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Everything posted by saddlebum

  1. Prayers for your brother and family said. Hope he pulls through OK.
  2. So the news your clear of CV is good news but don't mess around with the pneumonia its still a serious thing and you don't want to mess with it.
  3. That the same bus and location used in the movie Vanishing point?
  4. So,the first time I went to Walmart after the panic buying began, just to do my normal shopping,. I was stunned at which shelves were cleaned out 1st. TP, snacks like popcorn and potato chips etc. and water. I found this rather curious since if I were to stockpile these would be the last thing on my list. TP you can do without since there are numerous alternatives to TP. Man has gone many centuries W/O TP. You can wash. There are some countries even today, that consider TP unsanitary and use water trickled down there backside and wash, then wash their hands afterwards. You can even tear up old towels or t-shirts into wash cloths and wash them the way we used to do with cloth diapers. Snacks you can do without and in most cases they are not even good for you. Water is somewhat debatable since the water situation can vary from area to area but in most cases I don't see us running short of water. You can even set out rain barrels for wash water as well as filter and boil water for consumption. The run on milk is ridicules since unless you freeze it, it has a short shelf life. My Granddaughter works for a grocery store and say's people have been over buying milk and then returning it as it nears expiry date or simply returning it because they realize it will probably go bad before they get around to using it. The store has a policy of accepting all returns but they cannot ethically put it back on the shelf,due to the fact you have no idea how it has been handled or stored while out of the stores possession, so it ends up being dumped. In the mean time it could have been sold to people who can use it but could not get any because of these panic hoarders. I do agree we do have a serious situation in that we do not have a handle on this virus, which is sweeping around the world like wild fire, hence no vaccine and no cure. But panic will solve nothing nor will ignorance or stupidity like my coworker who thinks its a big joke to paw people and laughing at their discomfort right after a notice was put out that we should maintain a 6 ft space. In our situation we deal with truck drivers that are still running cross country and cross border to maintain a supply of goods, so we need to be extra diligent and this clown thinks its all a big joke. I spoke to my Doctor over the phone to get a renewal on a prescription and we ended up in a discussion about covid-19. During that discussion, I mentioned this joker I work alongside to him to see what he had to say about it and I was surprised when because of my cardiovascular history, high blood pressure and age as well as working alongside an idiot, as my Dr. put it, my Doctor strongly insisted I take the time off work. He also stated that unlike other flu virus's this one is a real sleeper. A person can have the virus easily for ten days or more with out showing symptoms and spread it to numerous individuals in the meantime, so that by the time the symptoms appear, you have no idea how may people a person has passed it on to. His office has even closed its doors to all but the most needy patients and other Doctor offices have apparently completely closed.
  5. What you want is something that wont take up a lot of space in your saddlebags yet inflates tires quickly. Here is my recommendation.
  6. And then will come the one and only day of all times she decides to visit the neighbors upon her return to Burlington look out into the back yard and recognize her plants. Don't ask me how but she will know......she always knows......If this is your plan for helping me out I'm think'n you ain't exactly a plan'n on my behalf. As a matter of fact something tells me your look'n to enjoy'n this.
  7. No need to worry about that. The thing I need to worry about is her discovering I brought home a 3rd Venture and that I may have forgot to water the flowers a time or two. They do recover though......right?......Don't they?
  8. And I am not skin and bones when she gets back either. Though I do loose a few pounds that needed loosing anyway. Problem is when she does get back home she fattens me up again with all her good cooking and baking.
  9. She actually did not choose to leave. Her Dad is not well and is under her sisters care. Every so often she goes down to give her sister a break.
  10. So I be out shoppi'n cause I is all alone due to wifey being in Highlan Il just outside of St Louis and gots ta fend for my self for a while. So while I bees a shoppi'n I sees a whole mess a fresh smelt so I gets me some. Gets i'm home mixes up some milk and egg, dipps in the wet stuff and then coats i'm with flour. Toss im in the hot oil and first thing I notice the flour aint-a-stick'n. Oh well lets em fry up any way when there done I toss em to drain on a towel then onto the plate. Goes to eat them and many they kinda sweet and crunchy Dat Don't Makes No Sense, Pull out the flour pot and finds out it aint flour Its Icing sugar. Dang they still tasted good though if not a tad on sweet side.
  11. I believe it is called sometimers disorder but I am amazed how you managed draw it out into a loonnggg explanation . Must be a Patch or Puc thing and seems like you be catch'n it.
  12. Praying for you brother and for Eileen to have the strength to put up with you while you get better.
  13. I'm thinking Carl Deafness and wife deafness probably arise for the same reasons. Which you may determine for yourself cause I aint taken any more chances on that one You mean those one or two words I toss in the ring -----Sure don't take much
  14. Sooo there is such an affliction, and all this time while my wife has been accusing me of not paying attention it wasn't that at all. I was simply suffering from wife deafness. In other words it wasn't my fault at all. fellow workers have often wondered how I can work on a GM with the door open and the key on while the chimes go ding ding ding the whole time while the rest of the shop goes crazy and I simply tell them guess I been married so long I don't hear it any more. I wonder if this may be a side affect of wife deafness.
  15. I won't be much of a distraction cause I be too busy counting all the cars passing us at the border cause Carl picked the wrong lane........again.
  16. If you can't do the time don't do the crime is the old saying. Everyone knows when they are crossing the line and breaking the law. My Dad always said if your man enough to do something wrong then be man enough to except the consequence. And yes As fool said they more they get away with it the more they try. Don't forget each incident sends a message it can either be don't press your luck, or it can be hey go for it, ain't nobody gonna do anything about it anyway.
  17. I remember those days well too but in those days the majority of time speeding was just speeding. As well A-there was a lower density of traffic and B- the odds of it being something more than just speeding were pretty slim but these days crime has taken a deadly rise in activity as more and more people are killed by one form of criminal activity or another, as less and less value is placed upon human lives. People today are shooting in the streets without any regard what so ever as to who including innocent children fall victim to today's escalated violence. I remember when bar fights mostly just involved fists. Today its knives and guns. I believe its harder today for a LEO in my opinion to make a judgement call than in the past, as He is criticized no matter what he does. This LEO is now being dumped on for what he did but if he let him go and it turned out the guy just killed somebody, was a deadly offender who just escaped from holding or was carrying drugs for resale on the street or even caused a catastrophic accident due to his reckless driving the LEO would still be criticized. People would be saying you could have had this guy but look what happened because he allowed him to get away.
  18. Not sure how you could say he was knowingly simply chasing a speeder. Normally if an individual speeds they pull over once the lights and/or siren come on but this guy made a run for it so now the LEO has to ask himself why. He could have taken the bike out several times yet he did not giving the guy more than ample opportunity to pull over. Instead he continued to run red lights and cross into oncoming lanes to get away. Again WHY? Sorry harsh as it may seem By them time the LEO did what he did it was more than past time to put an end to this chase before the biker involved an innocent victim.
  19. OMG Patch just how badly and how long have you been snowed in.
  20. saddlebum


    OOOOOHH thats a scary thought and since they probably have too many people they could be infecting their own surplus population first to draw suspicion away from themselves.
  21. That is amazing. I was so impressed I had to forward it to my son's father in-law and my step granddaughter who are both into sailing in a big way. They have actually been pushing me to get into it.
  22. Sharp looking bike Ray can't wait to meet it in person. One word of advice.....Try to finish this project I don't have any room left in my Garage
  23. Not for me I find technology is getting increasingly intrusive and getting really tired of being pulled away from just being a simple human being. I fear for future generations feeling that the human race will become nothing more than some form of collective or society of cyborgs being led around like sheep by a few individuals who feel they have the right to force their idea of the perfect society upon the rest of the human race. I would rather be less than perfect but free with all its accompanying risks than be the perfect living manikin.
  24. Ok so In my first comment I may have been a tad harsh though for the most part I still stand by it. Yes the officer could have dropped the chase but the bike was already speeding to start with or the officer would not have pursued as well we only see what occurred during the pursuit, there is no video of what was taking place before the pursuit. Was the rider already running lights and crossing recklessly into oncoming lanes endangering other lives? Why was the bike speeding? Well the officer would have no way of knowing and the rider could have been leaving the scene of a more serous crime. If it was simply just speeding and because the chase went on for such a long time plus there were many opportunities for the biker to pull over as in some cases the chase almost came to a complete stop but he refused and continued to renew his attempt to get away. More reason for the LEO to be thinking this is no longer just about speeding or why would the rider be so adamant in trying to get away? There have been many comments here about what the LEO should or should not have down but if one payed attention to the rider he not only ran traffic lights but he also crossed into oncoming lanes setting the scene for the possibility of innocent people getting hurt. As well if The LEO was that determined to run him down there were ample opportunities for him to nudge the bike when they were almost stopped. As the chase continued the biker was taking more and more chance and so eventually the LEO just decided to but a sop to this madness and may not of even expected as harsh an end result as what did occur. He also dispite his many opportunities were he could have nudged the bike he did not do it until the bike was close to the shoulder of the road, minimizing the odds of the bike careening into oncoming traffic.
  25. Agreed, he had more than ample opportunity to pull over and given the number of red lights he went through he was a danger to anyone on that road. It also does not state why he was being chased and as stated earlier it could have been for a violent crime for all the viewer knows. In Toronto crime rates specially shootings are going up at a scary rate and mostly because our politicians are wasting time on gun control when they should be putting their efforts into gang control. My theory is crime is a cash cow for lawyers and our government favors their income over public safety. Our liberal government wants to spend a billion dollars on tighter gun control for responsible citizens rather than put the money directly into gang control. The time before the last time they were in power they spent 5 billion on a gun registry for legal owners and it accomplished nothing yet here they are again pursuing the same useless coarse of action. they even want to ban the every day pocket knife. In the meantime the real criminals get all sorts of legal rights and representation that allows them to get away with murder, Literally!
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