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  • Location
    dothan, United States


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  • Home Country
    United States


  • Interests
    old cars and bikes
  • Bike Year and Model
    2000 venture millinium edition
  1. i checked the tire and its ok. so i jacked up the bike and rotated the tire and it is clicking. i think the splines are dry from wheel to final drive. i am going to pull off the rear wheel and check them. thanks mike
  2. ok, i finally got the carburetors synced. it runs awsome now. like a new bike. i do have one other issue with the bike and i think that is all that is wrong with it. when i ride it i hear a sh sh sh noise coming from around the final drive. any ideas? thanks for all your help.
  3. i was going by the manual and i just read the link and i am going to re sync them in the morning. thanks for your help. ill update tomorrow.
  4. hello everyone, I have a problem with my 2000 venture. I just got the bike a few weeks ago. It was running ok but not perfect. and so i pulled off the carburetors and cleaned all the jets which were clean. i ran seafoam through it for 2 tanks. i found 2 slider diaphrams with holes in them. so i replaced them and put the bike all back together and now it is backfiring out of right side exhaust pipe. i had a problem with the right front pipe cold at idle. so i pulled the carbs back off and checked them again and all looks to me ok. so i tried to sync the carbs and i can sync 3 of the four. i am using a carbtune sync tool and the right front carb has full vacuum all the time. i can adjust the left side and right rear cylinder. i am not sure why i have full vacuum all the time. i drove the bike today and it runs great full power (surprised me on how much power the bike has) but if you start the bike and crack the throttle alittle. it will pop and backfire out the right tail pipe. but im at a lose here and not real familiar with multi carb bikes. my other bike is fuel injected. any help would be appriciated. thanks mike
  5. sounds great to me. just shoot me a message. where are you from in ohio? im from racine.
  6. cool, i found it now. i looked and didn't find the member list. thanks for the info.
  7. Hello all, I was just wondering where everyone is from. I live in dothan, alabama and own a 2000 millinium edition venture and a 2008 yamaha raider. I am just curious if anyone lives around here. originally from se ohio.
  8. welcome, i just bought a 2000 venture and it has 17,000 miles on it. i pulled off the carburetors and had two of the diaphrams with holes in them. i tried sea foam and the carburetors were clean inside but the diaphrams for the slides 2 of the 4 were torn. hopefully this will help. my bike ran great except idled rough and under load it lugged and ran bad.
  9. thanks for all your help and input. i am going to try a factory windshield, from a current member of this site. i enjoy the forums, i also have a 2008 yamaha raider, with 32000 miles on it since i pulled it off the show room floor. january of 08. we just got back from a 1700 mile trip to key west on the raider and we love our yamaha's. thanks mike:cool10:
  10. what county are you in? close to bainbridge or atlanta? thanks mike
  11. i live in dothan alabama maybe i can ride over and get it this weekend. would that work? thanks mike.
  12. i was also wondering about the gear whine. it is really loud on my bike compared to a friends bike. if i change the oil to synthetic will that help?
  13. awsome, thanks guys, i just don't want to buy one to tall or to short. times are tought these days and i just don't want to waste alot of money. your help is appriciated.
  14. hello everyone. i just purchased a 2000 venture and i have a few questions. i love the bike and after i took my wife for a ride in the country and then on the freeway, she was fine under 60 mph but over that she is getting beat to death with the wind. the windshield on the bike is a show chrome after market windshield. my question is, is the windshield need to be taller or lower. i am 6'6'' and 230 lbs. I have a yamaha raider also and she don't complain about the wind on it. but on the venture she sets up higher. how can i correct the problem. the windshield is 13'' tall from chrome trim at the bottom of the windshield to the top of the shield. and it is 31'' wide. any help would be appriciated
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