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Everything posted by ashley9187

  1. "you simply can't post ANYTHING that originates from the Tides Foundation and then say that it's not political. Anybody who knows anything about them knows better.":amen: I'm glad someone else knows about the Tides Foundation. I was just waiting. The video is very much anti capitalism. Thanks Freebird. Rick A.
  2. Look guys and gals, in south central TX we have summer days that is well over 100. So far we have had about maybe 3 weeks in which I have not RODE my bikes, yes it was cold but I rode. The only time I have not rode my bikes was within the first 3 weeks after my knee surgery. I do have my limits on when I do not ride, like when its raining or if the temp is below 32 degrees and if their is ice and or snow on the ground. How often does that happen here. Did I mention that I'm over 60?? Rick A.
  3. Getting Old Three elderly golfers are walking down the fairway. "Sixty is the worst age to be," said the 60-year-old, "You always feel like you have to pee. And most of the time nothing happens." "Ah, that's nothing," said the 70-year-old. "When you're 70, you don't have a bowel movement anymore. You take laxatives, eat bran, you sit on the toilet all day and nothing happens." "Actually," said the 80-year-old, "Eighty is the worst age of all." "Do you have trouble peeing too?" asked the 60-year-old. "No, I pee every morning at 6.00 am. I pee like a racehorse; no problem at all." Do you have trouble having a bowel movement?" "No, I have one every morning at 6.30 am." Puzzled with this the 60-year-old said, "Let's get this straight.. You pee every morning at 6..00 am and poop every morning at 6.30 am. So what's so tough about being 80?" "I don't wake up until seven.":crying: Rick A.
  4. We are having gas wars here in San Antonio TX!!, .9 miles from where I live their are 3 gas stations a Cheveron, Valero, Shell two of the 3 has gas priced at 3.19 and the one was pricing gas at 3.13 a gal. Which station had no vacant pumps?? You get three guess and the first two don't count. Rick A.
  5. That is some thing I wish HEB's here in TX would do. Bike only spots, But I don't think that would work here, too many people like to park anyway and anywhere they want. THE CUSTOMER IS ALWAYS RIGHT, RIGHT? Rick A.
  6. LOOK!! Forget all that FALLDERGARB, just get a cat, they hang on REAL GOOD. Just sayen. Rick A.
  7. By this summer I will paying as much to fill my 6 gal RSV, as it is now to fill my F150. I knew I was going to have to ride my bikes lot more often this summer and not just for pleasure. So, unless my wife is riding with me I will be riding my Roadstar more than the RSV. My F150 may go up on blocks. I can still go shopping on the RSV and buy a couple of hundred dollars worth of groceries with my trailer, even in bad weather. But I'd rather not. Rick A.
  8. If my my wife can schedule her spinal surgery later in March count us in also. Blanco is a little on the smallish size and it has a DQ right on 281 North bound side. Been there once or twice. Looking for to meeting you Rick A.
  9. 1981 I bought from the Post Exchange in Germany a TRS-80 Mod III, no floppy drive but cassette tape base with 2k ram and a radio shack TRS-80 dot matrix printer. Lots and lots and lots and lots and lots to typing in code, then debug and debug and .....I think you get the picture. Rick A.
  10. I have been able to ride for hours at a time at 75 -80 mph on the interstate between San Antonio and Dallas and that's with a sidecar (w/passenger), with some flux in speed on hills. It's harder on the cruise control, some times on steep hills the cruise control will cut out. But, HEY it still works for me. Rick A.
  11. Had a former brother inlaw stationed in Iceland and use to brag about a women behind every tree!!! Rick A. Buttons are not toys!
  12. I think there's a message here some where, I think. Rick A.
  13. Rick A. + double tap for insurance.
  14. I want to keep it simple: Volunteer at Soldier Angles. Rick A. Oh...and photography:thumbsup2:
  15. Since we are talking exhaust and mufflers, I want to have a quite and as much as possible a humming sound, as close to a GW as possible. I still have stock exhaust system on my 08 RSV. Ok, any suggestions???? I had my bike checked out last week by the dealer and said I had no exhaust leaks. But it it still sounds to loud IMHO. Rick A.
  16. How did you stationary mount the camera's on the front of the bike?? Type of camera etc. Nice steady shots. Rick A.
  17. I had a real good ride this past Saturday. About 10 of us from my club had a ride to Vander Pool TX, we put about 174 miles that day and had a real nice lunch in the historic town of Bandera. Lots of dead dear along the road tho. Lots of twisties and beautiful country to look at. Temp was in the mid 60's that day. Rick A.
  18. Rick A.
  19. Watch out Segweigh watchamacallit!!! Rick A.
  20. Just think, a few years from now you'll think fondly of this time. Because the new ICE Age is in the very early stage. This Is just the beginning. Because they say so. http://www.iceagenow.com/Its_a_cycle-its_a_cycle-its_a_cycle.htm Rick A.
  21. You can check out my sidecar on my 2nd Gen 08 RSV. Its not cheap but it is cumfy and its easy in and easy out. Its the Champion Escort sidecar. http://s1213.photobucket.com/albums/cc474/ashley9187/?start=120 Rick A.
  22. Rick A.
  23. Of course you are!! Rick A.
  24. Ok, does it help to inform you that starting this weekend our temp range for a whole week will be in mid to upper 70's?? So we will....Ride Sally ride!! Ride Sally ride!! Sorry got carried away.
  25. Yeah!!! But he needs a sidecar to be complete. Rick A.
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