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Everything posted by saddlebum

  1. No I didn't you simply adjust the needle valves to dampen the gauge and until the needle holds steady . I watched Marcarl use his that way and it seemed to work very well. I guess you could add restrictors in the lines easily enough if you felt the need.
  2. Good luck safe trip see you there !!!!:dancefool:
  3. Look Again
  4. While at Marcarls Venture in I watched him do a carb sync on Evens bike the tool he used was a very simple home made tool. While in Princess auto I decided to pick up a vacuum gauge and make my own I also stumbled across a square pre-drilled and tapped aluminum sqaure bar with a total of 7 ports. Picked up 4 needle valves from Lowes plumbing section and 20' of clear tubing and proceeded to build my own. To operate you simply open the valve connected to the cylinder you are working on and adjust to steady the needle. By using one gauge there is no worry about accuracy between gauges. If you made one with 4 gauges you would have to spend extra money for high quality gauges that read exactly the same. NOTE; I HAVE REPLACED THE CLEAR HOSE WITH ACTUAL AUTOMOTIVE VACUUM HOSE FINDING THAT THE CLEAR HOSE WOULD COLLAPSE WHEN IT GOT WARM
  5. GMC Government Motors Corparation
  6. Hey Marcarl I am off all day fri so If I can hook up with you guys just give me a time and a place were i can meet up with you.
  7. It will be Don's back yard for this puppy. Not too close to the pond though cause I don't want nuthin wet and slimy crawling in my tent.
  8. So which is which :rotfl:
  9. I had all the same issues on my avons I was actually scared to go much over 70 mph,and I had replaced all my wheel bearings at the same time. When the dealer replaced my avons with the dunlop 491 elite II due to side wall cracking my bike was its old sure footed self again . I will be sticking with the dunlops from now on.
  10. suspension wires like Peter Pan uses :doh:
  11. Whats the matter with you? You make it sound like thats a bad thing !!! Bring it on sweetnuthin This will be my first MD and I intend to enjoy every morsal ahh minute.:big-grin-emoticon: P/S MD =Balancing caburators is in. Balancing meals is out
  12. Things are really looking up she went out and bought a leather jacket yesterday and with a big grin on her face showed it to me today.
  13. She wore it, had to blow the dust off first though.
  14. I had the same problem once. Marcarl sent me a link to a program to downsize my pics. I cant remember what it was but if you ask real nice I am sure Marcarl will send you the link.
  15. She reads maps alright and then indicates how far we have to go holding her pionter finger and thump apart the same distance as indicated on the map . How could you possibly be more accurate than that.:bang head:
  16. Can you believe it during dinner at Marcarls Venture in, Wizard (Wayne) and 1 canuck (Brenda and Brian) and I got into a short talk about My wife never going out on the Bike with me. Well her ears must have been burning because today she suggested going for a ride on the bike and we were out for great 4 hr cruise and she loved it. She is now looking forward to going again and already rhyming of places she would like to go. It only took me 32 years to get her there but patiance has prevailed.:dancefool:
  17. If that machine was women I would want a date:thumbsup:
  18. Hey yammer its not BLUE you made all that chidish fuss for nothing:big-grin-emoticon:
  19. Hey we have minds too you know were not just body's ----
  20. What the dealer is doing is monitering how much the battery discharges over a period of time and for that he is using the correct setting. However if he is looking for parasitic drain then he should have it set on DC amps ( Preferably with multiple scales so you can measure in milliamps if it is a small drain or amps if it is a large drain ) and place between the ground cable which he would disconnect from the battery and the neg battery post. you then systematicly pull fuses until the amp draw drops to pin down the circuit that is guilty
  21. Me thinks Between us George we have given enough food for thought in this thread alone which should help with most electrical issues.
  22. Depends Adult Diapers they are padded and help reduce bathroom stops.:rotfl::rotfl:
  23. This is why I use the abve test using a high beam to load the cicuit. If only one or two strands in the wire are good they will easly carry the 12volts under a light load but load it up with the high beam connected along with the voltmeter and the voltage shown in a bad or weak circuit will drop drasticaly bcause of the thinned out wire, and or bad, loose or dirty connections cannot pass enough currant to maintain 12volts causing a voltage drop thus failing the test (think of a garden hose being pinched in the middle) If it passes this test you can be assurd all your connectios are good. there is no reason to tear the circuit apart and look for a fault that this test indicates is not there. and if the circuit fails this test well grab a case of beer sit down and get to work and start looking for the fault. With some variations to your hookup you can even narrow down to were you should start looking for the point of fault. I have used the test for thirty years working on trucks and trailers it has never failed me and has saved me hours of of unnessary work because if the test part or parts pass this test you need not waste time looking for something that is not there and can quickly move on to the next step. And this were an ohmeter falls short because it does not load the circuit being tested. An ohmeter for example will tell you a battery cable with one strand remaing or a coorroded terminal is good when its not, while the test I described will find it instantly and fail that cable. EG: I have seen wires turned to green powder pass enough currant for an ohmeter to pass it. a volt meter will shoow 12volts until you connect the high beam along side the volt meter and suddenly the volt meter drops to zero volts or even 1-2 volts because the wire or connection cannot now carry the increased load. you now know you have a problem and roughly were it is to be found.
  24. In maney cases the reason for the above 2 situations is because they have 2 voltage supply wires 1 from the ignition which is turned on and of with the key and a 2nd which is live all the time this second one is used to retain your settings in the memory. A motorcycle battery does not have enogh reserve capacity to support this memory feature for a very long time thus draining the battery. the solution here is to A) move that second wire to the ignition source. unfortunatly you will loose your preset stations each time you turn the bike off but it beats a dead battery every time you want to start the bike or B) put a switch on this wire and remember to switch it off when you park the bike for extended periods.
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