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Everything posted by saddlebum

  1. And here I thought you only specialized in selling old oil
  2. Basically it should be an H4 or equivalent. you can also use 9003
  3. I agree it remained civil though at times it may have come close to teetering on the edge even. At the end of the day, I do believe both sides of the discussion gained food for thought, I know I certainly did.
  4. You got my vote. I think we are just going in circles now.
  5. If I recall the only article I posted that did make a comment of that nature I quickly deleted after I re-read it and realized what was being said, because there is no way I would condone nor even entertain such a sentiment, And if you saw it you must have caught it just after I posted it and just before I deleted it.
  6. I have been told I am a pretty good whistler even by total strangers in passing. However I do not know if I spit when I whistle as I try not to whistle into the wind.
  7. @ReinyRoosterIf you get together all the items you want done including the carb sync and electrical work you mentioned in another thread, and don't mind taking a ride to Burlington, I can help you out with all of these things if you want. just let me know. If you wish to chat my number is in my profile.
  8. The vent was in the wall ceiling height at one end of the board table so those at the far end from the vent got it while those at the end near the vent did not. The infected person was apparently sitting somewhere midway along the board table. I am a big time pretty constant whistler and quite often whistle without being aware that I am doing it. There have been a few occasions were I have been asked not to whistle by individuals who fear that if I were symptomatic that my whistling might spread the virus should I unknowingly be infected. Whether or not there is any truth to this I do not know, and though I was pretty sure I had no virus to share. I guess I could have dug my heels in and stated there is no proof of that plus it is my personal right to whistle if I want but instead out of respect for their concerns, I no longer whistle accept when I am alone. The way I saw it, it was no skin off my nose, to refrain from whistling while at the same time it put the other persons at ease and avoided a go nowhere conflict, at the same time.
  9. Early on when covid broke out there was a case in were a board meeting had taken place. It turned out one of the attendees had covid and as a result other attendees contracted it. The interesting thing here was an air vent in the wall at one end of the room. those who sat down wind from the infected attendee caught covid but those who sat upwind between the sick person and the vent did not
  10. It appears you have an 83 and so yes lumvy40 is correct it is there to absorb vibrations so that you don't. So @luvmy40wins a cigar.
  11. Of course the compassion and sympathy for the millions who have died annually from obesity, diabetes, heart disease, cancer, pneumonia, flu, drugs, suicide, car accidents, abortion etc etc is and always has been there. Billions have been spent on research,, drugs treatments and whatever else to try to resolve these issues in attempts to improve the quality of life or cure these people suffering from these afflictions And yet no one is screaming conspiracy theory or squawking about the huge profits corporations make, selling cold and flu remedies, or weight loss cures. But enter covid a sickness readily spread and to a varying degree deadly we have people screaming conspiracy and everything else. These other illness's just have not come up for debate,, mostly because none with the exception of the flu or a cold in this group can infect another. A diabetic can not give diabetes to another person and so on. These same people also suffer because of covid because much of the resources that could go towards helping these people is diverted to fighting covid, which is not a sickness you can just say sorry Mr covid we can,t deal with you now because we are still dealing with stuff that came before you. With a bit of cooperation and a bit of community group effort from everyone we stand a better chance of defeating covid so that we can all go back to helping those that are now being sidelined because of covid.
  12. Best way is to remove the 4 screws that hold the diaphragm covers in place. then remove the covers and finally carefully remove the diaphragms and sliders. This will give you good access to vacuum out a good portion of the silt and dirt. You can even place the covers back on without the diaphragms to cover the hole. Then hook the vacuum hose to the top of the carb. While you have the diaphragms out check them over carefully for any pin holes, tears or severe distortion-ed material. Inspect the sliders and bores for any severe scoring. As long as everything appears to be acceptable once you have cleaned out as much dirt as you can put it all back together. On the needle end of the slider there is a hole in the end make sure this hole is rotated to the 6 o-clock position before you slide it in and do not over tighten the screws.
  13. I let you know if that,s true if ever I get there.
  14. My numbers are based on the latest post numbers by who. However it is not about the numbers that I am trying to make a point it is about the deception of using percentage to make comparisons. The guy laying on deaths door could not care less were he fits into the percentage table only that he is one of many who may not se tomorrow. The point I was trying to make is simply if that person was only 0.1% that does not change the fact that that 0.1% could still be in the hundreds or even the millions depending on the number it is a percentage of. In other words it can be very misleading. Would you rather loose 10% of a dollar or 1% of a million dollars.
  15. I get all that, I also agree vaccines are not the perfect answer neither are masks or distancing but each one hopefully adds an additional layer of protection. Is it 100% ? Of course not. but what would the outcome be if we did nothing at all. If we don't do anything and just stand back and say this too shall pass, What if it doesn't ? Should we not at least make an effort to do what we can to curb this thing. Governments are flawed and so are scientists at times ( the word OOPS comes to mind ). If we cannot trust them with all their faults to get us through this who do we trust. The internet educated person, the one who listens to whispers or gossip the one who draws their own conclusions and proceeds to educate the world with home grown theories ? Maybe some of them are right I don't know. but so far as I can see every little added layer seems to be helping. Back in the beginning when nothing or very little was done the numbers were spreading like an out of control bush fire now at least things are getting a little closer to becoming some what manageable. for how long or until the next variant, who knows but I do believe efforts need to be made. why should we care how it compares to other illness's. An illness is an illness big or small and defeating it should be our common goal.
  16. That's It ? @Marcarltold me I had to attach a 40 mile plus tube to it before I open the drain and that he would take care of the other end
  17. Ok so let me get this straight ; we have 38,00,000 with the flu so adding another 38,900,000 covid cases is ok even though we now have 76,900,000 sick people We have 22,000 flu deaths so adding another 637,280 covid deaths is ok of the 22,000 flu deaths how many had no underlying issue versus 38,255 covid deaths with no underlying issues I fail to understand how these flu statistics justify accepting covid numbers as acceptable losses. It only increases the number of sick people overall. Keep in mind covid does not displace other illnesses, it adds to the total number of sick people adding to the burden of our health providers. who in many cases due to either bureaucracy or cost cuts are already overworked. Also, I was not making a point of statistics but trying to point out that percentages are relative to the gross number involved 6% off 100 is only 6 but 6% 0f 1,000,000 is 60,000. Therefore using percentages to make a point or comparison, is mute at best. You could say 10% of regular flu victims die while only 5% of covid victims die but if you only have 100 flu victims at 10% that is only 10 people but if you have 1000 covid victims even 5% that is still 50 people.
  18. and it is often those we love the most that tick us off the easiest but thank God there is no shortage of forgiveness and understanding in this life. We only need to make use of it.
  19. On that we can agree whole hardheartedly
  20. 6% may sound low but of 4.5 million world wide deaths, that is still 270,000 world wide, 38,255 Americans, 1,614 Canadians all of which died directly from covid with no underlying issues, that alone is an unacceptable high number of deaths, that for all we know could maybe have been preventable.
  21. I got your point and rephrased to what I hope is more acceptable and less offensive as I only wish to present a point of view, not offend anybody.
  22. I agree I had friend who built up a 69 charger R/T to the point were it belonged on the track not on the road. Not long after he sold it to a guy who we found out later did not buy it for himself but for his kids 18th birthday. That kid had not been behind the wheel 20 minutes when he put his foot in it lost control and wiped out. The ambulance had to be called and the son ended up spending some time in the hospital. My friend felt real bad and told me later if he had known the guy was buying the car for his kid he barely had time behind the wheel he would never have sold it to him.
  23. Yup ! He guarantees it to be dirty.
  24. So I may sound a little harsh here but to me this is just another example of being selfish, he was more concerned about his personal rights then his responsibility to family. One of my pet peeves is when children pay the price for something they have no say in. Like the single anti-mask mother in Toronto last summer (vaccines weren't out then put I suspect she would have been anti- vaccine as well) who praised the guy that defied shut down orders and attended his fully opened to full capacity restaurant with her small child. She along with a high number of other customers got covid and she herself got so ill they had to put her on a ventilator. The child who had no say in the matter fortunately only had minor symptoms. After months in the hospital the women was lucky enough to pull through and barely survived. So, were would that child be if she had not? So based on the theory of the survival of the fittest, why then have any medical care at all? Like good livestock the fittest would continue to procreate improving the quality of the species and tough luck to those who can't cut it. In other words maybe as a society we should just decide on one path or the other we either try to survive by any means our combine intelligence is capable of coming up with or we just revert to 100% survival of the fittest. Yet I would be curious to know, how many among those who preach survival of the fittest, when sick, would allow nature to take its course and how many will run straight to the doctor or the hospital for help in hopes of getting well. There is obviously some truth to the fact that people with underlying issues have the lowest chance of survival. How ever that logic applies to almost any medical illness you can name but still these same people had they got sick by any other illness had a better chance of survival then with covid. As well there have been an unprecedented number of perfectly healthy individual that would normally have survived other illness that did not survive covid dispite not having any underlying issues at all, Maybe not many but more than what would have occurred with any other illness we currantly have to deal with. Government is never perfect but still IMHO the lessor of other options, many which lack the proper qualifications yet profess to be experts and in doing so even manage to develop a group of misinformed followers which can be dangerous in it own way. Then there are the qualified experts on both side of the fence that have different opinions so now you have to choose which one is right and which is wrong but to do that you would have to be better educated and more knowledgeable then they are. Then there are the conspiracy theory's at the end of the day conspiracy theory's are just that created mostly by chicken little,s and about as reliable as the predicting the end of the world. which by the way has come and and gone numerous times and if you notice none of those who ever predict the end ever admit they were totally wrong. It was some one miss-interpreted the original calendar wrong or interpreted the wrong calendar or its the scientists fault because they did not properly determine the actual number of days in a year. So at the end of the day right or wrong I will assume that for the most part we are still far better off wearing masks and getting vaccinated then not mainly because I have found that in the past most so called experts that go against the advice of the majority of experts and medical experts, at the end of the day more often than not have been proven to be wrong in their theories. That statement holds true were things are obvious and no debate exists. In other cases it can be applied to either side of any debate. So now we would have to decide which side is being fooled and which side is not which would probably create a whole new debate as to who is the fool and who is not in the eyes of the oppisite side of any debate.
  25. So your one of the one's who is buying @Marcarl's old engine oils. I knew he was saving his drained oil for something.
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