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Everything posted by saddlebum

  1. If they allow you to buy the bike back keep two things in mind. 1 make sure it does not get branded. This usually pretty much means you cannot put the bike back on the road and 2 remember they original told me $1300.00 to buy mine back a month later it dropped to $220.00.
  2. Sure glad you were not hurt Evan. I am assuming you were by your self which is also probably a good thing. Not sure what your damages are but I have a 88 parts bike if you do decide to fix her up. post some pics of the bike nothing in the way of body parts but frame and front end parts may be of some use. If you decide to buy it back from the insurance company and fix it that is.
  3. Sounds like everyone had a good time which is always good to hear. Once again I had to miss out since my Daughter once again needed me to come to the rescue. Would have loved to see everyone. A little surprised however that even with out me there was still BS going on. Wait ........That means I must not be the BS'r and since Karl was the only mouthketeer there that must be .....Yes of course he is the one . Also would have loved to see how Yammer used his cage to substitute for the tent poles he likes to leave home . Last, although I was unable to attend I still would like to thank Don and Eileen for al their efforts.
  4. My first guess would be either a bulge.or a shifted and/or brken belt in tire. Put the bike on a lift and slide something to use as a reference point close to but not touching the tire. Next turn the tire slowly by hand and watch for any irregularities in the space between the tire and your reference point.
  5. The specs say 2.86 amps. That's nothing. My PIAA led Fog lights only use a 2 amp fuse and I can leave them on for hours without running the bike and they barely discharge the battery. They only require 18 gauge wire as well. http://www.piaa.com/store/p/188-LP530-3-5-LED-Fog-Light-Kit-SAE-Compliant.aspx They also come in a driving light version http://www.piaa.com/store/p/187-LP530-3-5-LED-Driving-Light-Kit.aspx and they are both extremely bright.
  6. Which seat are you trying to check out .......The one on the bike or the one in the reflection .....maybe Don can turn around for you ....Would that help
  7. You know Don :backinmyday:if you don't want to mow the lawn just say so , You don't need to beat around the bush you know cause most of us here are men and we understand. .......Oh Oh
  8. Thats what Ben wants alright. Just let me know when it gets there. Hopefully Alan did not ship it before you corrected my blunder on the address thing
  9. Possibly. Have not heard back from @wrnchjox yet.
  10. PM sent. Just happen to mention to Wizard765 on Sat after a days ride with Him and some others at Marcarls M&G how I need to get me a backrest.
  11. Unfortunately I will not be going again this year as I am once again on a rescue mission to Nova Scotia to replace the siding on my Daughters house which is blowing loose because whoever installed it had no idea what they were doing . The previous owners tried remedying it by randomly running screws everywhere . So once again I am making a road trip loaded with tools to set things right . In the mean time I hope you all have a safe trip and hopefully I will be able to make next years
  12. Aw shucks you guys went and got me all flustered .... But just to be clear I didn't exactly do it for free as I was given food for my tummy and drink to wet my whistle. P/S Dogman your welcome.
  13. Green with envy there buddy. You have a safe trip.
  14. Did @Flyinfool pay you to say that to try to divert the attention from him and his snow making machine. Cause if so so your wasting your time because we all already know the truth. As @The Tooch say's he may have fallen against the switch but I am more inclined to believe because his machine did not perform as in tthe two previous years he is experimenting and trying to tune it up for next year.
  15. Nope. Checked with owners and they assured me it was a quiet spot. Had them check your room number for too so I would not have to listen to you snoring either.
  16. So for mothers day my Mother, my Wife and my three Daughters made reservations at the Ireland House for an all lady's tea party and I was to babysit the grand children. However my Daughter Jennifer ended up staying home with the kids because her son suddenly became ill and since reservations were made in advance I had to take Jennifer's place. I gotta say though,,,, as much as I enjoyed the afternoon, I was glad when I finally got home and was able to slip out of the high heels and shed the dress. I am pretty sure though that even though I was the only women there with a beard I am pretty confident that I was right up there with the ten best looking women. :rotf:
  17. A Happy and most Wonderful Mothers day to you all
  18. This really suck because I was sitting on one for two years. Finally got rid of it in the fall:doh:. He could of had it for nothing.
  19. Agree to that the princess auto cover is a bit too heavy duty and bulky to use as a travel cover.
  20. For Canadians the XL deluxe bike cover sold by Princes Auto is a perfect fit for 1st gens as well (not sure about 2nd gens for them you may want to try the XXL) it is heavy duty material lower panels are silvered heat resistant material and there is a soft inner liner in the windshield area. The cover has vents on each side made of hard plastic so it remains open to avoid condensation. They often come on sale for under $60.00. I have used it for several seasons now and in winter time I store my bike outside using only this cover to protect it from the elements.
  21. Thats right because all of a sudden your going to get friends you never knew you had oh and the risk of ransom notes and blackmail etc. the list just goes on and on.
  22. Oh don't play coy, Thou knowest who thy 1st Mouthketeer is thou needest only look at thou reflection in yon mirror. Now to find the other two would be more difficult as thou must exercise a moment or thrice of silence to hear who they mayest be.
  23. Definitely a nice looking machine Dave. Looking forward to seeing it soon.
  24. Really :backinmyday:you would actually spend your winnings without first thinking about sharing and giving all your VR friends a small cut of the winnings.
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