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Everything posted by denisadam

  1. Here's a pic of it. [ATTACH]69159[/ATTACH]
  2. Thanks to have took the time to check anyway. It's really appreciated!
  3. Thanks. Will wait to get news. I will post a picture of it tonight.
  4. Hi. I owned a Venture XVZ12 1983 and the odometer is not working. I put it apart and find out the gears are worn out on the primary shaft. As I don’t think it is repairable, is anybody who has a spare working speedometer unit wants to sell? The shaft I refer to is the one left of the pen on the picture. Thanks.
  5. Equivalent to 5.20 $ per us gallon here in Quebec. And should be higher this summer. But what the heck, when you like to ride...
  6. Thanks a lot for the quick answer! You've been a precious help here!
  7. Hi. This is the first time I post on this forum. I need to know the part number for the bleed screw that bleed the carburator on a first gen 1983. I have one badly round off and cannot remove it at all. I would like to know if it's available before attempting something '' drastic'' to remove it! Thanks. Denis
  8. I think what you're talking about is a ball joint. Denis:)
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