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Everything posted by saddlebum

  1. :thumbdown:trader:thumbdown:
  2. I fully agree, look how I almost lost out on my insurance claim when that guy cut me off and caused me to wipe out. Had I not asked for a copy of the police report, I would never have found out that the officer filled an inaccurate report having left out key facts and by doing so gave the other guy,s story more credibility than my version of what happend.
  3. Glad to hear that your Dad is progressing and pray that he remains moving forward.
  4. My Local dealer tells me metzler builds tires both in Germany and Mexico. Apparrently if they are built in Germany they are good tires BUT IF THEY ARE BUILT IN MEXICO THEY ARE JUNK AND THESE ARE THE ONES HE HAS SEEN A LOT OF TROUBLE WITH
  5. Thats a good route to take we run a good part of that route going to St Louis or Indiana several times a year:thumbsup: Much nicer than crossing at Detroit and if time allows for a more scenic ride insted of going from the 402 to 401 take the 402 to 4 to 3 and cut across some nice scenic country
  6. Johanne really sorry to hear abut your Dad hope his recovery continues on the positive side of things. Keep the faith and lets all pray that his recovery is quick and complete
  7. Ol' Monkey of the White Werewolves MC
  8. I finally completed repairing and painting my fairings. I'm no painter but they turned out not half bad. the light colour is am metallic pearl used by Saab, and the dark colur is a metallic pearl used by Mazda.
  9. thats what my wife is there for and she comes for free
  10. I rode with a couple of wings last sunday it wasn't so bad
  11. in my house i would not have lived long enough to make the couch remark:doh:
  12. Some ones got to watch for the tow truck. but i still agree 1 pint is not enough what if its a long wait
  13. Theres a Wally World in Canada?
  14. I got one too and I swear by it lets you pick your own route too. got mine at cosco 6.99:thumbsup:
  15. Thats whats so nice about Canada SNOW fills lots of pot holes
  16. Get some plastex place clear packing tape over the crack on the good side then v it out on the back side with a dremel tool fill with plastex reinforce with some plastex and fiberglas cloth if you wish when hard 1/2 hr later peel away cellephane tape and voila perminent repair
  17. Half the time it doesent even make sense My house , life and car insurance are with co-operators who i have been with for 35 years and clean record they wanted 1700 dollars a year for my bike libility only yet my buddy just walks through the door and gets his 84 vr insured for 650 go figure. I got my bike insured through kingsway for 600 per year
  18. Beware yamaha sells 2 mirrors one black and one chrome got cuaght on that myself
  19. Have heart it may not be as bad as it looks I found this out with my own which i am currantly repairing . You may remmember i was run off the road last summer. my dash was also off center just like yours i replaced the instrument cluster support with one that bongobob was kind enough to give me the fairng supports were bowed slightly off center put were easy to pull back into position. I did however have to take apart the instrument cluster and repair the main case with plastex which worked fantastic. My fairngs i repaired with plastex and sections cut from another fairing. the plastex does a perfect weld job for this purpose and sands down to were you dont even notice it. Ps I dont know about the usa but in canada the fairings can be ordered new for About $600 and all the consul pcs were available as well.
  20. I dont undersxtand all this fixing talk; Its a first gen not second just get on and ride and dont look back.
  21. What no pic's
  22. if your looking for the oem harness i believe I saw one at zedenos in kitchener when i was scrounging for my bike parts when i next go there ill look into it further for u if u like. I will probably be in there again some time this week
  23. Hey Bob I just took these with my camera see if they help
  24. Who you calling antique
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