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Everything posted by ashley9187

  1. Roger That, 10-4 over, out. Rick
  2. :dancefool:
  3. Ok, I guess that means that those of us in America can just put our collective heads between our collective lower extremities and kiss our collective wealth good by??? Or do we start using our collective (collective sounds too socialist), or do I start using my own self reliant instincts to re-start and begin a new Industrial revolution (revolution sounds to Bolshevik). :dancefool:Yeah like I could that.
  4. :amen::amen::amen::amen::amen: Rick
  5. I didn't listen to the audio, I love the keyboard mute button. But did they ever think about what was under the waterfall, how deep it was? Did they do recon of the bottom??? Rick
  6. I was suppose to join in on the festivities last night but our club meeting lasted a lot longer than I had expected. We were installing new officers and I was appointed 2nd Road Lt. I mostly ride tail-gunner because I ride a bike with a sidecar, so I am usually bring up the rear anyway so now they just made it official. Rick Ashley
  7. I live in south central Texas, ride year round, nuff said. Rick
  8. Since we are talking communications, I have been trying to get information on J&M headsets for the full face non-flip helmets with connection compatible with the RSV which is I think is 5 or 6 pin connection. I was looking at the JM Elite series. My chatterbox is barely acceptable. Rick
  9. Wife and I put in some time at Soldier Angels putting together about 200 goodie boxes and Soldier Angel back packs. The back packs are filled with items that a soldier may need when he is injured in the field and his service cloths gets cut off of him or her and when they get evac. to a hospital and need replacement clothes and personal care kit. Lots of things in the backpack including if allowed munchies. One of the best thing about Soldier Angel is its location almost right across Brookes Army Medical Center off of IH-35. Oh and my wife and I, one gift for the both of us A NEW TAILWIND MOTORCYCLE TRAILER, COME ON DOWN!!!!. once I figure out how to re size the images I will post some photos. This is truly a high end toy. Has self contained built in air compressor, interior light tire repair kit and 25ft of hose for the compressor and the best suspension in the industry, BAR NONE!!! Read the info on the web site, http://www.tailwindtrailers.com/index.htm and it's built about 45 miles from here in Spring Branch, so I can say I picked it up at the factory. Had a wonderful weekend with my son and his wife. Drove all the way from Dallas. Found out he is not a Glen Beck fan. Merry Christmas and I everyone a Great, Fantastic NEW YEAR!!!! Rickey L. Ashley
  10. As with the leading link fork, modifying the triple tree precludes being able to just remove the sidecar and continuing down the road. I have never tried to test this so I take it on faith on what the experts tell me. The geometry of the steering is so disturbed that you wont be able to handle or properly steer the bike. All of the sidecar manufacturers make mounts for their sidecar for most bikes and Bob Darden of the http://www.texassidecars.com/news.htm has the skills and expertise to augment and manufacture mounts for most any bike that is capable of handling a sidecar. I bought my Champion Escort from the Dardens, as they are a dealer for them as well as their own sidecars. A side note about the Dardens....They are not your typical business type people. They are the most friendly people and quick to make a friend of you even if you don't buy from them. Heck, they may even treat you to lunch or dinner. Bob Darden is fond of Outback Steak house. Nearest one to where they live is about 70 miles, so it's a treat when they get to go. Say high to Bob & Deb Darden. Rick
  11. In stock configuration, it is very stiff when going into turns or just making right or left turnes and the twisties can be really beastly. I had my RSV's triple tree modified so as to give me power steering. I also have a steering damptner added for stability and to eliminate the front end wobbles. So I think I have configured the almost perfect hack rig. I chose the Champion Escort because of the ease of entry and exits, no climb overs. Its front end opens up like a clam shell, step in step out easy. Rick
  12. I have a sidecar connected to 08 RSV. It is a Champion Escort, a really great sidecar. My wife will only ride with me in a sidecar and not on the bike. I hope the link below takes you to my facebook page, I hope so that you can see the bike for and after the sidecar is installed. I will be very happy to answer any question you may have about the bike and sidecar. You can also PM or email me any questions. rickeyashley9187@earthlink.net http://www.facebook.com/home.php#!/album.php?aid=14818&id=100000505972016 Rick
  13. Ok, sob story. Ok not so sobby but! I work for a US government contractor for almost 4 years. It was a minority owned, disabled vet, small business. It provided workers in the medical field, PT's, PTA's, PA's,MD's, Nurses and clerical positions. I worked as a Medical Records Clerk. Last June we, I mean all of us was informed that the company had lost it contract. They said it was because became to big for the stipulated contract and so it was terminated and so was all of us. Now, as with most gov. contracts we thought that another contractor would come in take over the contract thus saving us from having to update our resumes. We were given 30 days notice. A new contractor did not come riding in on their white horses and save the day. Didn't happen. My wife works as a licensed Physical Therapy Assistant for a temp staffing agency. She had knee replacement surgery in August and I had my knee surgery in October. She went back to work on Dec. 20th. I haven't worked since last July. I have not collected a dime of unemployment benefits even tho I am entitled. To be fully entitled you have to be able to look for and are seeking employment to collect. I on the other hand used the time to help my wife in physical rehab and then to have my own knee replaced. For the record my left knee was replaced 3 times and now I am working on my first for my right knee. I am now currently looking for a new gov. contract work. I guess I won't collect any money from Obama's stash of cash. Rick
  14. Yeah, any left??? Rick
  15. I use to tool leather as a youth, lets see that was, was, yeah as a youth. I think I just said that. Yeah, I remember in high school and arts and crafts in t he Army. Ok, no jokes about the arts and crafts in the army. It was occupational therapy late 60's, early 70's. I must say a very good job by my standards, and I do have some. Rick
  16. Dito Squeeze
  17. Cute!!! Rick A.
  18. I have posted the link on my facebook page also and hope that everyone I have friended will watch it.
  19. I rode a MC for almost 40 years and had a short break from riding for almost 10 years. I bought a Yamaha 1100 and had no problem picking up from where I left off. But in order to ride my bike on post and get it registered for on post riding I had to have a MSF card. The course was fun and it really challenged me and they provided the bikes 250cc. I will, next year take the advanced course, this time using my own Yamaha Roadstar 1700, and yes I do expect to drop it once or twice. Not my RSV it has a sidecar. I don't think it would work out. Rick
  20. Got mine today. Now how to carry it on my bike. I'll work on that issue. Thanks. They really do look great. Rick
  21. Yep!! Point proven. Gravity really sucks!!! Rick
  22. Been there done that!! Good luck and best wishes. Best re-hab for me was just sitting on the bike and playing with the handle bars. After I got out of the immobilizer that is.
  23. My club made the ride to Vanderpool TX this past summer. It was my second time to the museum. You really need to make sure to have a full tank because as you know not many stops to refuel. But beautiful country. Rick
  24. The Raider was my second choice, but I went for the Roadstar Silverado with hard bags as my solo bike. God Bless your son and I thank him for his service and welcome home. I will never again refer to the Air Force as the Chair Force or the Air Farce.
  25. Because I do ride on to military base's Army & Air Force I have to wear over the ankle boots or shoes, long sleeve shirt or jacket over short sleeve and the Icon Mil Spec vest with ID holder. http://www.icon.streetcheddar.com/icon-motorcycle.php?sku=28300022SS&title=Icon-Milspec-Mesh-Riding-Vest&category=Jackets&fit=Vest&fitment=Mens Rick
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