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About littlebitcrazy

  • Birthday 06/16/1981

Personal Information

  • Name


  • Location
    Madison, United States


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  • Home Country
    United States


  • Bike Year and Model
    2007 Royal Star Tour Deluxe
  1. Thanks everyone! Full coverage is a must for these kind of toys. I plan on taking what the insurance company is giving me along with my upcoming tax return and moving up to a Venture. Which is what I originally wanted but couldn't afford. As for selling parts off the burned out wreck, I would have only wanted the shipping costs covered. But the insurance company has already picked it up and took ownership of it and told me they give no option to buy it back. Hopefully I will be back on two wheels by spring time.
  2. I was on my way home the other day when I started to get a very strong smell of gas. I pulled over as soon as I smelled it. When I got off my bike I could see gas running down the left side from under the carburetors. Just as I reached for the fuel shut off it went up in flames. And was fully engulfed in flames before I could call 911. It only took me 10-15 seconds to call! The fire department was only 5 minutes down the road and they were in scene in about 15-20 minutes. Very scary at how fast it burned. I can't even imagine what would have happened if it caught fire while I was riding it. http://img.tapatalk.com/d/13/11/02/u8e6u3u9.jpg http://img.tapatalk.com/d/13/11/02/ruvure6e.jpg http://img.tapatalk.com/d/13/11/02/eqa3ataz.jpg Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk - now Free
  3. This site never disappoints!!! Thanks for the help.
  4. I did find the main jets. My question was what style of pilot-jets do i use? I want to up the main and pilot jets by one size I got this info from a thread on this site I am gonna buy 2 #125 main jet for Cylinders #1 and #2 and 4 # 17.5 Pilot Jets. I am gonna reuse the jets i already have for Cylinders #3 and #4. Cylinder #1 and #2 will use the #125 jets that i buy Cylinder #3 I will reuse the #120 jet from cylinder #4 Cylinder #4 I will reuse the one of the #122.5 jets And im going from a #15 Pilot-jets to #17.5 Pilot-jets
  5. The website i found list the style of main-jet that is needed http://www.pjmotorsports.com/street-bikes-fitment-list.html (bottom of page). But does not list the style of pilot-jet that is needed. http://www.pjmotorsports.com/mikuni-jets.html#piolot/slow%20jets I don't want to have to tear my bike down just to see what parts i have to buy. I'm riding an 07 RSTD Any information would be greatly appreciated.
  6. Thanks for the link to the cool shirts.
  7. littlebitcrazy

    My Bike

  8. I had a lot of popping until i plugged the AIS(a tip i got from here). Now i only get a little when its really cold outside(the joys of Upstate NY) or if I'm on a long downhill grade. Im gonna try a carb sink soon but not to worried about it. I didn't notice any difference in performance or mpg either.
  9. I will try to get more video up today. @squidley Thinking outside the box is a must when your on a short budget. thanks for watching. Here is some more videos [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8GRZJ08imuY&feature=youtube_gdata]YouTube - More Royal Star Exhaust[/ame]
  10. I just dropped mine the other day. I was backing it into a parking spot at work and my foot slipped on some dirt.
  11. I forgot to mention i only spent $90 on this project.
  12. My hunt for a cheap great sounding exhaust led me to this site. I read the threads about putting the Road King mufflers on the Royal Stars and decided that's what i wanted to do. But while on a parts run to Advance Auto i was browsing the isles because all the guys were busy. When i came across the Thrush glass packs i had one of those i wonder if that would work moments. So i picked up a pair that are 2" ID and 24" long and two reducers that are 2" OD to 1 3/8" ID. When i got home i removed the trunks and then the stock mufflers. The glass packs are really close to the same diameter as the stock mufflers so i cut the mounting bracket off the stockers. I then welded the reducers into the glass packs. Now with the stock mounting brackets bolted to the bike i slid the glass packs onto the head pipes so i could mark where to weld the brackets to the glass packs. After everything was welded up i sprayed the welds with some red engine paint that i had and bolted them up to the bike. I decided the red had to go and wrapped them in black header wrap. I plan on adding some tips soon too. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HP7NazETQEM]YouTube - Royal Star Exhaust[/ame]
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