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Everything posted by saddlebum

  1. Its nice that she is home, but it would be even nicer and a lot less worrisome If they had some answers. Still hoping and praying that whatever it is/was is not serious and may just be some sort of bug that once it runs its course, all will be well again.
  2. Hey Dan, do we need to ask how you know,..... or would you prefer we didn't
  3. I called him up, pulled up schematics and attempted to help him as much as I could over the phone. Just got off the phone with him he has run a bypass to get some lights and is getting packed up to roll again.
  4. Check the start button on the handlebar. the start button also cuts out the headlight when depressed. They tend to get dirty inside and some times stick part way. When this happens they fail to reconnect the headlight contact. I had this happen to me also, discovered it after changing the bulb. It comes apart and goes back together easy but watch for small parts and springs (they like to fly ). simply take it apart clean it up and put back together. takes about 30-40 minutes PS before pulling it apart you can try pulling on the start button to make sure it has come all the way back out. If the headlights come on when you pull on the button then just make your way to a better location to do the clean mentioned above. If you don't want to pull it apart for fear of loosing a small part try blowing compressed air around the start button and any opennings you see to attempt to just blow it clear for now.
  5. AHH yes ...open mouth ....insert foot Hope he had is walking shoes on instead of his riding boots:rotfl:
  6. Check the bead line around the rim and make sure it has settled into the rim proper and true all around and equal on both sides
  7. Be sure to follow the instal directions in this link http://www.jbmindustries.com/Yamaha650.html speacially the part about the open hole location.
  8. Don't know how I missed seeing this yesterday but I sure hope and pray she is doing much better today and that it was nothing more then a bit of a fright ( that being bad enough as it is). Hope and pray the doctors get to the bottOm of this and soon.
  9. Yes thanks for the update.
  10. Try the set offered by JBM industries. I bought a set found them easier to instal than the OEM style and so far have worked great. Their delivery was fast and price reasonable. Here is their link http://www.jbmindustries.com/index.html
  11. Here are the codes as copied from my owners manual E1 - Shows trouble on the system. (If detected by self check when power is turned on) E2 - Air preasure does not rise when the air compressor is operated E3 - The air compressor has been operated continuously for about one minute E4 - The preasure sensor has no output voltage E5 - Control unit has trouble E6 - Air preasure does not drop with the discharge valve opened. Hope this helps. However more often then not it is a cold solder joint opr crack as previously mentioned. The solder joints tend to look like little cones. Look for a little black ring around the cone usually about half way up the cone.
  12. Glad your daughter is doing OK and continues to do so. By coincidence I have been having similiar symptoms for the past three weeks. Have had my bowels purged, blood tests, ex-ray, catscan and ultra sound done and so far nothing shows up, yet I continue to have mild pain in the lower right qaurter of my abdomen. Think I will bring this up with my GP see what he say's.
  13. This is a common cause another is when a strand of the cable breaks free from the rest of the cable causing the cable to bind and jump. Glad you have it working now. You may want to post were you had the cable made, as sources for making up cables are getting scarce due to electronic sensors. I still have tools to make up these cables (somewhere ) I used to make up alot of them for transport trucks back in the 70's, but finding a source for cable is not so easy anymore.
  14. Thats right ... What Brad say's is very true ......They weren't selling enough repair parts so they had to come up with a newer model ...the second gen apparently fits the bill.
  15. WOW step of the site for a couple days and you go and have yourself a Birthday. Hope you had a good one Bob.
  16. Is it leather or vinyl ? If it is vinyl loctite sells a vinyl repair kit. If it is leather go to a shoe repair shop and get some leather dye. After it drys follow up with some lexol sold at most saddle tach shops.
  17. I have used Tech permacure plugs for years on cars and trucks and have yet to have one fail. The supplier who used to come to our shop would shove them in the side wall of his front tire (personally not recomended ) to demo them. by the time the tires were worn out he had approximatly 250 plugs in his tire. I have never tried one on a MC tire but probably wopuld if the occasion came up. http://www.techtirerepairs.com/Catalog/ItemList.aspx?SalesSubGroup=MR030&family=MR&salesGroup=MR03 http://www.techtirerepairs.com/Catalog/ItemDetail.aspx?itemnum= 215 &salessubgroup=MR140
  18. When going around blind bends stay as close as you can to the right hand shoulder. In the mountians fast moving cars often crossover into your lane going around these bends and though logic tells you to use the track which offers you the best line of sight the guy in the car is not thinking about you. By the time he comes around that bend you may not have enough time to move over. So stick as far to the right shoulder around these bends as you can safely do.
  19. I am not always a big advocate of getting with the times. Sometimes getting with the times is like walking closer to the edge for a better look but then taking one step too MANNNNNYYYYYYY>>>>>....... . . . . . PS. I prefer having a cassette player on my bike to a CD player.
  20. Your right, I stand corrected.
  21. If your new battery has fill caps and it is not a sealed battery then you you just leave out a fill cap and place the probe in its place same as the old battery. If it is a sealed maint free battery then do the modification.
  22. Percentage wise or in shear numbers ......Don't forget the number of cars on the road far out number the number of motorcycles by an extreme long shot.
  23. I would go for two with leaf on the sleeve 1) womens LG and 1) mens XXL I also think Condor has an interesting point.
  24. With regards to the above statement, the three people I mentioned earlier escaped bodily injury outside of a few scrapes but because of not wearing a helmet they suffered severe brain injury. I myself over the course of 40 years have had two road accidents (not my Fault) and two bad wipeouts while motorcrossing (definitly my fault), all of which I was fortunate enough to walk away from with nothing more than some bad scrapes, because I had worn a helmet. Helmets are not foolproof but they do make a difference.
  25. Some othe things that come to mind Animal Farm by George Orwel 1984 by George Orwell Or worse the Cyborgs of the colective hive as portrayed in Star Trek Pretty soon the differences between Socialism, Comunism, and Democracy will all become things of the past as we all become slaves to a singular world Government. Scary is it not. PS check this link out http://www.psfk.com/2012/05/volvo-driverless-cars-on-public-roads.html
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