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Everything posted by saddlebum

  1. and if he doesent have one . . . . . . . He could probably make one for you....
  2. you forgot to mention motorcycle swimming:rotfl::rotfl:
  3. He is and almost as tall as you mini:stickpoke:
  4. Hey Cupcake, . . . . . Does that mean you don't love us as much as we thought you did.
  5. Or maybe you you could have remained silient and let her surprise you:bang head:
  6. I have mixed together so maney differeent leftovers and loved almost all off them. Left overs are also a great way to loose weight. You just eat enough to satisfy knowing the leftovers will become part of something new and good the next day or so.
  7. Maybe this little guy can come to MD and teach us http://www.funlol.com/7583/My_favorite_young_asian_guitar_prodigy.html
  8. Watch right to the end..Unbelieveable!!! Watch the facial expressions on his face when he spots his Mom & Dad...Talented little guy Hit the link turn up your volume and enjoy!!!!!! http://www.angelfire.com/ak2/intelligencerreport/drummer.html
  9. Well they have been letting Dad breathe more on his own again, at first just during the day and now almost all the time. His breathing is still through the trachea tube, they just don’t hook it up to the ventilator unless they need too. Tuesday they used a winch to lift him out of bed and put him in a chair, from what I was told went not too badly, but Wed. he did not want them to do it. The one incision is still oozing a lot and the doctors are now saying that they do not know why. They are also still suctioning fluid from his lungs. . Mom said that he is so weak that he can barely lift his arm or even hold a pencil. Some times he looks so sad and even lets the odd tear out that Mom is afraid that he wants to give up. He keeps asking for me but this stupid cold I have just will not go away. Its not so bad now, I only cough occasionally but they still will not let me in, which is understandable given his condition
  10. Thats what I said Marcarl- - - - - - My keyboard tends to misspell sometimes
  11. :rotfl::rotfl::rotfl:
  12. Heck your only going to have to wash it again in the spring anyway so I would have gone for the ride.
  13. I have noticed that too
  14. My wife asked me, "How many women have you slept with?" I proudly replied, "Only you, Darling. With all the others I was awake." Hospital Visiting Hours are 10 AM to 8 PM
  15. Do you actually have it running or are you just pushing it from one neighbour to the next as you drink their beer:rotfl:
  16. I beleve there coffe went down hill right after Wendys took it over.(isn't Wendy's American) That would explain it me thinks. Dishwater huh wonder if I could get a contract to pipe it direct from my dish washer to Timmies and get a fixed rate by the barrel:rotfl:
  17. NOT JUST YOURS He probably wasn't working in the first place People are not allowed to lend a hand. The government is afraid if the crime rate drops , so will the jobs for the legal profession.
  18. Also with a water pump housing depending on what type of coolant has been used there could be a fair amount of cavitation and errosion on the housing impellar face, so putting in a new impellar does not necessarily gaurantee proper flow. If you do install a new impellar check the clearance between the impellar and the housing impellar face to make sure that there is not to much.
  19. Thats his nieghbours idea of snow removal. Whenever it snows they just holler over to charlie HEY WE GOT BEER:rotfl: All joking aside your a good man Charlie Brown
  20. Thats only because Bobby is more adapt and taking them from the back seat of a venture. . . . . Oh and yeh he doesent put film in the camera either:rotfl::rotfl:
  21. :dancefool:
  22. Guess that means rocket will be putting the pontoons on the bike again:rotfl:
  23. Got mine 2 days ago:dancefool::dancefool:Marcarl told me they came with free coffee in them though, and mine came empty P/S Don do you have any left?
  24. Actually you take end A drawit under B over and under C with a figure eight multiple half twist partially dragged under D returning to interlace with the multiple half twist and..........wait no thats wrong start over---Take A and *&%#
  25. Checking out your pictures I was just wondering did you say reassemble or disassemble :banana::banana:
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