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Everything posted by ashley9187

  1. I have a decent supply of Gold, Silver and lead. Two in my safe one one by my bed and sofa. You know...just in case. Bought gold when it was $400 oz silver when $14 oz Right now Gold is 1337.00 oz and Silver is 25.48 oz. They will have to be in free fall for me to lose. Now I've done it!!!!
  2. Seen it here also about 10 times. 2 seconds long gotta be quick it's at the end of the commercial. What a days work!!! Congrats!!!! It should have been me.
  3. I attended services at Ft. Sam this morning, God shed some tears this morning during the service, it was wonderful. My motorcycle club attended also. They caged it I rode my bike. They went to Applebee's I wanted my place to go to someone more deserving. Rick:rain2:
  4. Is that a real trike or just large training wheels?? I have one on my 08 RSV, a champion escort sidecar. No more balancing the bike. I love keeping both feet on the floor board. BTW, I am slightly older. Rick
  5. God!!! That is why I love Texas!!!! I ride year round. Sure it gets cool during the winter (if you can call it that) but nothing a leather jacket and chaps can't solve. Went on a nice ride with club members this morning into the hill country around part of the Guadalupe River temp was about 45 this am, sunshine what more could anyone ask for!! Rick
  6. Mine is in production as we speak and should be ready for paint by now. http://www.tailwindtrailers.com/index.htm
  7. I have had my RSV for a couple of years now. Most of it's life is with a sidecar mounted to it. It never comes off (triple tree modified) and as you know mileage sucks big time. I decided to sacrifice most of my trunk space for a three gal. reserve tank. Best investment I have made for my bike, besides the sidecar. I ride exclusively on the 3 gal with main tank petcock off. Without a passenger on the open freeway I get about 80 plus change miles with the tank, with passenger I can get about 70 miles per tank full. I can go almost a full week on the 3 gal before I have to switch the petcock to on. The reserve tank is plumbed in such a way that if I have my main tank in the on position the reserve tank will keep a constant flow of fuel into the main tank and it seems like I can drive forever before the guage even starts to move. Since the tank is mounted about the main tank line it needs no fuel pump just gravity. The 3 gal tank has it's own petcock which I leave on all the time. Down side is if both tanks are full and you park on a up hill slope fuel from the main will run into the reserve tank causing fuel to out from the over flow. If you park on a down hill slope it can flow into the mail tank and it will over flow also. My wife and I go on rides with our club and we almost never need to fill up during the rides. One of the best investments I have ever made, ok, ok, second best. Sorry mine frau.
  8. I made a very sturdy plug mount for my bike using 1/8th inch thick :aluminum plate cut to the exact size and shape of my license plate extending about 2 1/2 beyond the width of the plate. I use the round 6 pin plug see photo. It is very sturdy and well up and a way from the road spray zone. and can be painted. I will do mine in black.
  9. Eddie Fulmer You are right on. I to have a conceal permit. I am so happy everyone feels safe and secure where ever you live and crime is non existent . Here in San Antonio Texas, sorry to say we do not live in Utopia, that is about 80 miles north west of here, and even they carry concealed. Remember one important thing....CARRY CONCEALED!! Rick
  10. I have my 08 RSV, but to be really honest I love the the 1st gens styling. I would love to have one with fairly low mileage. What a ride!!!
  11. $14 per hour would be a pay raise for me!!! Thank God Texas is a right to work state.
  12. I have an 08 RSV with a Champion Escort sidecar. I have had my trees re worked and the bike handles like a dream. The sidecar will not be taken off the mounts are fairly permanent. At first I had issues with the power thing, but learned to to use the gear box. I also have a trailer that is sometimes attached to the bike and you talk about gas mileage issues! With just the hack my mileage is cut in half. But now that I have sever weight issues, I am worried about pre-mature engine wear and over heating. I have begun a search for an oil cooler for the bike. Non found for the RSV:think:. Now if I needed one for my Roadstar no problem. Anyone know anything about oil cooler???? HELP???
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