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Everything posted by saddlebum

  1. EEEEWWHH, now that I think about it, the thought of that BIG BUTT, wrapped in a RED PANTY, swiming around in a oversize Sunday, Is enough to make me give up icecream, forever:thumbdown:
  2. I got it , I got it black and white with a cherry on top He thought it was a great big SUNDAY and dove right in
  3. All of the above , Although I have to admit I always thought you never opened your mouth for anything but icecream:rotfl::rotfl:
  4. My wife and I are flying to Vegas for a week august 23 to the 29th(i think). I am more of a sightseer than a gambler or relaxer, so If anyone can toss up some hot tips or advice that would be great. Since we are Flying down I was thinking of looking into renting a motorcycle for a day or two, and go on one of them cycle tours, so any hand me down knowledge or tips in this area would be great too.
  5. Actually a proper crimp is stronger and more secure. If for some reason , such as a poor or corroded conection, or even an overload on a terminal, it can overheat to the point were the solder will melt and let go. Also if the copper wire and the terminal are not clean enough you may not get a proper solder joint. My preference is to properly crimp the terminal (key phrase here is properly crimp) with a quality crimping tool, and then solder it to seal out moisture etc.
  6. Are we talking regular automtive oil or motorcycle specific oil
  7. I believe for the 1300 you would be better off picking up a second gen rear drive for a spare. If I am not mistaken the only difference is the the second gen has an extra hole for a sensor which you simply plug. Other than that I am pretty sure they are the same.
  8. Had a great time friday. Met Chabichecka and paysaw, and two of paysaw's friends one of which had a great between the ears map of the back roads and led us on a super scenic ride full of twisty's as far as Caladonia. From there we took Wayne's advice. Wayne pm'd me in the morning, which resulted in a landline conversation. During the conversation he suggested taking a route through to Selkirk, which we did rather than go through Hagersville, and then the lakeshore road past Nanticoke through to Dover. A beautiful scenic ride and no delay's ( hope to make that ride again before the summer is out ). Once there we wondered about some (somehow lost the little brown guy but happily found him again). At 2:00 I headed of to timmie's were I Hooked up with Bob , Becky, Wayne the old guy we sometimes call Carl (just to make him feel good), Oh yeh and Abdul. Carl, Abdul and I, wondered about somemore had a beer and eventually left following the lake shore to Dunville were we had a great meal and Carl kept hitting on my, well our, waitress (who was actually madly in love with me). Saddly I had to break her poor heart and leave without her. Carl and I then rode on to Waynes (Abdul striking off on his own to head home), to make sure Wayne got Bob and Becky safely back to there place, were Carl forced me to have a glass of Waynes Irish cream which I accepted only so I could say Hi to Robin (Waynes better half). Carl and I then left headed back to his house were I got to say Hi to Marca (Carl's Better half) sit relax and have a coffee before heading home. Total actual riding time for me was 600 km 7 hrs and the best day I have had so far this year. :big-grin-emoticon: :big-grin-emoticon: :big-grin-emoticon: :big-grin-emoticon: :big-grin-emoticon:
  9. And your still alive to write about it- - - - -Imagine that :think:
  10. If it were not for the fact that you said right up front that you were riding a wing and that it was like riding a car, I would swear you you just described a FIRST GEN except for the leg room part.
  11. Sorry Abdul. You look so young I always forget How OOOOOld you really are.:rotfl: So I will see you at Timmy's At Harvester road and Walkers line here in Burlington. P/S I know I reapeted the location but since your so old I thought a reminder would not hurt For those of you who want to meet up also, just take Walkers line cut off from the QEW go south to the next street (Harvester road) and make a right (there is a ford dealer on the cornor) once past the dealership Tmmie's is on the right. See you there.
  12. Have been pulling trailers forever and never greased the ball. A lot of dirt collects on a greased ball and tends to do more grinding then lubricating.
  13. 1 am is fine with me....................... I was thinking around 7 am to leave toronto. would take me an hour to get near your place. If you prefer, i could leave at 8 am and meet you around 9 am? if you want to leave even later, then 10 am max.How does that sound? Anyone wanting to join up from Toronto is welcome. Once there, i prefer to split up and be on my own so as not to take up anyones time to wait for me while i am looking at a bike for half an hour or spending lots of time trying out Helmets etc. We could then meet at Timmies at 2 pm, as is our tradition...and set up a time as to what time we should leave. Abdul. Meeting up around 9:am sounds good to me. If you remember how to get to my place we can meet there Or if you prefer there is the timmy's on Walkers line and Harvester Rd just south of the QEW. As Abdul say's, anyone wanting to join up is welcome.
  14. Sure, we could ride together. what time were you planning on leaving? I was thinking about leaving pretty early. Is that okay with you? How early, is early? I am asking because I get home from work at 1:am.
  15. Unless something very important comes up I fully intend to go. I booked the day off work months ago . Hey chabicheka, since your most likely passing my way let me know and I,ll hook up and ride with you [quote] Oh.....and for the one's that have never met me, i will be wearing 'brown' skin... What do you wear the rest of the time :rotfl: :rotfl:
  16. I leave work at 1:00 am every night. The traffic lights do not change to green untill aproached by a cage and ignores motorcycles. When driving my truck I have notice that the light changes in 16 seconds. So, when I approach the light with my motorcycle I count off 20 seconds then go through if the way is clear. Last night I was pulled over for crossing on a red light. I explained the above situation to the officer and after verifying my license he let me off. Who is too say the next time I will get let off though and as I explained to him I can't sit there all night waiting for a cage to approach the light. I know this is not an uncommon occurance, so how do the rest of you deal with these situations
  17. Wow I really don't know what to say. Sure hope you get through this ordeal OK. P/S hang in there and no matter what they do don't give away any Venture secrets.
  18. Formulation WD-40's formula is a trade secret. The product is not patented in order to avoid completely disclosing its ingredients.[2] WD-40's main ingredients, according to U.S. Material Safety Data Sheet information, are: 50%: Stoddard solvent (i.e., mineral spirits -- primarily hexane, somewhat similar to kerosene) 25%: Liquefied petroleum gas (presumably as a propellant; carbon dioxide is now used instead to reduce WD-40's considerable flammability) 15+%: Mineral oil (light lubricating oil) 10-%: Inert ingredients The German version of the mandatory EU safety sheet lists the following safety-relevant ingredients: 60-80%: Heavy Naphtha (petroleum product), hydrogen treated 1-5%: Carbon dioxide It further lists flammability and effects to the human skin when repeatedly exposed to WD-40 as risks when using WD-40. Nitrile rubber gloves and safety glasses should be used. Water is unsuitable for extinguishing burning WD-40. There is a popular urban legend that the key ingredient in WD-40 is fish oil.[3] However, the WD-40 web site states that it is a petroleum based product [4]
  19. I think the brand of plug is also a big factor. A friend of mine who is a TECH TIRE rep had 250 in the side wall of his front tire, which he used to demo the plug installations. He wore the tires out without a single failure. However I have used some brands that I would never touch again with a ten foot pole.
  20. I know its not a big secret, and many here know about it but for those that did not know this simple trick, I thought it would be useful info to post, or repost whatever the case may be, since the issue of wet ignitions has come up again.
  21. Traiter
  22. By being DUTCH and toooo cheap to fix anthing properly.
  23. I am not even American, and it makes my blood boil to hear stuff like this. Why is it the disrespectfull and trouble making fanatics always seem to win out?????:bang head: Political correctness is like picking up bodily waste, and not being allowed to say YUCK
  24. Next time your bike wont start or run right because of wet weather or washing, try spraying the entire ignition system including the plug wires with a heavy wet dose of WD40 or other quality penetrating oil. It will flush the moisture away and 9 times out of ten the bike will run normal. 2nd point if it works it is a good indicator that some part of your ignition needs replacing.
  25. MMMM Sounds to me like an excuse for more demonstrating
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