Let's ride, let's have fun and if we occasionally bump heads, well - we'll get over it. So - I paid my money and joined - I get the magazine, the roadside help for my bike and a large group of riders right here in town. I don't plan on getting rid of my Venture but I do plan on staying with this group. As for the Star Riders? Well, if they ever get themselves organized (At least in this neck of the woods) and decide to develop a better attitude then I may look at them again. In the meantime, these GWRRA guys have got all kinds of neat rides and activities planned, so it should be a fun season! Andy
  18. As Jeff said, under some conditions you will get a bit of a "coating" developing on certain parts of the tire...principally those areas that don't get a lot of use. I've had this happen a couple of times as well. A bit of roughing up with some sandpaper after a clean up with some alcohol will usually reduce the problem until you've ridden it a bit. Based on your location, there are a number of winding roads nearby that you could use to "roughen" up your tires' edges before winter storage. This will also help, in my experience. And of course, you can just take things easy for those first few spring rides till the tires get worn in again. Great excuse to get out more and we can always use those, right? Andy
  19. Thanks for the info, but this unit was mentioned some months ago and there are one or two threads on it already. The thread you are responding to is over a year old. Andy
  20. Here are a some of the pics I took. Includes the 1st Gen that Chabicheka took but from a different angle. Really nice 2nd Gen trike too. Does it belong to anyone here? Andy
  21. Was it their own collection department or a third party? If it's a third party agency, then they will collect whatever amount was given to them by the hospital unless the hospital advises them in writing that the amount has changed (and you should get a copy). Unfortunately, if you don't have the deal in writing, there is a good chance you'll have to pay the full amount. The financial laws may differ a bit crossing the border, but usually, agreements have to be in writing otherwise it's considered as not having happened. Verbal agreements are very difficult to endorse and usually require lawyers and lots of money spent to settle that type of problem. Hope it all works out well for you. Andy
  22. What about the people who don't do anything wrong but still have to listen to your noise? Andy
  23. Thanks for the invite, but I was planning on leaving around 9:30 and Hamilton is a long way out of my way. Now...if it was sunny and warm, that might be different. As it is, I'll be heading out through to Dunnville from Welland. If I may suggest a minor route change for you? If you come all the way down #6, take a right turn onto #3 (Talbot Rd.) at Jarvis then a left on Cockshutt Rd. at Renton ( Reg. Rd. 5) and into Port Dover. This will bring you in at the "back" of Port Dover thereby avoiding the need to try to weave your way through the crowd on Main St. You can leave the same way to again avoid the need to get through the crowd. Easier to find parking this way as well. I'll be going through Jarvis to Cockshutt as well. Easier to meet in PD. Andy
  24. Thanks for the info. I see that you have a first gen. According to what I've read on the forum, that means that you should be able to leave after work tomorrow and make it here by Friday morning. So...what time should we expect you? Andy
  25. Just wondering if anyone else from my neck of the woods is heading out to Port Dover on Friday? The weatherman is still calling for decent weather. Andy
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