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Everything posted by saddlebum

  1. Some days it feels like it might be improving and other days just not so sure. Thanks for asking. Oddly enough it hurts the worst at night when I am laying down trying to sleep.
  2. I was quite happy with windows 95 to me it was the best of both worlds between 3.2 format and the modern windows format. I was also very fond of windows 2000 but after that I just feel it all became overkill.
  3. This is my biggest issue with all this software crap. back in 1967 We had a teacher tell our class that some day computers will become a major part of life and will make life so much easier. Well I can't say I see it that way as even though a lot of programs are very useful time saving and helpful, they can never leave well enough alone and continue to make software more complicated and user unfriendly. Plus there is the issue that even though the programs themselves may be time saving all that saved time is lost every time they upgrade and no sooner do you finally figure out how to use something they change it and you have to start all over relearning it again. So much for your so called more free time for yourself. We use a program at work that replaces our paper scheduling book thatis so intense and requires so much input much of which is so repetitive that I no longer have time to actually be on the floor and asist techs when they need it making me feel more like a clerk than a hands on shop foreman. I really miss the 60's and 70's way of life. Now having said that I do have to admit that I agree there are some benefits brought forth such as Venturerider and the great group we have which would not be possible were it not for the computer age and often times the usful info derived from the internet. But to have our lives controlled by the internet and computers scares me and leaves me feeling very disadvantaged and venerable.
  4. There certainly is a lot more to a horses intelligence then most people give them credit for. Its often said it takes a good trainer to make a good horse but its all true that it takes a good horse to make a good rider. Mine used to take his lead rope off the fence and bring it to me when ever I showed up and this was all him he was never taught to do this. He also loved to run along side motorcycles that drove down the road along his fence line.
  5. @Marcarl must really be getting old if'n he needs to be reminded to get his hugger ready. At least we know mine is always on full alert ..... and since my danci'n days may be over due to the condition of my knees I'm a guess'n I jus may have to double down on the hugg'n to fill da void :canada:
  6. .........
  7. True but now if you would shower once in a while......welllll And look at you now.... You moved up to snow.
  8. And this is why I prefer to use an appropriately approved paste over tape whether approved or not. paste will creep, cling and fill the tiniest cavity or pore were tape can shift. Just makes me feel that much more comfortable. Either way make sure when you apply it that you don't put anything on the 1st couple threads so that nothing enters the gas line or valve that could cause an obstruction later on. I have seen people put too much on and then wonder why a valve or regulator suddenly fails to function properly.
  9. Sooo now we have someone to call when we get a flat tire?
  10. Your welcome guys nothing makes doing something more worthwhile than knowing the effort put in to bring good friends together for a good time was appreciated.
  11. I would still bleed as thought there is air in the system. As brake fluid ages it absorbs moisture, this reduces its wet boiling point. When brake fluid reaches or exceeds its boiling point it devolps gas bubbles that act similar to air bubbles and so you want to bleed these out when replacing fluid. On the contrary the rule of thumb when bleeding any hydraulic system is to bleed the the furthest point from the master first and work your way back. I also do not pump up the brakes. I start by 1st opening the bleeder screw and then slowly depress the brake until it bottoms out. I then close the screw while the brake is depressed. From that point on I simply depress the brake once to pressurize the system then open and quickly close the screw while under pressure and before all the pressure is gone. I continue until there is no more air coming out. The only purpose for tipping up the caliper would be because in its mounted position the bleed screw is not the highest point so to ensure that the bleeder screw is the highest point for the air to go to you would have to tip it up in order to ensure you get all the air out.
  12. Too Bad, it would have been really nice to have both of you there.
  13. Up here the gas compatible tape is salmon coloured but having said that I would use one of the thread pastes that clearly state that it is compatible with propane and other gases. It will usually state it on the label. and will often have a UL approval label on it.
  14. Thought you already had a grudge match on with steamer.
  15. As far as I know the only livestock you have is a single cat. You planning to fatten it up to make your own Chinese food.
  16. Glad that you and Elaine had a great time sailur. I always have a great time myself, seeing all the faces that were able to make it. I enjoy meeting new faces and I miss seeing some of the old faces that have been in the past and we're unable to make it this time for various reasons. It does seem to get a little smaller each year but still always a great get together just the same. A final note, thanks to everyone who managed to make it and help to make it a great evening.
  17. Gee @Freebird so sorry I only just now Picked up on this. Really sorry to hear about Eileen's Loss and more so for how she had to be hit with that Loss. Its sad enough to have to loose a loved one at any time but to have to find out in this manner has to be almost devastating. Prayer sent that the Father will give her the love and strength to endure such a traumatic loss and that she will come through this ordeal not with the memories of that day but all the good memories of they days gone by that she shared with her father. Love and condolences from the Saddlebum and familly.
  18. Gee @BIG TOM did you just say you love us Kanucks. I'm touched Bring it on in big fella
  19. Just three more days
  20. HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE :group cheers::group cheers: AND MAY 2020 BE A SUPER WONDERFUL YEAR FOR ALL.:group cheers::group cheers::group cheers:
  21. Yup hairdryer but warm just enough for it to start peeling. Too much heat and it will pull apart. Any glue residue can be removed with alcohol or lighter fluid.
  22. Yes Merry Christmas to everyone and hope you all had a wonderful Christmas day.
  23. Thanks Jack and Merry Christmas to you as well.
  24. Very sorry to hear about Linda's misfortune. Hope all goes well with the surgery and she can return to normal ASAP.
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