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Everything posted by saddlebum

  1. Yes definitly a Canadian custom well founded in our roots
  2. I don't think it should matter, as I have noticed due to all the meet and eats. A lot of our American friends are becoming bilingual, and learning to speak Canadian EH!
  3. Politcs is a loosing and frustrating argument no matter what side of the fence you sit on
  4. If you watch the ball as it leaves the bat it is heading straight for the pitch then vanishes and a second ball appears out of nowhere. For one split second you can actually see two balls as the substitution takes place.
  5. This story occured a couple years ago and was all over the media at the time. It was actually the first time I even heard about ID theft and realized it was even possible. If I can refind the story I will post it.
  6. My 89 tended to wander when the steering head bolts were too loose But I also found with my 89 if I overtightened steering head bearings too tight or stiff it will tend to sway and when going to into turns I would find myself fighting it into the turn as the bike would tend to try to straighten itself out. Once I backed them off a little it was fine.
  7. Since your in the process of going back to your old roots. Get yourself another 1st Gen and don't be a styranger, If its twwo fast you can always plug two spark plug holes.
  8. First of let me say "you're in my thoughts" is not little or weak. It is as meaningfull coming from anyone (regardless if you believe in prayer or not), as a prayer is, coming from one who does believe in prayer. Just because one does not believe in prayer, would they care any less, I don't think so. For a hurting indivdual and their family to know you care however you express it, goes a very long way. I was raised by a very religous Mother and and a somewhat sceptical Father. Wether this is the reason or not I do not know, but I find myself going back and forth wondering, while at the same time two of my brother's are total Athiests and one states he is agnostic. These differences do not come between us nor do we find it phony unles an individual preaches one life style while living another or pretends to be of one belief while with one group and of another belief while with another group. In other words if you live what you preach, regardless of what it is you believe, how can it be phony. Simply respect each others beliefs (as long as those beliefs are not harmfull in any radical way). At the same time offering up a prayer on someones behalf because they believe, and cannot pray for themselves, despite the fact that one does not, certianly will not hurt anyone.
  9. I have prayed on his behalf and hope he recovers fully. It is so sad that so many of us are going down.
  10. Just make sure it has cooled down before you ride... ...Unless you have a headache and need an A$$BURN :rotfl:
  11. Nope not nuff said..... Tom it was a great event and I loved every minute. Thank you Tom and Vicki and Pioneer Motor Sports it was a blast.
  12. Which face ??
  13. Us Ontario riders made it back after what turned out to be one supper weekend, at the WNY mini Rally. We were all a little disappointed however that The escort we had to the border. was not there to meet us and escort us back home.......Guess they must be afraid of a little rain. I must admit it came down pretty hard at the peace bridge, as a matter of fact the water was coming down the bridge road like a river and when Bob ( Greener ) took off I swear he actually left a rooster tail behind him. Now Abdul. You of all people, I expected to see waiting at the border for us ....How dissappointing.
  14. YEH lets hear it for grey power >!!! And regarding menopause ...just try decoding that one....Apaches move over. Not to mention, What else in this world ..could go from ...zero to itchy-B in less then 0.02 seconds......Gotta go go now the Mrs just walked in
  15. If hits anything his friends will be playing X&O's on his face
  16. I will be ready to roll by eleven If you have forgotten something than it sholdn't be a problem anymore. works for me .......most times
  17. I will be there as well. My time off approval came through at the last minute, My rocking the boat a bit may have helped.
  18. I sort of remember, although not all the details about someone that had a mortgage taken out on thier house by an ID thief and they apparently had a pretty rough time trying to get out from under it.
  19. Stop by my place on the way if you can, we can ride together:7_6_3[1]:
  20. I would start by checking the neighbours garage and then slowly work my way down the street. If that fails check Yammer Dans new shop
  21. HEALTH MESSAGE: 1. If walking/cycling is good for your health, the postman would be immortal. 2. A whale swims all day, only eats fish, drinks water and is fat. 3. A rabbit runs and hops,eats only vegetables, and lives 15 years. 4. A tortoise doesn't run, does nothing ...yet lives for 450 years. http://venturerider.org/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=59777&d=1313703779 AND YOU TELL ME TO EXERCISE!
  22. Looks like somebody's people didn't tell his people . . . . . . Come to think of it I only just noticed it myself they will miss me but something tells me the locals here are going to miss the burlington mall
  23. Good Point. Don't ask:smile5:
  24. For those of us heading down on friday , are we all still good for meeting fri noon at Casablanca?
  25. Yeh that to
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