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Everything posted by saddlebum

  1. When I repainted my bike the colour codes for my bike were not available anywhere short of ordering it from a company in the states. Since my 89 was two tone I ended up using these two colour codes which are so close you have to park another 89 beside it to actually see the difference the. The 1st one was for a Saab colour Merlot 284-5 and the second was a Mazda colour Valancia B1-3 both were metalic pearl. The paint was Debeer base coat clear coat and I was extremely happy with the results.
  2. The buick all the way. More reliable far better ride and much quieter inside. Plus chrysler has a history of transmission and torque convertor issue's. The buick 3.8lL is almost as bullit proof as the venture engine. I put 480,000 km (about 300,000 miles) on mine and never touched it. With regards to the intake manifold it is rare and it is still easier and less costly to fix than a transmission if it did leak.
  3. Nick knack paddy wack give the dog a bone this old dog was protecting her home My vote is for bad dog ....she failed to get a piece of him
  4. saddlebum


    sent my $5 via PayPal:mo money: - - -Bad Swifty - - - - Cancelled Payment:backinmyday:
  5. Prayers sent for her success with the surgery
  6. So Old you have gone senile Huh :rotfl:
  7. 18 out of 20 not as old as most of you I guess:dancefool:Now Carl you should have had them all right old as you are I think you cheated and answered some wrong on purpose:no-no-no:
  8. I generaly try to use the truckers 6 second rule. It usually gives you enough time to stop no matter what. Thats not to say I am perfect and follow it everytime without fail just that I usually try to.
  9. I think I saw it once. I was flying to Vegas when all of a sudden I saw this big void in the American landscape. Someone told me that it was texas.
  10. And here I thought Charlies favourite word was AAH !
  11. Its easy. the difference between hooker sex and marital sex is one you pay to go away when its over the other you pay to stick around. At least thats the way I explained it to my wife By the way did I mention Hospital Visiting Hours are 10 AM to 8 PM
  12. Horseback riding, fishing, canoeing, camping, woodworking and just general tinkering in the garage
  13. Is this the one were if you had chosen to take the 25 year jail term instead of getting wed you would be a free man today
  14. Ya me too. and that goes waaaaaay back
  15. If the water is going to go in any way why not just install a pool filtration system and have a basement swiming pool:big-grin-emoticon:
  16. Its amazing how his color changes when you back him up more onto the carpet
  17. Look again 5 fri 5 sat and 5 sun your just looking at the friday
  18. If thats what you want to call it. Personally I am glad that the moderators regulate it. 1st and foremost I do believe last time I checked this is a motorcycle forum, developed to share a common interest in motorcycles initially the venture. If there was not some sort of control we would have more about politics then Motorcycles and is not the main purpose of Motorcycles to escape everyday stress and BS. If you want political discussion there are maney other sites to go to without cluttering this one up with it. Keep up the good work Don and the rest of the moderators.
  19. So which one did you check off :rotfl:
  20. I keep several of them spread around the house garage and shop at work . I find when you need one you need it instantly. This way there always one readily at hand.
  21. What you split your pants again ? you need to stop bending over:rotfl:
  22. I used to use it years ago. I even used it as a mold release when working with fiberglass. Recently its been looked upon as a none toxic wax for candle making. It apparently has maney other benifits as well. check out this list of uses http://www.texasdrone.com/Beeswax-Uses.htm#Baking
  23. That is really sad to hear. I hope and pray he pulls through alright
  24. I put one on my bike last year and run it direct to the battery with a 20 amp fuse. I use it to charge the battery. I also use it for things such as cellphone chargers gps and low wattage inverters.
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