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Everything posted by saddlebum

  1. yeh that way they wouldn't know which bike to ticket:rotfl::rotfl:
  2. you mean like Charlie? :rotfl::rotfl:
  3. yeh you can, you can complain that there is no one competent or honest enough to vote for (regardless what side of the border your on).
  4. I have always suspended mine from the garage rafters using a come a-long and fabric slings at each end. works real well until carbon-1 starts making adaptors for first gen's:thumbsup:
  5. very common at one time as was said already they can stretch to the point of jumping teeth Ive even replaced many on early gm's that wolud actually hit the timing cover and wear a hole right through it causing an oil leak.
  6. thats a pretty lame excuse just admit its too early in the morning for ya
  7. Sorry to say but usually when a starter intermittantly draws high amperage causeing the voltage to drop very low as in your case 5 vlts it usually indicates worn out or binding bearings in the starter, or bad windings in the starter. If the starter cranks like the battery is almost dead but the voltmeter shows you still have high voltage eg: 11 to 12 volts at the battery then you have a voltage drop between the battery and the starter in other words bad or dirty conections. if the later is the case then definitly do the cable upgrade because by the time you go to the trouble cleaning and trying to find the exact location of the fault your pretty much half way there. Tip use a proper volt meter conected direct to the battery to check it out dont just trust the one on the bike
  8. Come on its only a piece of leather. the way you are going on about it you would think it something of importance like Chrome:rotfl::rotfl:
  9. The way I see it it is just another hair brained scheme by politicians with nothing better to do than figure out new avenues to collect money via fines. If they really want to keep our kids safe 1) scrap the young offenders act. 2) crack down hard on street punks and gangs and quit wasting time money and effort on a gun registry that has as much bite on crime as a toothless dog there are far too maney kids killed and hurt because of street violence start outlawing the crime itself regardless weather or not a weapon was used .
  10. Unless u ride a harley
  11. That is a good tip and I have actually done that myself .but what I want to do is completely dissassemble it clean it and lightly lube it so it moves smoothly whenever you readjust it, yet stays in place once adjusted.
  12. Be careful what you use for grease some contian conductive ingredients such as neversieze. SUGGESTIONS : dielectric grese, truklites electrical grease and believe it or not good old fashioned vaseline (which also works great on battery terminals) For low voltage computer or sensor connections use nothing just keep them clean and dry.
  13. Manage to pop the miror galss out and back in again on a first gen to get at the swivel screw without breaking it. I was thinking of attemting it with the help of a hot air gun to try to clean up the swival so i can proper adjust and keep my mirror position.
  14. Hey I kinda like that
  15. take it it for a decent ride then after bringing it to an easy stop with the front brake put your hands on the disc if cold or even just a little warm they are ok if hot they are dragging.campare with the other rotors to get a better idea.
  16. I seem to be having trouble finding this study I did however find something about passenger car fatalitys involving large trucks . The thing that bothers me is that they fail to mention that in a large number of large truck related accidents it is not usually the truck that is at fault. An early OPP study in ontario some years back noted that trucks where only involved in a small percentage of highway accidents of which only 6% was the truck drivers fault. Problem is cagers are just as careless driving around big rigs as they are around motorcycles. they cut in and out around trucks and slam on brakes like the truck isn't even there (if they cant see a truck how can they be expected to see a bike). Many off the truck drivers who have driven for years both with and without ABS have all said in many of these situations they would have been able to stop faster were it not for the ABS. However having had a front wheel slide out on me when sand are something was on the pavement I would probably except ABS but only on the front wheel.
  17. She is a beautiful But I do have a question where do you put your luggage all I see is enough room for tools spare parts oil and Floor dry
  18. Sorry to hear about your loss Peggy. Its hard when pets become such a close part of the familly and all of a sudden they are gone leaving a kind of emptyness behind. At least take comfort in the fact that her life was spent in happiness with a good familly .
  19. I loved my 89 so much that when the insurance wrote it off after my accident (not my fault) I bought it back for 200 and restored it.
  20. I will pass on the ABS In my truck I disabled it because it takes longer to stop and on more than one ocassion it scared the @@@@ out of me. Many tuck drivers I have known had rear end collisions that they swear would not have happend were it not for that ABS garbage. Its only useful purpose is to be able to manouver the vehicle while braking, something which a good driver should be able to do anyway
  21. Try getting a torx bit slightly larger then the size of the socket hole of the allen bolt , tap it in with a small hammer it will create its own spline then wind it out. I find torx bits work better than most easy outs and I use them for this purpose all the time. plus u can use a wrench or socket to turn them.
  22. I E-mailed dunlop and inquired about the elite threefor the front of the first Gen and this is the replie they sent me
  23. Ok you guys are really depressing me . I finally get my bike back on the road and your talking nasty weather
  24. I you insist on riding naked may I suggest you do not park the bike in the sun :rotfl::rotfl::rotfl:
  25. Does this mean You will still wave to us on the road ?
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