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Personal Information

  • Name
    Charlie Flory


  • Location
    Midlothian, United States


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  • Home Country
    United States


  • Bike Year and Model
    2008 Yamaha Venture
  1. I rode my RSV from Va. to Texas last Sept. At 65-70 mph I got 43-45 mpg. At 75-80 I got 36-40. The bike was a dream to ride that far. No issues with being sore. We rode abour 400-550 miles a day. Plan to make the trip again. I had the carbs synched, valves adjusted, and new plugs before the trip. I run the Blue Sta-bil in every tank.
  2. I am ready to arrange the shipping if you found a horn / horns.
  3. I am looking for a stock horn for my 2008 RSV. I have adjusted the one on the front, behind the left fairing. It is somewhat louder now. The one near my right side is sick / dead!! I would like to purchase one from someone on this site who no longer needs theirs, or has repalced them with an air horn. Thanks for any help you can offer. Charlie Flory 804-731-4474
  4. I am looking for a OEM shop manual for my 2008 RSV. I checked with my local dealer and he said they were unavailable. He offered me an after market one that was not specifically for RSV's. I also need to get a cup holder, which may not be that big of a deal. I saw a post on here about a cup holder from Target for less than $10. Thanks for any help ya'll can offer. Charlie, Midlothian, Va
  5. Yep it sure was. I had to pause the video so I could wipe the tears from eys, so I could see the video!!!
  6. I laughed sooooo hard I cried, and at work that ain't good!!!! Everybody wanted to know what I was doing on the computer that made me cry!!! LOL This guy sounds like my uncles talking. I'm from Houston. Boy I sure do miss them. They make me laugh too!!!! Charlie
  7. You have my deepest sympathies, and prayers I lost my Momma just about 4 years ago. She is always with me in my heart, and my thoughts. She always made me laugh. When I think of her I still smile. What a gift she left me with. Try and remember the good times. It does help in knowing she is in a better place, and not suffering aymore. I still miss her. Charlie Flory
  8. I wonder how much the bike would bring in an auction?? Very rare !!! There is a bike museum near Cherokee, NC, that this bike should be in !!! They have a lot of old bikes that still run.
  9. I love the GMC's, but my 1st class mechanic recommends the Ford's. He says they have the best V-8, and they are very durable / relieable. Lots of Fords with over 200,000 miles with no issues.
  10. How often is it necessary to synch. the carbs on a RSV? I just bought a 2008 RSV. It's running great so far, and how much does the dealer usually charge to do it. I am somewhat mechanically inlined, but have never synch'd carbs before. Please send any tips. to florycr3170 on this site. thanks Charlie
  11. I found the Blue Stabil cheaper at the Napa store. 24.95 for the 32 oz. size.
  12. I for one as a new Venture owner / rider would definitely love to have a section just for parts/ accessoreis, especially if it is someone that this site recognizes and trusts !! Count me in. Charlie Flory --Midlothian, Va.
  13. It looks like the frame is 1 1/2 tubing, with the legs cut at 22.5 deg. angles and the pads welded on. I can probably fabricate it with some creative measuring and cutting up the mistakes and trying it again, and again !!! LOL. I'm assuming he doesn't have a patent on this, but he probably should have.
  14. Thanks for all of the suggestions. If I am not succesful at fabricating an adapter my self, I will definitely order the adapter mentioned on this post. Again i thank you for your ideas. I've learned a lot just reading the posts. Keep 'em coming. Charlie
  15. I need some ideas on a safe system to lift my 2008 Venture for oil changes, cleaning, etc. Any ideas will be welcomed. I have a jack I used on my HD Heritage, but there are too many obstacles under the 2008 Venture to lift the bike evenly. I believe I will have to fabricate a jig to attach to the lift I currently have. Any ideas??
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