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Everything posted by thughes

  1. Required in NY but I would wear all the time anyway, got a 12 y/o daughter and would like to be there to give her away at her wedding someday.
  2. Not sure if this has been posted yet but here is a link to send a free "thank you" card to our troops (sponsored by Xerox), please take a minute to let them know we appreciate their service: http://www.letssaythanks.com/Home1024.html
  3. Congrats! What a great Christmas present.
  4. Me too! I'm terrified of heights. When they got to the point where he was free-climbing the last few feet I had to stop watching.
  5. Don't get me wrong, I respect HD and those that ride/own them. I've got a '79 XLH in my stable, all original (including the stock Siamese 2>1
  6. I don't mean to put anybody down, and I'm sure some folks find this to be a "special" bike, but other than a commemorative insignia and paint job the reality is that it's just a 23 year old Electra Glide.
  7. 12.5K for an '88? Hmmm........ here's a 2000 (14K miles) for 12,500: item # 200548631534 and a 2001 (24K miles) for 12,500: item # 270671441938 and a 2001 (20K miles) for 11,400: item # 370457563722 even a 2005 (33K miles) for 12,000: item # 120650931684 etc, etc, etc.......you get the point. I looked at a nice 1998 this past Spring with 70K on it and they were asking $6000.00 (at a dealer, no less). I'm no expert but in my neck of the woods the going price on an '88 ultra is going to be @4-5000.00.
  8. Hey Beav, found this on their web site: http://www.coloradochaps.com/images/stuffsack-184px.jpg Not sure if the lined ones are this small though.....
  9. I hear ya Bob, and it hasn't even really snowed yet.
  10. Hey Cliff, I'm with the majority on this one. I've had my 86 VR since late September, not sure which brand sneakers are on it (I'll have to take a look tomorrow) but the first thing I did after getting it home for the first time was air up the tires to the max rated cold psi stamped on the sidewalls. I run the slab with the cruise control set @ 70-75; she tracks straight and true (even with only one hand on the bars). Only time I've been uncomfortable being blown around was in 40 MPH crosswind on a late season ride. Carves turns like a sport bike too (albeit an 800 lb sport bike!). By contrast, my 79 FE wanders like a Gypsy at highway speeds compared to the Yammy. Let us know how you make out.
  11. Welcome Cliff, I recognize you from the IHSG. I just picked up an 86 VR about a month ago and I can assure you it's a lot more comfortable ride on those long hauls than our FE's are. Good to see a familiar face here, there's a bunch of great folks and tons of tech knowledge so pony up the 12 beans and hang out for a bit. --- Todd (Stormin)
  12. Good for ya! I've been clean for a bit over a year now (after 1.5 packs a day for almost 30 years). I quit several times too but it never stuck. Biggest incentive for me to stay clean now is financial; the extra couple hundred $$ a month have allowed me to indulge in my other habit: motorcycles! Just remember, you never really "quit", you just "stop" smoking for the rest of your life. I know dang well that if I have just one cig I will be right back to a pack-a-day in no time flat. Good luck. --Todd
  13. thughes

    My VR

  14. thughes

    need bigger garage

    From the album: My VR

  15. thughes


    From the album: My VR

  16. thughes


    From the album: My VR

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