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Everything posted by saddlebum

  1. Yeh and after dinner they grusomemore :banana: :banana: If you had of let Charlie know you planed on snow he would have come too ---He loves that stuff :snow2:
  2. Don just sent you $9.00 via paypal for 2 decals
  3. Noty only can we now laugh about it, but I tend to go over to his house tonite and drink the rest of his beer to compansate for the stress and near heart failure he gave me Just for the record that was my sons table saw and he actually was told to keep it well away from my bike if he planned on storing it in my garage. What part did he not understand ? you say:bang head:
  4. As always you guy's are the best:bawling:
  5. No worry's here as far as legal action is concerned, he does not blame me since he took it upon his own to walk across the street to see what I was doing and then of his own accord decided to put a ladder up against the house and go up while I was in the back yard . and there won't be any insurance involment here. He has offered to make good on the damages to house and bike, but he is a good friend as well as neighbour so betwwen us we will sort it all out the old fashioned honourable way. I'll fix the bike ( I still have paint left over from when I painted the bike) besides its not that big of a scuff so I may be able to just add some clear coat and then buff it out. I have an extra section of matching eave trough to repair the damaged one Even though he offered to replace it. He has also offered to have the seat redone by some one he knows put I don't think they normally do motorcycle seat and I don't want it to mismatch the back rest and arm rests. Once again the main thing is he was not hurt and he is playing hockey right now.
  6. Best is just to get a new gasket and gromets for the bolts. Its not that hard to do and once your done, your done.
  7. My Agent also tried to switch me to Jevco but the rate was the same. On the letter head it say's Kingsway now operates as Jevco.
  8. Are there any decals left?
  9. Oh No!! Don't tell me it could get worse.
  10. What makes you think he was posing
  11. AND I WASN'T EVEN RIDING IT !! I cop out of Bongobos fall foliage ride because I had a steep roof to reshingle. To get a rope over the roof I used my fishing rod and cast over the roof from the back. I then tied the line to the rope to pull it over. I am almost over the top when the large rope snags and I snap my fishing line. So, while I am in the back yard tying a new weight to the line to cast over, my neighbour decides to put the ladder up then carry the rope up over the ridge (like I said it is a steep roof) as he try's to walk up the roof he slips. From the back yard I hear a loud crash and relizing suddenly what my crazy neighbour attempted to do I run around to the front expecting to see broken bone's all over my front lawn. As I come through the gate the first thing I see is the ladder laying across my motorcycle, then the eave trough ripped off the house and lastly my neighbour on the ground getting back up on his feet. Don't ask me how it was possible but he did not have a single mark on him, nor was he hurt in any way ( Thank God for that ). My bike on the other hand has another nice scrape on my new paint job and the seat has a six inch cut across it. The main thing of course is that (1) He did not get hurt and (2) I did not have to give mouth to mouth to that sruffy old face of his. By the way its a brown seat for an 89 VR just in case there Is one floating around looking for a new home:big-grin-emoticon:
  12. A friend of mine works for state farm so I thought maybe he could cut me a deal but as it turns out as you said they want all your policy's before they will give you motorcycle insurance. Evan at that they wanted $1400.00/yr so 1 went to riders plus and they charged me $654.00/yr.
  13. prayers said, may everything work out in your favour
  14. great job any chance you could do one for an 1989 XVZ13DW VENTURE ROYAL
  15. Say what you will but i love my casstte player:thumbsup2:
  17. I sent this link to my kids and some friends I really hope it sinks in http://d.yimg.com/kq/groups/3095586/8629942/name/SMS%20Car%20Accident.wmv Although this is a made up video, hopefully it will make people realize that it is also a reality that occurs all too often.
  18. I wouldn't be to sure about that. After all this is Charlie your talking about.:rotfl::rotfl:
  19. that makes 2 of us
  20. Bow And Arrow only!! We can have a pool on how many arrows it would take to sink the pond monster:dancefool::dancefool: :banana: :banana:
  21. How about the bike is it ready too:banana::banana:
  22. Mine is just 2 days before her's, Guess all the good people (Saints) are born in June:innocent-emoticon:
  23. Nice going. I love to see stuff like that.
  24. I enjoyed the last one so much I just got to go again. this time I think I pitch a tent though.
  25. would we have to label him FRAGILE HANDLE WITH CARE or could we save some money and just send him GENERAL DELIVERY:rotfl::rotfl:
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