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Everything posted by saddlebum

  1. I could do Friday the 13th. As I am off on Fridays. But I would be caging it. I have had some issues so when my insurance came due in July I did not renew for this year.
  2. Oh its there somewhere. I know this because I think I remember seeing it about a month or two ago
  3. So after paying out good money over the years to mount and balance tires, I dug into my might come in handy pile of junk and built my own wheel balancer .
  4. My backup bike is an identical twin to my 89 VR. Both my bikes have always been stored outside. Bonus ....the parts are interchangeable. Downside is for various reasons plus after getting cut off for the umpteenth time in mid July and not getting completely out of it unscathed (the bike not me) I am debating continuing riding 2 wheels in an environment full drivers who do not belong behind the wheel of any vehicle, possibly not even a shopping cart. In this instant I was riding home at midnight, when an overloaded pickup coming towards me totally blinded me with his highbeams, I am talking total blackout blindness, which forced me completely back of the throttle and apply my brakes. But that wasn't enough, he than turned left in front of me to go into Tim Hortons forcing me to bank hard left in an attempt to avoid him. Thought I was going to miss him but then he suddenly stopped before going over the curb at the entrance and I ended up catching piece of him, smashing my right front signal light and cracking my fairing below it. So as I stated there are just tooooo many incompetent drivers in my area and I am rethinking my life on a motorcycle.
  5. Rest in Peace Dan and condolences to friends and family
  6. It is the whole assembly I need.
  7. None. But this is the third one somebody broke for me.
  8. Looking for a right front signal light for a 1st gen if anyone out there is willing to part with one.
  9. Gee Carl don,t tell me you went walking by yourself again? Ever think of dropping cookie crumbs whenever you leave the house?
  10. So I am thinking it's been a while and time to get together. I am on vacation 1st 2 weeks in June so other than some projects around the house I am pretty open to just about any time during that time frame. Beyond that most any weekend is open.
  11. Dot 5 and dot 5.1 are not the same. Dot 5.1 is glycol based and fully compatible with 3 and 4 but has a higher boiling point and lower moisture absorption rate. It is often used in performance cars. I currently have 5.1 in my rear brake and find the brake more responsive. It is also more expensive. DOT 5 IS SILICONE BASED and should never be used.
  12. Oh the shop is still there and though the old geezer @Marcarl who ran it turned the reins over to his son he still turns up now and again. Just depends on what rock you turn over.
  13. That's why @Marcarl got into the spider. He no longer has to remember, to put the kickstand down before stepping away from the bike.
  14. I have two 89's in good condition and as long as I am able I will continue to keep them running. If I do end up making a change I most likley will go to an adventure bike of sorts. Harleys are way out of my budget and besides I am not the type to pamper a bike anyway. As long as it is sound mechanically I am happy, prferrring to ride than polish. I never cared for how the gold wing handles and the shifter location just does not work well for my foot. IMHO the bike is more suited to small people with small feet.
  15. Yup sadly traveling state side is just not in the cards at the moment. Once the dealin,s done there will be some catching up to do for sure.
  16. I am thinking on it and I know @Marcarlis as well as we talked about it. I just have a few issues I need to get out my way before I can confirm.
  17. Babbling brook Root Beer. Has a real bite. All natural ingredients and made by Nickle Brook Brewery right here in Burlington Ontario. They are a privately owned micro brewery that also brews a variety of craft beers.
  18. Hope you didn't throw those filters away. Without the spring those filters are probably still good as new and you could reuse them. Just thinking like Dutchman. Right @Marcarl?
  19. 1 - You could have air or too much moisture in the system. Both tend to expand with heat and can cause binding. Moisture can build up in brake fluid which is why you want to change it every couple years. 2 - The master and proportioning valve get built up with gunk in them which also plugs any ports and holes in these parts, restricting fluid flow. Easier to replace than repair since they usually end up being badly pitted or cavitated internally.
  20. saddlebum


    Must be going out for oysters.
  21. Me too. Years ago my friends father who was a butcher converted one of those old fridges(the real old ones with rounded cornors)into a smoker.
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