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Everything posted by saddlebum

  1. Nice to hear from you Annie. I think about you every time I look at or wear my Can Am hat. Sorry to hear your family is having such a rough go of it. Hopefully things will improve for all of you or at least not get any worse. Glad you got to go out for a good ride and hope it was worth the pain. I'll bet the smile on your face was more than the pain at least until you got off. Till next time Anne you and Alan take care.
  2. Hey Happy birthday Ray. And as far as the question "just how old can a fellow get" just look at Marcarl.....In other words you got lots and lots of years ahead of you. Hope you had a great day today to celebrate your birthday.
  3. The vidioe clip starts out with the cager attempting to overtake and pass a motorcycle on the right within the same lane as the motorcycle. That in itself is wrong and dangerous.
  4. I just installed a clearview and love it. the 1st one they sent me was slightly distorted. I sent them pictures and they were very fast in sending me a replacement. Every employee I spoke including the top guy were extremly approachable and adamant about making me a satisfied customer.
  5. Keep in Mind @cowpuc that Peggy @Yama Mama is the type of nurse that distracts you from feeling any pain in your hand by using her whips on the rest of your body. Having said that I hope your well on your way to full recovery.
  6. Don't get me wrong there are aspects of the computer age I enjoy just like everyone else. The ability to make use of a world of information such as finding stuff out about just about anything you may be working on such as house. cars motorcycles etc., or researching stuff before you buy. The ability to share and communicate with friends and family. The ability to research things like vacation spots and book trips or events on line. And yes the fact that the internet is also the blessing that helped bring people of common interests together such as this great venturerider group of misfits LOL who I would never have had the good fortune of joining had it not been for computers and the internet. I just sometimes worry about it all going too far. PS sorry for steering this thread out into left field. I actually just wanted to better understand windows 10 not start airing my fears about what if.
  7. And there within lies my problem. Conspiracy nuts , theorists however yo want to label them drive me nuts cause a big part of me takes them seriously and I start seeing things like George Orwells 1984 or animal farm or becoming cyborgs in a collective like in Star Trek and I begin to worry about the demise of simply being human beings living life on simple and trusted terms like we did before the computer age which now seems to be running or lives. Heck I had less stress and more liesure time before the computer age came and made life better.
  8. Just a a question here and forgive me and though I get by with computers maybe a bit better than the average person I am still far from being any sort of expert. So I spoke to our IT guy at work and he has some issues RE: WIN 10. One is he feels it is very intrusive, comes with its own built in spyware and keylogger. Things we have always guarded against. Now he is the first to admit he is a bit of a conspiracy theorist but he did throw a bit of a scare into me. I already hate that cell phones automatically sync every type of media you own whether you want it to or not which though they seem to think of it as a great asset I fnd it a headache because all too often it gets rid of currant contacts replacing them with redundant contacts and information I thought I got rid of. So How much do you control WIN 10 or how much does it control you and peek into your personal life.
  9. It did not see any tent poles so it thought it was up for grabs:rotfl: Yammer and his tent w/o poles.
  10. They probably thought that big orangy looking spyder was bretherin and came over thinking theyed have a big reunion
  11. just booked my campsite. Ill be at site 40..
  12. Ok, Steve I found one PM me your mailing address and I will send it to you.
  13. Not to gross anyone out But when my dog had a tumor removed from his tail the vet also had the problem of not being able to stretch the skin enough to close the wound. What she did was make a series of small staggered cuts on each side of the main incision. these opened up as she partially stitched the main cut together. It kind of looked like a piece of expanded metal over the area when she was done and instead of one big wound having to heal closed there where a bunch of smaller ones. It healed very quickly and extremely well. All the best of luck to you @cowpuc. BTW RE: @Flyinfool cannot blame me considering we have been having warm weather and today is the 1st snow we got since before Christmas.
  14. Ooooooops I missed that one. Thank goodness I typed it instead of saying it. Ive tasted shoe leather before and did not much care for the flavour.
  15. Who said anything about an open cage. I was literally talking about a miniature version of a closed in horse trailer properly vented to eliminate fumes just as any well built full size horse trailer. Many people with show dogs travel this way.
  16. If that were the case then there would a lot of dead livestock out there since most livestock gets trailer-ed.
  17. Thats a likely story @Ground-Hugger ...Your just making excuses because we all know you never intended to do anything anyway.
  18. The answer is very simple. Wait a day or two to look for something else you really need to find. You will of course never find it but thats when the oil will suddenly magically reappear.
  19. Hopefully I will find a spare in my garage and if I do I would not worry about the missing one it will either lie in the bottom somewhere or just get ground up. I doubt leaving it in there would do any damage it sure never hurt mine and as i said it was there for 5 or 6 years. More important to get one back in the cam support.
  20. Hey Steve I may have a couple spare ones. I will need to check. If I do I will PM you for your address and mail it out to you. I had one fall out when I replaced the valve cover gasket. If your not careful the edge of the cover catches it and knocks it out. I wasn't even aware of it until about 5 or 6 years later while doing the the clutch I found it laying in the clutch housing. The just sit in place and there are knobs on the valve cover that holds it down. With it out you do risk lowering oil pressure or equal oil distribution across the cam.
  21. I was planing on making a miniature replica of a horse trailer with air bag suspension for my Airedale, but then he passed away and since I haven't got another dog yet it kind of went on hold
  22. You could have A.A.A.D.D. Age Activated Attention Deficit Disorder. This is how it manifests: You decide to wash your car. As You start toward the garage, You notice that there is mail on the hall table. You decide to go through the mail before You wash the car. You lay the car keys down on the table, put the junk mail in the trash can under the table, and notice that the trashcan is full. So, You decide to put the bills back on the table and take out the trash first. But then You think, since Your going to be near the mailbox when You take out the trash anyway, You may as well pay the bills first. You take your checkbook off the table, and see that there is only one check left. Your extra checks are in Your desk in the study, so You go to your desk where you find the bottle of coke that you had been drinking. Your going to look for your checks, but first you need to push the coke aside so that you don't accidentally knock it over. You see that the coke is getting warm, and you decide you should put it in the refrigerator to keep it cold. As you head toward the kitchen with the coke, a vase of flowers on the counter catches your eye--they need to be watered. you set the coke down on the counter, and you discover your reading glasses that you've been searching for all morning. you decide you better put them back on your desk, but first your going to water the flowers. you set the glasses back down on the counter, fill a container with water and suddenly you spot the TV remote. Someone left it on the kitchen table. You realize that tonight when you go to watch TV, you will be looking for the remote, but nobody will remember that it's on the kitchen table, so you decide to put it back in the den where it belongs, but first you'll water the flowers. You splash some water on the flowers, but most of it spills on the floor. So, you set the remote back down on the table, get some towels and wipe up the spill. Then you head down the hall trying to remember what you were planning to do. At the end of the day: the car isn't washed, the bills aren't paid, there is a warm bottle of coke sitting on the counter, the flowers aren't watered, there is still only one check in your checkbook, you can't find the remote, You can't find your glasses, and you don't remember what you did with the car keys. Then when you try to figure out why nothing got done today, Your really baffled because you know you were busy all day long, and your really tired. you realize this is a serious problem, and you'll try to get some help for it, but first you'll check your e-mail. Oh and the car never got washed Boy are you a mess
  23. I did all those things growing up as well and in many cases we were lucky not to get hurt as some kids did, but even that is still a far cry from what this father and 6 year old are doing. Sure Dad is watching for obstacles in the road, and he is lucky that he did not have to watch the outcome of a bad situation, if it were to occur. Look at the tiny arms on that fellow, would there be enough there to control a bad situation such as a sudden irregularity in the road that you may not even see in time because of how fast the bike is going? And with regards to Dads reaction time, lets face it there have been enough times when a rider in full control of his bike still lost it because his reaction time even though his hands were on the handle bars, still was not fast enough or good enough to save himself. I agree with Carl that there is a benefit to allowing our kids to learn from experience and that we should not be over protective with our kids. But a situation like this at that young an age is going too far.
  24. I agree that this is totally irresponsible. Sure its true 6 years old kids have proven to be very capable on a dirt bike. But dirt bikes are also lighter and smaller and highway speeds are faster plus you also risk endangering other occupants of the highway. There is a reason why there is an age requirement to drive on public roads.
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