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Everything posted by saddlebum

  1. Wrong ...He was scared, and as a result too cautious. . If you notice, he backed off the throttle for a second just before the ramp. He was beat before he even started. He should have just give it to her or not tried at all. When you do stuff like that there is no half way, its all or nothing.
  2. I am fully in favour of putting an end to people running red lights. In my mind they are far more dangerous then people who drive fast. That goes for those who refuse to stop at stop signs or prior to entering a roadway from a driveway or parking lot as well. But what about motorcycles who do stop at red lights and after a reasonable wait, go through them because they do not change for the motorcycle.
  3. AT HIS PLACE. gives him a chance to see how friendly we really are
  4. Thanks Redneck. There is always somebody thats got to spoil a good thing.
  5. this guy is nuts http://www.dump.com/2010/11/30/highest-waterfall-in-a-kayak-189-ft-video/
  6. I dont know what Hospital Visiting Hours :Avatars_Gee_George:are in Scotland, but at this piont he may want to think twice before letting her in:hurts:
  7. Yesterday my wife was rushing about packing away the tons of Christmas trinkets she puts up every year. After a while she sits down , looks at me and says she thinks she is loosing her mind. To which I replied. Well honey it doesn't surprise me, afterall . . . . . . . You have been giving me a piece of it everyday for 32 years. Hospital Visiting Hours are 10 AM to 8 PM
  8. It says to measure to the hem of your jeans not to the floor but how high would they ride up once you are sitting on the bike.
  9. There is a possibility that I may go, just not sure yet. If I do go It would definitly be nice to greet other members there.
  10. My father continues to hang on the edge. At this point he has been returned to ICU for the third time. He is back on the breathing machine which is connected directly to the trachea tube, and they continue to remove copious amounts of fluid from his lungs. His blood pressure and heart rate are all over the chart changing from one minute to the next. Mentally he has almost totally lost touch, not aware of where he is or who we are with the exception of Mom. Some days we have hope and other days we wonder if he will be with us tomorrow. Tues they were supposed to put a feeding tube directly into his stomach inserting it through his side just below the rib, because he keeps pulling the one which enters through his nose out. It was delayed because whatever nurse last installed his catheter, put it in wrong and he became backed up to the point were he was very bloated. It seems every time he is moved from the ICU to the ward he takes a turn for the worse. The strain although it is affecting all of us is really starting to show on my Mom.
  11. My wife and I were out shopping. Stopping in front of a swimsuit store, She asks me .... should I get a 2 piece or an all in one. .....I said better make it the two peice, you will never get it all in one. Hospital Visiting Hours are 10 AM to 8 PM http://venturerider.org/forum/images/smilies/Avatars_Gee_George.gif
  12. Beware if he offers you coffee though he will charge extra for that to make up the difference.
  13. know exactly what you mean. I got rear ended by a girl busy texting. I was in my pickup truck fortunatly, but could not help wondering what if. From that day on when coming to a stop, I swear I watch behind more than in front, Hope I don't run into somebody because of it
  14. Very sorry to hear about your loss. Prayers sent for all concerned
  15. Apparently a day late but Happy Birthday just the same Cindy:Crazy_139:
  16. HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE :group cheers::group cheers::group cheers::group cheers:
  17. I hear a lot of people brow beating themselves over mistakes they feel they made which caused a separation, when in actual fact they may not have made any. Let me just say that although this may be true in some cases, it is not always. Sometimes partners have each grown up to the beat of a different drum. Often this results in one laying down the ground rules based on the way they were raised, and firmly believes there is no other way, while the other is expected to bend to them despite the fact that they were raised by a different set of rules and customs. This does not make either one wrong, although one is made to feel as though they are. For a relationship to work both need to accept and understand each others differences, and simply agree to disagree, as well as be willing to come up with a compromise that both can live with. Sometimes one has to back off and let the other have their way, but sometimes it has to be the other way around. But you cannot have one always rule while the other is driven to walking on egg shells. Scarylarry , with regards to you daughter, I have been there. After my daughter literaly hating me for 3-4 years she slowly started to come around. This year for Christmas she hugged me and told me she loved me and things are almost back to normal. Your Daughter is only seveteen. Be patient, understanding and mostly give her time. Eventually she will come around. You may have to swallow a lot of pride, but always remain in the shadows, swallow any harsh words or retalitory words that tend to surface. Be ready to be there for her for when she needs you, and she will. She may get into her twentys before it happens, but it will.
  18. Key here is wether or not the main frame is still straight. Near as I can tell the damage looks similar to what mine was after my accident By the time I was done I spent $2200.00 rebiulding it. That was just the cost of material, including paint supplies, plus I replaced both tires purchased a used diff, rebuilt and installed it and put new brakes on it. The labour was my own time so if you have to pay labour you can add that to it.
  19. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SXSSrBBZV_8&feature=related]YouTube - Hi Jack! LONGER VERSION[/ame]
  20. Did you just repeat yourself or are you just really wanting to rub it in:big-grin-emoticon:
  21. Is it spring yet?
  22. OH to be a fly on the wall . . Sguidly sitting on the floor , thumb in mouth, Blanky in hand held to side of that cupcake face. watching Captian Kangaroo. :rotfl::rotfl:
  23. I am very sorry to hear that. Hope he found Himself a good spot to watch you and was able to be in your hearts for Christmas.
  24. Hey consider yourself lucky. . . Most people in your situation only get a gift at Christmas and are then told { Oh yes and this is for birthday too } But I am not like that so Happy Birthday
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