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Everything posted by saddlebum

  1. Perry scores 2nd goal
  2. Canada just got penalty
  3. Hey Charlie sorry to hear about the breakup speacially with 30 years behind you. However congrates on the new bike and trailer, looks like a nice setup (for a second Gen). Hope you don't get to thinking your to good for us guy's still riding real bikes.
  4. End of 1st period Canada ahead by 1
  5. My thoughts exactly. If as randy say's the little girl just wanted to buy her Daddy a coffee what would have been so difficult about going in with her and sitting father and daughter at a table. Me thinks the guy was just a lazy a&&
  6. It blows my mind. Just as it does when I read another article about a child dying of heat stroke because some no brainer left them in the car parked in the hot sun. I mean how maney times have we all read in the newspapers or seen in the news something like this happening yet saddly people still do it. WHAT IS WRONG WITH THEM ????
  7. Wow I can see the smoke from way up here
  8. I use the j&m headset the speakers are detachable and you just switch the control on the bike from headset to speaker. the mike still works w/o the speakers but the sound comes throught the bike speakers. when you want to use the ear speakers just plug them back into the helmet unit. and switch your bike control switch to headset. I also have a scala rider set the speaker is a single speaker the size of a quarter which has a velcro back that will stick to the liner anywhere in your helmet. I stick mine just around the temple area. The only thing with the scala is it operates on blue tooth. great for cell phones gps and 2 or 4 rider comunication, but unless the bike is blue tooth ready or you instal a dongle, it wont work with the cb radio or on board intercom.
  9. saddlebum


    I bet he will even throw in free shipping:thumbsup2: or personally deliver it
  10. I plan on mounting a set of these LED turn signals onto my bike. Either on the sides of my saddle bag or my trunk, I have not decided which yet. They are used on the side of the cabs of Volvo transport trucks as as additional signals. Which means you can go into any Volvo truck dealer to get them. The grey plastic part can be painted to match the color of the bike.
  11. Thanks for the explanation Don
  12. saddlebum


    Meguiar's plastx, it did a great job on my windshield when a 2x4 bounced off it. you can't even tell it was ever hit. You can get it at Canadian Tire
  13. here is an example http://venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=45404 In this thread I copied and pasted the picture as well as uploading it as an attachement the copy /paste one comes back as a red X instead of a picture. but as you can see the attachement was fine.
  14. When I copy and paste a picture it always shows up great at the time, but the next day all you see is a big red x :think: :think: :think: :think:
  15. I think it would be DANGEROUS. . . An invitatation to watch the guage instead of the road. . .Probably why they quit putting it in the cars. . . .And besides now we have CELL PHONES to kill people.
  16. If it ain't broke don't fix it.
  17. Number 12 in chrome for the left side would easily find a home on my scoot should someone have an extra
  18. Robert Ludlum - specially the Bourne trilogy Louis L’Amour – currently on book 4 of the Sackett series Ralph Compton – if you like L’Amour you will also like Ralph Compton Jean M, Auel – Earth children I am very partial to westerns. Also a big fan of historical fiction or novels
  19. They were gauges installed at the factory in some cars and were called motor minders. The main purpose at the time was for a driver to be able to conserve fuel by watching the gauge, and keeping the needle in the green zone during acceleration. This would be between 10 and 17 inches of vacume. If you stepped to hard on the gas pedal the guage would drop below 10 inches, indicating that you were using too much gas. It did however have an added benifit for those with mechanical know how. A person who understood engines could tell what was wrong with an engine based on wether the needle held steady or fluctuated, was abnormally low or high. You would be able to pick out things such as leaking or sticking valves, incorrect ignition timing, intake or vacume leaks and even a restricted exhaust etc..
  20. Thats our cotton harvest . . . . . . . . and ya'l thought it only grew in the south:rotfl: :rotfl:
  21. ----Besides I can't stand reality shows
  22. Squidly?------Wasn't that the day you were screaming in agony for some one to find a can of ....WD 40 :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
  23. You sure its not a colman cartop carrier converted into a trailer? If so would that not make it a home made trailer and allow you to register it as such?
  24. 1stly folks here are always confused,:think:-------and 2ndly who here is actually young enough to still have a memory:think::think: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
  25. Thats real bad luck ---hope you heal fast
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