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Everything posted by ThomWill

  1. It has the original owners manual showing it to be an 82. i think that technically it would be a GS850GZ with the Z meaning 1982. It IS fast, I ran some SeaFoam through it yesterday and the little hesitation it had on my test ride cleared up after about 30 miles. Even though lots of folks made touring machine out of them, I won't be heading out cross continent like on my RSTD but it is a blast around here.
  2. Gotta love Craigslist! To scratch that standard itch, I picked up this 82 GS850G this morning. This one has been lovingly cared for (I think not so much by the guy I bought it from but definitely before. Needs some fork seals and brake pads, but got it for well under NADA for one in this good of shape. I already ditched the plexi-faring. Better pictures once she has had a bath. http://i275.photobucket.com/albums/jj302/ThomWill/Sasha/Sasha1.jpg http://i275.photobucket.com/albums/jj302/ThomWill/Sasha/Sasha2.jpg http://i275.photobucket.com/albums/jj302/ThomWill/Sasha/Sasha3.jpg
  3. That just plain sucks. Hope you heal quickly and well.
  4. Will keep a good thought for you and your family.
  5. Beautiful photos! I am sure you are very proud.
  6. Just rode across Utah on U.S. 50 (which is I70 for a bit). Crossing the San Rafael swell is like riding in a road runner cartoon. The canyons, and valleys are amazing, and the road was in great shape. The Sevier lake bed was a cool sight too, part of the same prehistoric sea that spawned the Bonneville flats and the great salt lake.
  7. Hope your recovery goes smoothly. My wife had hers out and was back on the pillion in a couple of weeks, but it took almost a month for her to feel "normal" again. So far no dietary issues (fingers crossed).
  8. wan·der·lust   [won-der-luhst] –noun a strong, innate desire to rove or travel about. We have been home from our ~6700 mile cross-country ride for 1 full week now... and I have already been looking at maps for a couple of days trying to figure out "where next". If there is a halfway house for this kind of thing... maybe I will wave as I go by.
  9. Since I could pretty much throw a rock to there, I will add it to the calendar. Be great to meet some of you nice folks.
  10. Home safe after Coast to Coast - Twice! Here is the final loop... missed Oklahoma by that much! Final tally 6767 miles. http://i275.photobucket.com/albums/jj302/ThomWill/Screenshot2011-06-13at111751PM.png
  11. Made the turn at San Francisco after riding the PCH up from Monterey. Dinner at Fisherman's Wharf, a couple more souvenirs we really do not have room for, and now off on our homeward leg. Up today: The loneliest road in America, U.S. 50 from Sacramento to Eureka, NV. The trip out was full of great sights, and some real characters, I hope that the trip back is just as cool. I have had to tighten up a couple of things on the bike along the way, and we dropped her once at 0 MPH in some wet soft sand along side the road that looked like packed earth (no damage done other than to my pride). Getting 40-43 MPG which is awesome, especially for two up and loaded! At Tybee, GA http://i275.photobucket.com/albums/jj302/ThomWill/100_0539.jpg Getting on the PCH http://i275.photobucket.com/albums/jj302/ThomWill/100_2160.jpg At the Golden Gate http://i275.photobucket.com/albums/jj302/ThomWill/100_2257.jpg In Payson, AZ http://i275.photobucket.com/albums/jj302/ThomWill/100_1372.jpg
  12. We just crossed the Mojave... used Ergodyne evaporative cooling vests ($34 from Amazon)... my wife had to take hers off because it was making her COLD. Also use Chilly-Pads from Frogg Toggs as cooling neck wraps. Off across Nevada on US 50 tomorrow... not worried about the heat at all. If it is a humid heat, different story, and no good answer.
  13. Hello from Payson, AZ, now seven days into our trip! So far this trip has been AWESOME... Here is the link to track our progress (only the last seven days of the trip... will post a complete map when I get back and lots of pictures). Where is Thom? For the Facebook savvy, here is the public link to our ongoing album. Facebook trip album
  14. This Thursday starts our 17 to 18 day cross country run on the RSTD (Tybee Island Lighthouse near Savannah, GA to Fishermans Wharf in San Francisco and back). Thanks so much to everyone who chimed in on my prep thread, I feel good about the state of the bike (and her riders). We have been talking about this trip for so long that it feels very strange that we launch this week. Eating better and working out I have lost 35 pounds prepping for the ride and my wife has lost almost 30, we have been riding in the heat and living without A/C because we know TX, AZ, NM have the potential to be brutal. (my daughter who is not going, cannot wait until we go out the door to crank down the temps). We have done back to back long days and worked on our navigation I picked up a SPOT messenger and will post a link once I set up the trip map in case anyone wants to follow along. We may see you along the road, we may see you at the DQ Either way we will wave and smile.
  15. That could have gone a LOT worse. Here is hoping that he knits and has truly internalized a lesson or two.
  16. Thank you for letting us know... will keep a good thought for his family...
  17. Star 3 1/2 Qty 2 MC 3 1/2 Qty 2 Thom Williams 364 McKees Rock Lane Lawrenceville, GA 30044 Thanks!
  18. Good for you for noticing and correcting. I often stop at or call places that are flying tattered flags (my pet peeve) and remind them that they need changing / retirement. Even my daughters have taken it up as a cause, we were in the grocery store recently and while I was looking at the weekly specials, I heard my youngest tell the manager at the service desk that their flag was torn and they needed to get a new one. Kids, they really are listening... who knew.
  19. Wow! I really like the designs I have seen so far. Can we get it as the large patch and then two smaller patches so we can remove the windscreen and backrest if that is how we are riding that day...
  20. ThomWill


    As so many here, no doubt know, the side cover over the coolant reservoir (and its mate on the starboard side) only have one functional fastener and two rubber mounted "posts". After working all day yesterday on the bike the last thing I had on my to do list was a quick check of the coolant level... I removed both bolts in the side panel, pointless, I know, but no harm, no foul. Then I tried pulling out on the panel, when it did not come out easily, I did not want to bend it so I decided that the lip must be inserted under the center panel (in front of said reservoir) so I removed the top bolt in the center. Can you hear it? "Click, tink,tink"... dang nut fell down behind that panel, but never hit the ground..pulled on the side panel again and it came out which is when I realized that I did not need to take that blasted bolt out to begin with... an hour of looking, rocking, cursing and disassembly later and I heard finally it hit the floor. OK... I walk around the bike and slide the nut up behind that panel, put the screw through the hole.. and drop it again. Can you hear it? "click,click" but not to the floor. Another hour of looking, rocking, and cursing and my wife made me go to bed without finding it "For my sanity" she said. Tonight I go back at it, and after loosening the reservoir that started all this, I see a loose nut lodged behind the bracket that hold the thing into the bike. A couple of quick bolts later and I have it... except it was not the one I dropped Pull the reservoir completely and wedged down in the coil brackets I find my missing nut. :cool10: Now it is all back together... and I have a story to tell... 3 plus hours and 2 loose NUTS! Oh... the coolant was fine.
  21. I would take a couple.
  22. HA! I am more "Candy @ss" rider than "Iron Butt" rider but my wife and I are planning on doing the cross country (and back) run in only 17 days here in a couple of weeks.
  23. It is that time of year... your girl looks lovely. Here is mine, tonight before prom posing with her "redneck truck" http://i275.photobucket.com/albums/jj302/ThomWill/240964_2076455033341_1303934011_32630525_2087112_o.jpg
  24. ThomWill


    Just wait until you get the money out of that Nigerian bank / diamond thingy and then buy yourself a new macbook.
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