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About fiveman

  • Birthday April 5

Personal Information

  • Name


  • Location
    prince george, Canada


  • City
    prince george


  • Home Country


  • Interests
    stock car racing,motorcycles
  • Bike Year and Model
    2011 venture
  1. I bought a 2011 in Dec , I put a few thousand km on in Yuma this winter and now am able to ride in our home town of Prince George , B.C. I hade a 02 no problems then 2-1800 wings and liked the seating position of the Yamaha better so bought the new one. I miss the power and high speed handling of the Honda but over all like the Venture for its smooth v-4 engine and the two tone paint etc.I am really putting some serious thought to some sort of a performace upgrade this winter,perhaps a V-Max engine transplant,I formally was a Yamaha mechanic and feel confident that I could make this upgrade succesfully and end up with the HP that would surpise a few wings out there. Would apreciate any feed back from anyone who has heard or undertaken this type of mod including camshalft carb mods that have been successfull.
  2. fiveman


    I was wondering if any riders are in the yuma arizona area in january we are from northern b.c. And i brought my new 2011 royale with us and was planning to do some riding from yuma any suggestions ???
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