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Everything posted by saddlebum

  1. how come we cant get politicians with this amount of back bone. One of or politicians even went so far as covering his head with a hanky and bowing before a muslim leader when it should have been the other way around since this panzi was our primeminister at the time.
  2. train wreck if you notice fib 78 avatar does state STIRRER OF THE POT and if you didn't get some you would be feeling left out . fact is nobody here gets left out we all get the roast at some point . As far as the rsv guys saying you did good I disagree you should have gone !st gen much faster and you dont have to paint it red to make it go.:bikersmilie::bikersmilie:
  3. I put permatex brake quiet on the back of mine works great
  4. Sorry To Hear About Your Accident Sleepy But Glad You Got Away Wihtout Any Serious Injury's. As Far As The Bike Goes Make Sure U Keep All The Pcs Even The Small Ones I Spent All Day Rebuilding My Fairings With Plastex And It Is Coming Together Real Good. Even The Parts I Thought For Sure Were Scrap They Are Back In Service. I EVEN FORMED NEW TABS USING THE FORMING BLOCK
  6. Sorry to hear you went down . I ride with my daughter all the time and going down with her on the back is always a worry. The day I did go down I was glad it was the day my daughter was not with me. On that note I am glad your daughter walked away from it. and hope you heal up quick.
  7. It is a sad thing to loose a loved one , specially so young , but he is in better hands now, free of life support and waiting to be reunited with his familly for eternity.
  8. My 1st gen has dunlop elite II 491's on it but they are coming due they have had excellent wear and ride but I wondered if the avons gave better road traction specially in the rain. since the wheels are off and I am rebuilding the bike from the accident I decided to replace tires and wheel bearings while they were off. just having trouble deciding on which tire.
  9. thats One Nice Fish Charlie.... Ummm What Time Is Lunch??
  10. the crash bars actually do more than you would expect, believe me i found out the hard way
  11. since we are on the subject has any one ever run both dunlop elite and avons and compared them
  12. and this is why my wife insists on cutting the lawn herself:thumbsup::thumbsup: P.s.Myneighbour put a stone through his big front window that way and the insurance covered it
  13. H ave been using my plastex to repair panels and it seems to be working good . I also cut sections out of the fairing i picked up and used them to replace broken sections in my original fairing since both were not that great i opted to make one good one out of two bad ones and so far its working ok it will still be awhile before the bike is done though.It sure sucks not have a scoot to go to port dover today may still cage it down though.
  14. I got my pumpkin . I went to Zdeno in kitghner and after a little hunting I found what i wanted and its in good shape Al was kind enough to let me open itup and look inside before buying it, he actually has a few of them mostly for the 1200 and one for a 98. which i believe forthe all intents and purposes is the same as the 1300 first gen other than the shaft is longer but i think could be changed if needed and the addition of a sensor by the pinion shaft. the diff i took cost me 200. Which I thought was an ok deal. I'm thinking of replaceing the seals before putting it into service.
  15. ok so let me get this straight 2nd gens have issues with final drives, horns doing strange things like blowing through speakers and head sets not to mention less power (slower) . really sounds to me like those of us who have 1st gens have the better bikes.
  16. thanks skidrow:thumbsup:
  17. Whats eating healthy got to do with it. OHHH I get it he can chew on the apple while he thinks about what to do , good idea:lightbulb:
  18. color generally has nothing to do with the hardness of a bolt check the markings on the head soft bolts have no markings grade 5 has 3 grade 8 has 6 and hardest bolt has 12 metric bolts usually have a number EG: 9.8 10.9 or 12.9 if using non metric bolt 6 or more lines or marks around the dia. of the head of the bolt. if using a metric bolt choose one with the number 10.9 or 12.9 marked on the head of the bolt. any thing lower is too soft and weak.
  19. Here I am trying to find out when Marcarls meet and eat is only to find out i have missed it by 2 weeks :doh: . Sorry I didn't make it Carl I was really looking forward to it even if I didnt have a scoot to get there on.
  20. Depending on the SPECIFICATIONS I'm sure I could make a SUBSTITUTION :backinmyday: Pond monsters EXCLUDED:no-no-no:
  21. from the insurance company. As a lot of you know my bike was wrecked in an accident last august. I finally got the cheque this week and so today I started pulling my bike apart to see what else I need to fix it. I managed to get a lot of the major pcs from a bike scrap yard although even these pcs need some repair work. I my still try to find a better left side upper fairing. On the down side I decide to pull my final drive apart assuming it would need new bearings since it had a bad whine and i was constantly changing the oil to get rid of metal fillings so I could continue to ride it the remainder of the summer (didnt count on getting run of the road though). Sad thing is after i pulled it apart i discovered the threaded end was snapped off of the pinion gear, and as near as i can figure crown and pinion are not available for this as separate or matched parts.
  22. Ive been extremely busy latly and so haven't been getting on the site much, so I wasn't aware that of this situation. I met Bob Becky twice, once at Maracarls last year and once since when he stopped by my place of work here in burlington on his way to Kitchener to give me some parts to help get my bike back together. I Found them very easy people to like and so I feel bad for what he is going through. I hope he recovers quickly and is soon back on his feet and scoot. Hope to see them both again soon.
  23. I can't agree with you more Gary. back in 1976 I had insurance through a company that was the best deal around (so I thought) but when a pickup truck coming the opposite way cut in front off me causing me to smack right into the side of the truck, I was left high and dry by the insurance company because (1) the other guy did not report the accident to his employer and thier insurance company which took the stance that there was no accident and (2) since my damage to the bike was less than the deductable my insurance company claimed that since they had no financial interest in the matter ther was no need for them to do anything about it. Fortunatly for me when I approached the owner of the company he was actually happy to find out how the big dent mysterously got into the side of his truck . He covered all my damages and fired the emplyee right in front of me for not reporting it.
  24. Hey Gary glad to see you got back in the saddle, hope to see you again at Carls this summer
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