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Everything posted by darthandy

  1. It looks like Honda decided to get back into the "Valkyrie" style cruiser but without investing as much time and money for a "niche" bike (The economy was in better shape then). Nice for the guy (or girl!) who wants something different in a bagger with a good ride, low vibrations, comfort and more available aftermarket accessories then you can shake a stick at. As well, if the gas mileage figures I've seen for the Valkyrie were accurate, you'll be able to cruise this one without going broke with frequent fill-ups! It';s not for everyone but many will like it and Honda stands a good chance of making a profit with it. Andy
  2. Try this link. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=68952 There is a .pdf file called "Relays 101.pdf" that will tell you everything you need to know about how they work and where they should be installed. I used this file last year when my switch burned out to make sure it didn't happen again. There is even a thread in here somewhere that showed how the switch could actually be repaired (depending on the level of damage). I installed an extra fuse box and ran wires directly to the relays from there. I also installed an emergency ignition switch bypass, just in case the switch fix didn't hold - no problems so far though. Andy
  3. Don't forget that there will be hundreds, if not thousands, of shocks sold for the cars. The numbers for bikes is considerably lower so the profit can't be made up by volume. Things are cheaper when they can sell a lot more of them. This has always been a problem in motorcycling. As well, many auto shocks can be used for a variety of makes and models but many bikes have very specific requirements which drives the volume per shock even lower. We need to get more people on bikes! Andy
  4. OK, you know a car is hot when it smokes all four tires from a dead stop. I can see a problem though ... that paint job makes his chances of looking inconspicuous just about zero! I'll bet the guys at the TireRack just love him! Incredible control! Andy
  5. Not meaning to be picky, but the correct quote is "Better to be tried by twelve than carried by six." A situation like that can be very tricky. I wonder if having the gun out of sight might have been a better move? Less chance of aggravating him more but then less of a deterrent. Tough call, but I am happy it worked out for you. Nice that the police handled it as they did, too. Andy
  6. Ah! Never noticed that you are on the "opposite" side of the weather from us! On an average year here in Southern Ontario (Winters have been unseasonably warm the last two years) the riding season can run from mid-March to the beginning of December. The problem often isn't so much the snow and cold as the salt, sand and brine juice the municipalities apply at the first hint of potential icing. That stuff can be quite slippery itself and the salt and especially the brine juice can play havoc with metal parts. Cleaning it off properly is extremely difficult so it's usually time to store the bike at the first sign of any of this stuff on the roads. Over the last two years, the temps and weather have been such that I was able to ride into January and then start up again at the beginning of March. OK government experts - tell me again that global warming is just a myth! Andy
  7. Remember that if you lower the rear more than about 3/4 inch (I believe that's the amount - if I'm wrong someone will let us know!) the caliper can hit the bottom of the fender under some circumstances. That's why the caliper bracket is usually included. If you are lowering the front as well, the caliper may hit even if you are only dropping the rear 3/4 inch. If I were ready to do the work, I'd exchange links with you as I want to get rid of the lowering kit that came on my bike when I bought it. Andy
  8. Perhaps if some bikers were to meet with the WBC members and then discuss the problems in a logical and sensible fashion to resolve the issue, the problems might go away. I suggest a midnight meeting in a back alley with some discussion aids such as baseball bats and bicycle chains. I'm sure they could be made to see the light! Andy
  9. Yeah, but how far can you ride in Iceland this time of year? :rotf: Let's see ... on Wednesday, around here, it was $1.15 / L. ($4.35 / US Gal.) then yesterday, it went to $1.24 / L. ($4.69 / US Gal.) and today it was at $1.19 / L. ($4.50 / US Gal.). Can hardly wait to see what it will cost tomorrow! Andy
  10. There was pot? Was it medicinal? Andy
  11. darthandy


    Our condolences on your loss. Hope you have many pleasant memories. Andy
  12. Have you tried tossing paint filled balloons at the object you're painting? Works really fast! Andy
  13. Yep! Great show. Love the episode where Penny gives Sheldon the napkin with Leonard Nimoy's autograph! Hilarious! Andy
  14. I didn't really believe that "End of the World" stuff, until I went into the shop today and saw some guy on a Harley ride by! The world is definitely ending ... maybe not right this minute, but it is definitely ending! Andy
  15. I thought about going out but our city fathers panicked when three snowflakes fell the other day and put down enough salt to supply every fast food restaurant in town for a month! I'm not equipped to carefully spray off the bottom of my bike after a ride through that. Personally, I think that the salt constituted a greater "slipping" hazard than the problem that they were trying to solve with it. Ah well ... liability concerns are frightening things, aren't they? Andy
  16. Sorry to hear about the accident but glad to see it wasn't too bad. Heal fast and and well. Bet that young guy was on his cell phone! Andy
  17. While I can't give you a technical answer for why you shouldn't add too much Stabil, I have been given a reason by a very good mechanic that I trust. First, an overdose of Stabil will, in layman's turns, "water down" the gasoline which will hurt power and mileage and may cause rough running. As well, when left to sit for a long period of time, the Stabil and certain components of the gasoline may start to turn to a gel which can cause a whole new set of problems. As was previously stated, there is a mix ratio given for such substances and tere is usually a good reason for it. My friend may be wrong, but it will be the first time since I've known him. Andy
  18. Glad to hear you made it out reasonably well. Nice that you found a replacement bike so quickly too. Andy
  19. As Kirby said, the regulator has no output. It controls the the voltage being sent to the system and that will normally stay the same for any properly operating regulator. You'll have to either cut down on power usage or go with an upgraded stator. And welcome t the funhouse ... we're all normal here! :stickinouttounge:
  20. Sorry to hear about your crash and happy to hear your (relatively) OK. Heal fast and well. Andy
  21. Took one out with the grill and hood of my wife's car in September. Does that count? Andy
  22. Kind of reminds me of this one from an old Cycle World magazine back page. What a thing to do to a Goldwing! Andy
  23. If you decide to head for the Canadian side of the Niagara area, let me know what you would like to see. I know the area quite well and would be happy to help you cut through the usual touristy B.S. to see what's worth seeing. I'm a reasonably good tour guide and we usually keep our ice cream hidden from Western New Yorkers ... just in case! Andy
  24. One of the more frustrating things in all this is that, of the various unions involved, only one is holding out " the Bakery, Confectionery, Tobacco Workers and Grain Millers International Union". Even the Teamsters (Yeah, that's right, the Teamsters!) were supporting the company and according to reports were even crossing picket lines to get the job done! The Teamsters!!! What is wrong with these guys? Have they not seen the unemployment figures in our two countries? Have they not seen all the jobs going overseas? I think I need a Twinkie! Oh crap ... where are they? Andy
  25. 1. IMC and J&M make headsets that will work with the Venture systems. These have the same plugs as those for the GoldWings. The J&M are better quality but the IMC are much less expensive and thinner to better fit in a helmet. Do a search on those names in the forum and you will get plenty of opinions on them. I have both J&M and IMC headsets and find no difference in sound quality but then my hearing isn't what it used to be. 2. There was a CD player available as an option on the Ventures. It required a cable to reach to the trunk. As Mariner Fan pointed out, just plug an MP3 player into the auxiliary jack next to the cassette player and use that. Much better than the CD player, which also robs room from the trunk. Why a cassette player? Tradition? They bought too many originally? Some technician loves tape? Who knows? Again, a search on the forum will show several write-ups from members who removed the cassette player and used the space for something else. You can remove the player without losing the Aux. jack, by the way. Welcome to the Fun House and enjoy the bike! Andy
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