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Everything posted by saddlebum

  1. speaking of turky how do you get him to hold still. I have explained to him he should consider it an honour but he still wont stand still when i swing the axe , I just dont get it!!
  2. AHH but in your case Carl it would be considered an honour after all you are the asteemed provider of the best pepperets in the country:clap2: P/S I was going to stop by yesterday to get some and show off my labour of love but ended up with a brake issue which I have now resolved
  3. U call starting when its Dark dayshift,? what do U call night shift?
  4. probably what he did just won't admit it:bang head:
  5. Right back at you lou, and happy thanks giving to everyone else as well:parrots:
  6. When I said normal I ment in the venture rider way:bang head:
  7. You can heat the plug but then throw cold water on it right away this tends to shock it and shrink it it is also a little safer then heating the casing as aluminum does not indicate how hot it is getting and can distort with no warnig. You also want to be carefull you dont tear the threads out of the casing which often happens when you thread steel into aluminum. so go easy. If you do happen to tear the threads out there are thread repair kits such as helli-coil available. Good luck
  8. Today I took the scoot for its first good long run since putting it back on the road and although I was a bit nervous when i first hit the highway speacially with all the road construction going on, plus listening to every single sound the bike made or anticipting some sort of setback it wasn't long and me and the old scoot just started feeling like normal again. It is kinda strange how you worry about the new wheel brgs you put in and yet never gave a moments thought to the old ones, with who knows how maney miles on them when you 1st bought the bike. all in all I had a great ride today and anticipate another great ride tomorrow.Maybe head north and check out some fall colours.
  9. I agree thats one argument thats hard to dispute
  10. Glad your not worse off then you are Lou and hope that the you heal up quick. I gotta say though when I rebuilt my bike I put brand new avons on ( my 1st ones) did not like reading about one blowing.
  11. here is an e-mail I recieved from dunlop when I e-mailed them and made an inquiry about a front tire for my 1st gen
  12. I have been a truck mechanic for 34 years and what nomadicbear says is very true. this not to say that there are not a few bad recaps out there but most are as good as any new tire. quite often an inside tire that is flat or under inflated gets missed and its mate having to do double duty overheats and blows or the underinflated tire overheats and ignites itself. On a positive note at least this is not as common with tubless tires as it once was with the tube type and many states and provinces now require that the driver perform a full circle check of their rig before heading down the road. However it still pays to be careful and alert.
  13. If you do find metal in the pumpkin and/or pull it even to just lube the drive shaft spline check to see that the the threaded end on pinion shft has not snapped off. it will be easy to see because the pinion nut with the broken threaded piece will be loose. the bike still drives if this happens but the pinion will float in and out varing the backlash and causing a whine. (this is worst case senerio but worth checking you do not need to disassemble the pumpkin to check this just look into the housing when you pop the drive shaft out to lube the spline, the nut may even just fall out when you pull the shaft if not it is likly ok)
  14. sounds like your going to have to put your money were his mouth is :mo money:Maybe you should through in an offical venture rider icecream as well :ICwink:
  15. here are some before and during pics. By the way bongobobny thanks for the parts you donated. Also even though I did not take advantage of the help that many of you offered me I would like to thank u all just the same it was nice to know the help was there if I needed it But then thats what makes Venture riders so great.
  16. believe u me my gaurd was at 500% capacity today
  17. Finally after being down for over a year I finally rolled the scoot out and took her for her first ride since she was wrecked in the accident last sumer when a guy run me of the road, and it felt GGGGGGRRREAT!!!! I was a little nervous at 1st not trusting any cage wthin 100 yards of me but it wasn't long and soon I felt right at home. I still have a few chrome pcs to put on but i have all winter for that. It was a little dishearting when I rolled out the scoot at the same time as my nieghbour rolled out his snow blower to get it ready for winter however, but I intend to make the most of the time we have left. I remembered the rule so here are the pics. i repaired all the fairings with plastex. the left one is actually made up of sections from my old one and part of a damaged used one welded together with plastex. then i sanded it all down and repainted everything. I must admit if one takes the time to look they will see the paint job is not perfect but since I am not a painter I cant complain. More importantly I am riding again :dancefool::dancefool::dancefool::dancefool::dancefool:
  18. Harley 883 Sportster You scored 1 moxie, 5 zeal, and 0 pomp You scored dead center average, lacking any of the personality quirks that normally drive people to motorcycling. However, if you do ride, statistics would suggest that you are destined for a Harley-Davidson, probably something in the Softail line.
  19. Its great to hear bob is making such good progress lets all pray that his progress continues and total recovery is soon to follow
  20. I too am interested. what does the firestick look like ? ist it fiberglass or Metal ? and would you connect it in with the existing setup (eg. connect to the end of the existing cable) or run it seperatly?
  21. all thats left now is someone to toss a lit cigarete but
  22. Glad to hear the news just keeps getting better everytime I check in on this post
  23. I thought he said he got a second gen. All kidding aside Congratulations and hope you enjoy your new ride !!!
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