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vzuden last won the day on April 12 2022

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About vzuden

  • Birthday June 9

Personal Information

  • Name
    Gary VanZuiden


  • Location
    Dunlap, IL, IL, United States


  • City
    Dunlap, IL


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  • Home Country
    United States


  • Bike Year and Model
    2012 Midnight Venture S

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  1. It adds a little rumble. You will never get the Harley sound due to the engine configuration but they are a little louder than stock. I had Barons 2 into 4 on a previous Venture and they were pretty loud and I like loud but after a long highway trip it was a bit much.
  2. Not sure about your ‘99 but I have some experience with HD mufflers. There was a period where HD put a catalytic converter in the right side muffler (only). Later they started using the cat before the mufflers. I had a pair given to me and they were from that period. I tried to knock out the cat but was not successful so I bought another left muffler off eBay for $15. There’s very little difference in appearance
  3. I used one for several years on my first bike (grasshopper). It worked ok and was very low cost
  4. I’ve hauled a couple of second gens in my 8 ft trailer. I bolt down a Harbor Freight wheel chock through floor in the front
  5. Search under Horn Bracket and you will see several entries on this
  6. CarbonOne used to make brackets and harness but I don’t believe he is active any longer. You can search on his name and maybe find something
  7. Fuel will drain past the pump. If you have a stuck float needle, fuel will drain into the combustion chamber and likely hydro lock the engine. There have been some ruined engines because of this. i had this happen once but was very lucky, the cylinder with the raw fuel happened to have the piston at the top of its travel. When I hit the starter it was locked rather than starting to turn over and slamming that piston into uncompressable fuel and busting the piston,, rod and or block. I took the spark plugs out,and turned over resulting in fuel spraying all over. The crankcase usually fills with fuel too. Now I absolutely never shut my bike off without turning off the petcock. I don’t even think of it as it is now such a habit. The reverse when starting - turn the fuel and pull the choke out
  8. Do the passengers have legs?
  9. I would sure try for a June ride
  10. I will bevjust down the road in Madison that weekend but unfortunately I have plans I can’t change. Hopefully next time, your rides are in beautiful country and are always enjoyable.
  11. Can you reach them with a Dremel? Maybe cut a slot into the side? I use plastic wing nuts - non metric. The standard threads will give but bind enough as they turn onto the metric threads
  12. Rebuilding is definitely the way to go
  13. vzuden


    No reason to use anything but 87. Higher octane is poorer grade and is only needed for high compression ratios to reduce preignition.
  14. I thought that write up had the dimensions. There are some jpeg files attached to it that may have what you need. I can’t open them on my phone so I can’t confirm. If you can5 see them either, contact Freebird he may be able to help
  15. Go to the tech library - Road King Muffler install
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