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Everything posted by saddlebum

  1. I paid $16.99 per can Canadian not sure if that's a great price or not I was just so happy to see it I really didn't care. But if you look on the acf-50 website they even sell it in huge bulk containers.
  2. Ditto that and still praying for him and Becky.
  3. ..............
  4. saddlebum


    Approx 40 years ago we used a product called ACF-50 for corrosion prevention on wiring connections (there was no heat shrink in those days). We also used it on light bulb sockets, door locks, hinges and ignition systems. I had one can left that I saved and used very sparingly over the years because I never ever saw the stuff again and assumed it was no longer available. About three years ago my engine started misfiring and I narrowed it down to a faulty ignition unit. I had acquired a replacement unit and was in the process of switching it out when I noticed the terminals where badly corroded. Decided to try cleaning it with some contact cleaner when I stumbled across my cherished can of ACF-50. Grabbing the can I proceeded to clean and treat all and every connection I could get to. Well needless to say the bike has run like a charm ever since. When my handle bar switches started to get sticky and malfunction, instead of taking them apart and cleaning them as is the normal fix I simply reached in with an extension straw and saturated the inside of the switches and they again performed like new. Even worked wonders on the release for my Zumo 660 mount which took to sticking badly and became difficult to press and release my GPS from the mount. Well this week I went into the local bike dealer to pick up some S-100 when what did I spy with my little blue eye but cans of ACF-50. Needless to say I bought 2 cans. I later decided to check the internet for it and this is what I found. http://learchem.com/industry/motorcycle.html http://learchem.com/products/acf-50.html acf-50-mc-eng.pdf I also found it is available on Amazon.
  5. @luvmy40 I have had a few covers. My favorite out of the bunch so far has been the Nelson Rigg both in the full cover and Half cover. The X-Large Nelson Rigg UV-2000 half cover fits my Gen1, MK2 like it was custom fitted.
  6. Still praying for Bob. And hoping things are improving.
  7. MMM I'm getting a sense of all talk no action here. Me thinks @BIG TOM may just have a point.
  8. Praying that you pull through this Bobby and hoping to see you well and fit at the WNY Rally. Marita also sends her love to both you and Becky.
  9. Yes thanks for sharing. A very sad time and yet uplifting in that so many shared their time and respect for these victims of yet another senseless loss of life.
  10. Just saw this Wayne. Very sad news for sure. My condolences a d prayers to family and friends.
  11. If your lucky it might just be a bearing. Some of the bearings simply have common bearing numbers on them making them somewhat available through sources other than Yamaha. the number is the actual bearing number the letters generally indicate open two sides, one side or fully packed and sealed and if sealed the type of seal. So in a pinch you should be able to find a bearing close enough to suit your needs if that is all you need. Bearings that are shot can crunch pretty loud and the pumpkin itself is generally pretty hardy and unless badly abused seldom fail. So Myself I would be leaning towards just a failed axle bearing if your lucky.
  12. Even the best of Mechanics can have an off day or get pulled away in the middle of a job which lends to sometimes overlooking were you left off. A good mechanic will make it right a poor one will make excuses or even totally deny he did anything wrong. If you always had good re-pore with this guy then talk to him.
  13. When you start your bike up on a cool morning do you even need to use the choke or does it fire right up without even using the choke? If it fires instantly on a cold morning without using the choke and then starts to spudder when it gets warm I would be inclined to think the fuel enrichment valves are sticking open. That's not an uncommon problem and quite often when carbs get rebuilt this also gets overlooked by bike shops that do the rebuilding. Another thing to look for is fuel drpping on the ground while idling indicating a malfunction needle and float.
  14. Would that honour be retroactive seeing as how the new pier was not there when I was awarded the honour of being declared number one hugger
  15. Think positive Bobby..... You know we can.t not have you there.
  16. Hey now I was just aski'n for claireveeekashawn not meani'n anythi'n abouts it.
  17. just to be clear when you say the sire has been De-sired does that mean he is no longer desired.
  18. Well personally I can see Carl having to make up new words considering how fast he burns through the existing ones:soapbox:
  19. For Harley pipes ? why not just follow the bike until the pipes fall off.
  20. No Idea what you is implying
  21. Let me know when your going if you go and if you want company going I'm off all next week.
  22. Hey:backinmyday: will all you guys take a rest and let Somebody else get in here. HIIII Taters nice to see you back on line. Hope all is well with you. Looking forward to seeing you at the WNY rally.
  23. @cowpuc what he said.
  24. Yup and they found some empty packets that show signs of having contained heroin.
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