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Everything posted by saddlebum

  1. Sorry to say it, but it sounds to me like its time you invested in one of those call alerts you wear on your wrist:backinmyday: Hopefully you will be okay very quickly:thumbsup:
  2. not to highjack this thread. but can you clue us in a bit more about.
  3. Thats were I got mine done. Good people to deal with too. I 1st had them put avons on. When the sidewalls started to crack he jumped right in and said he would change them. When I asked to have the elite 2 put on instead, he had no issue with it at all
  4. hard to believe next you will be starring in wild hogs part 2
  5. Don't feel bad. you wouldn't be the 1st one to overlook something silly and you certianly won't be the last. Even seasoned Mechanics occasionaly make them. Don't ask !!!!
  6. Your right Gary its not the flu season yet, but already four people at work, two friends outside of work and my mother are all having the same thing. Hope you feel better real soon.
  7. I agree. I am no computer whiz but when I tried working with my friends windows 7, I did not like it.
  8. From the sounds of it unless the odo has gone over once , this bike sat a lot. Any engine that sits alot tends to smoke a bit. This goes away as the engine sees more regular use. Don't be afraid to work the engine (and I don't mean abuse it). When an engine is made to work the rings are forced outward against the piston walls and reseat themselves.
  9. It kind of depends on why it broke. If something was seized or old and despite the mehanics best efforts but was something the mechainc could not help, than that would only be fair . But if it broke because the mechanic was careless, aggresive or just did not know what he was doing, then the mechanic should pay for it.
  10. That was super . Makes me want to ride a Norton again
  11. Which ones the dragon ?? :think: You know somebody had to say it:big-grin-emoticon:
  12. In my experience dielectric grease or even grotes electical protective grease are great for high voltage and amperage connections. but avoid using it on low voltage electronic connections. These circuits only run 5 or less volts and the amperage load is in the milliamps. Some of these circuits are data link wires between modules or low voltage reference signals between modules and sensors.
  13. Hey Charlie I never knew you were part of the fish restocking team. But aren't you supposed to put all of them in the water:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
  14. You havent talked to him for the better part of a year. With all that catchin up he probably had to give his ears a rest and his vocals some exercise.
  15. Go new and if Dano can get another group buy on the higher capacity rec/reg get in on it. If I remember Marcarl bought some extra ones back then to help offset shipping for us Canucks. He may or may not still have some.
  16. Do they put some sort of reverse kit in it or do you still have to push it backwards ?
  17. I carry a first aid kit similar to the trauma kit of items I put together based on getting more severe injury's. Rolls of guaze, packets of field dressings (or compression bandages). cloth sling (useful for maney types of injury's), a wire splint, long steri-strips, needle and thread, small sharp folding knife, a roll of black electrical tape (working as a mechanic for years I found it sticks and stay's in place in wet or greasy conditions better than any other type of tape and is less bulky than duct tape), and a small mouth to mouth face sheild (the plastic type you can stick in your wallet), I also carry a second small band aid kit, for small cuts that just wont stop leaking (more for the benifit of others who prefer not to see blood running down your hand dripping on everything, sort of thing).
  18. I would also like to add my sentiments to all those who are happy to hear you are ok. Sorry about the bike but but you and the Mrs come first.
  19. Assuming the wiring is ok and it is acting up even when turned on by the fan overide switch, I would say thats a pretty good sign that the fan motor itself on its last legs speacially if it works cold but not when it is hot. try running 12 volts directly to the motor and see how it runs then.
  20. JUst my humble opinion but Historically HD riders have always looked down on those who did not ride an HD and although today there are maney HD riders who are no longer like this, there is still a smal faction of HD riders who are. Quite often the sentiment you put out is the sentiment you get back. In truth it is sad since we are all people who enjoy riding and therefore should respect understand and share in each others preference of motorcycle without always having to critisize.
  21. Wait a minute it does say . Audio system is CD changer compatible and handset-ready (available accessories). this way you can play cd's and cassettes both.
  22. The way I see it if your worried just lighten up on the adjustment, even a small amount of trailer brake has to be better than no trailer brake at all
  23. Hey thanks for all the input . Nothing worse than going somewhere new and finding out after you get home about all the places you should have gone too.
  24. Well I am impressed! very nice!
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