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Everything posted by saddlebum

  1. JMHO but i'm thinking we may not be having this discussion and we might be on the extinct list of some other life forms research so they get to do all the debating instead of us.
  2. I myself am not a big fan of government interference but sometimes government is left with little choice and if they did not take the steps to ensure things like covid were properly dealt with, who would. For example how safe would our streets be if there were no rules and just anybody could go out buy and drive a car, any old way they felt like it. After all is not their against their constitutional rights to force them to follow any type of traffic law? If anybody could just go out and beat on another person just because they feel like it ( though I must admit there are times when I wish I could ). If anybody could just kick you off your property and take it just because they can (although there are times when big developers seem to be able to do just that ). That's why we elect governments in hopes that they will maintain a semblance of order and unity. (though some times I feel they do take upon themselves more authority then they should be allowed to and other times they do nothing when they should do something. OK so now I hope I confused you all as much as I just confused myself .....But then I guess that's politics......
  3. Looking forward to when we can all join together for those fun filled miles
  4. Big fan of fluid film myself for this purpose. after the penetrating portion of fluid film has done its job fluid film leaves a thicker lubricating film plus it continues to creep. But each to their own.
  5. Numbers was not the point here. It was about having consideration for those around you. Ohhhh yes it will. The ones in power will allways be villified by the ones who want to be in power regardless of the decisions made When is the last time a President or Prime minister , wanna be, of an opposing party has said the currant President or Prime Minister is or was doing a good job?
  6. You mean no one has filled Yammers corner yet.........
  7. They also believed the world was flat. In human sacrifice to ward off evil spirits and in burying their dead with their worldly possessions, ( including their wives and servants in some extreme case ) so they would have use of them in the after life. Plus the covering of women's faces is symbolic to the point that women in Islam are meant to be seen not heard and is not universal to all Islam believers but varies from tribe to tribe or village to village. were some tribes enforced it by face covering and others simply by stated rule. To compare this to today's reason for face covering is a stretch at the very least. If face coverings are so useless in the fight in the spread of virus why is it then that surgeons cover their faces while performing surgery by that logic why even wash their hands prior to surgery or are they just none persons psychologically broken forced like zombies to operate on people against their will. Also for a modern person to look back in history and make such a claim when in fact most of these masks were made of steel not harmless cloth and to enforce submission silence and inflict torture. For some modern man hundreds of years later to produce a theory of physiological submission I find a little far fetched. When women first started entering hospitals for child birth versus birth at home so many died after child birth that many women refused to give birth at a hospital, preferring to give birth at home. It was not until a Hungarian doctor Ignaz Semmelweis came to the conclusion that the lack of cleanliness and the transfer of germs was the cause as to why this was occurring but instead of following his advice, skeptics had him fired and he eventually ended up in an asylum. here is a link to the whole story https://www.upworthy.com/women-were-dying-from-childbirth-at-hospitals-this-19th-century-doctor-figured-out-why In conclusion as I have said before I would rather take my chances at being a live sucker than risk being a dead skeptic or worse be the reason or cause of someone else getting sick or possibly dying because I felt my personal rights were more important than my neighbors and fellow man's right to not get sick and remain healthy. It also confuses me why some men and women would face bullets and bombs to fight another countries war but are terrified of wearing a mask or taking a chance on a vaccine that is more likely to save lives than cost lives. Yet if it comes to taking a vaccine or drug designed to keep them safe during a holiday excursion, they don't even think twice Where are the conspiracy theories then?
  8. He's not ....he keeps missing cause you keep ducking......
  9. Are you kidding .....really.....Did you even see any body there old enough to even make a close resemblance to being @Marcarl..........
  10. I also agree with Don but it may allow just enough undetectable movement between the upper handle crown and the center stem to create a clicking noise.
  11. Not a 1st gen but still a nice looking ride. Congrats, hope you have a million miles of joy from it.
  12. It is hit and miss process but well worth trying before removing the carbs. In the early days of carburetor-ed cars about 75% of the cars that came to me for carb overhauls I resolved by just such or similar method. I am sure some shops did the same but still biled for a complete carb overhaul.
  13. You think they will still be available thirty years from now when I am old.
  14. It makes sense considering I read somewhere that fighter pilots use suits that apply compression to the lower part of their body's during ZERO-G maneuvers, to prevent them from blacking out .
  15. check these links https://www.partzilla.com/catalog/suzuki/motorcycle/1986/gv1400gd/19-clutch https://www.partzilla.com/catalog/suzuki/motorcycle/1986/gv1400gd/66-clutch-master-cylinder
  16. Just kidding ...its a nice looking ride
  17. With the setup I built using the adjustable valves fluid gauges and restrictors are not required. I later upgraded to a bigger gauge for the bigger face and this gauge did happen to be liquid filled. Other than slightly changing how I adjusted the valves to smooth out the needle it really did not make any difference in the overall performance of the tool.
  18. What is that supposed to be... ............
  19. Typhoid Mary never got sick but she spread the disease were ever she went and caused the death of many. Mary Mallon was born in 1869 in Ireland and emigrated to the US in 1884. She had worked in a variety of domestic positions for wealthy families prior to settling into her career as a cook. As a healthy carrier of Salmonella typhi her nickname of “Typhoid Mary” had become synonymous with the spread of disease, as many were infected due to her denial of being ill for a total of 26 years and refusal of medical treatment, Mary who had presented a moderate form of typhoid continued to host the bacteria, her entire life working at various places under different names in her attempts to avoid health authorities, contaminating everything around her, a real threat for the surrounding environment. Mary had served in 8 families. Seven of them had experienced cases of typhoid. Twenty-two people presented signs of infection and some died. That year, about 3,000 New Yorkers had been infected by Salmonella typhi, and Mary was determined to be the main reason for the outbreak. Something to think about would you not say.
  20. Motion Pro uses manometer fluid and is probably the most accurate and sensitive though incorrectly used the fluid could get sucked right out of it. Morgan Carb Tune is probably one of the more popular and since it uses rods rather than fluid, fluid loss is not an issue. Storage and transporting is not an issue either. However on the odd occasion the rods have been known to get sticky if some foreign material found its way into the tool. I occasionally check mine by using a homemade 5 port manifold to which I connect all four hoses and a mighty vac applie vacuum and make sure all four rods read the same. You can also use this test on the gauge type to ensure they all read the same as well. The Four Gauge set is probably the most trouble free and unlike the first two it does not need to hang vertical and can be used in any position. You do have to check the gauges and make sure all four read in sync with one another as with the morgan. Home Made you can also make your own using four gauges or a single gauge with four valves on a rigged up manifold. Below is a PDF for one I made from scrap parts. You can make a similar one by combining brass parts as well (that is How Marcarl made his which is where I got the idea for mine ) The single gauge eliminates discrepancy between gauges and the valves allow you to both select the cylinder you want to check and dampen the pulses so you get a steady needle reading. Use of the valves to dampen pulses eliminates the need for restrictions in the hoses or the more expensive fluid dampened gauges which I find often tend to loose their fluid over time The down side is you cannot check all four cylinders at the same time you have open and close each valve one at a time and compare your readings that way. But it does make for a very compact and effective unit. HOMEMADE CARB SYNC TOOL.pdf
  21. In the 2nd picture the two top plugs are running rich the bottom two are about right, though a tad more tan would not hurt. I doubt timing is an issue otherwise all four cylinders would be effected the same, since timing is controlled electronically and timing advance is based on the signal sent to the ign unit by a vacuum sensor connected to the vacuum port on #1 cylinder ( though you may sometimes find it connected to #2 cylinder ). I would start by checking the fuel enrichment valves. They are small plungers which are on the outside of the carbs and controlled by a forked lever which are manipulated by the choke lever. Make sure they are not stuck in the enrichment position they should move freely when you manipulate the choke lever. Next I would check the diaphragms. Very simple task just remove the side covers from the carbs. 4 screws each. Carefully slide out diaphragm and barrel assembly. closely inspect the diaphragms for holes or tears and note if the barrels slide out smoothly or if they are sticky coming out. ( This is also a good time to give the carb and any accessible passages a good flush with carb cleaner )If the diaphragms look fine carefully put them back in. On the needle end of the barrel there is a small hole make sure it is in the 6 o'clock position when you reinstall. If holes are found replace the diaphragms. Some have had luck patching tiny pin holes with silicone or E6000 glue. ( Last year I made a batch of homemade water proofing for my tents and camping gear consisting of a 50/50 mix of 100% pure clear silicone and mineral spirits as I was brushing it on my tent floor full of pin holes I began to wonder how it would work on diaphragms. Thought someday I May try it on an old set put it in the bike and see how well it works ) Moving on. I would also check the fuel levels as mentioned earlier, though unless a float has gone bad or someone has tampered with it I am inclined to think you may not find an issue here. If it is a sticky needle valve not seating properly you generally get fuel coming out of the overflow tubes at idle. If you do find the float levels out of adjustment you will have to remove the carbs to adjust them. While you have them off you could overhaul them or at the very least remove inspect and clean the enrichment valves, making sure they move freely. You will need new mounting gaskets and seals for these. Remove and replace the needles and seats. While you have these parts off flush all accessible passage with carb cleaner, let soak and then blow out with air. As you reassemble everything, don forget to bench set your float levels. I like to bench set them wet this allows me to ensure there are no leaks before putting them on the bike. ( I will attach a PDF of the set up I rigged up though there are other ways of doing it ) ( i believe there is a dry set up method shown in the tech section as well). Either way you will want to recheck once it is back on the bike and running. Cleaning First Gen Carbs On The Bike.pdf Home made set up for wet setting floats on the bench.pdf
  22. Forget who it was but he shipped his starter to some guy north of us and he apparently rebuilt it and converted to for brush. No idea how since I would think it would require more than just replacing the brush plate like converting two poles to four poles etc. but I figure if its possible for one re-builder to do it than there must be others.
  23. I also had one guy tell me he sent his into a re-builder who converted the 2 brush over to a 4 brush.
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