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Everything posted by ashley9187

  1. I am not quite that invalid, but I do carry a cane in each of my bikes, fold up in my RoadStar and an adjustable in the sidecar of the Venture. Rick A. (Sidecar)
  2. Well, I thought I had.??? Rick A. (Sidecar)
  3. Ok, I got mine. Rick Ashley
  4. In fact ANY WHERE IN TEXAS!!!! Rick A. (Sidecar)
  5. "Blazing Saddles" too. Rick A. (Sidecar)
  6. I have been here almost everyday and this is the first I've heard. My prayers and wishes for a very quick recovery. Rick Ashley (Sidecar)
  7. I would like the 9" patch I have no idea how much to pay for the large patch my address is Rickey Ashley 6611 Honeyridge Ln. San Antonio, TX 78239 When I know the price I will pay by Paypal. Thanks Rick A. (Sidecar)
  8. Great looking, I would also like 9" pricing also. Thanks Rick A.
  9. We on the other hand have been with out rain for about 70 days or more. We could use a little. Rick A.
  10. First time I tried my tape player it got stuck and had to take it to the dealer to have it removed. Never used since. Rick A.
  11. Unbelievable warranty! Unless you add a sidecar to it. Then it becomes "what warranty?" Rick A.
  12. I have my tour tank mounted in my trunk. It has it's own petcock valve which I leave on all the time. Fuel line runs to the bikes petcock. I leave my main petcock in the off position and use the aux fuel tank first then after about 70 to 90 miles or the bikes starts sputtering which ever comes first then switch to my main tank and keep on curzin. Fuel pump not required because the tank set above the other so just gravity. Rick A.
  13. Here's my choice: http://www.tailwindtrailers.com/index.htm Pricey but well worth the money and IMHO is the best built in the industry. No brag, just fact. Rick A.
  14. Nice paint match! What is the item attached to the front hatch just in front of the wind shield? You have no need for a steering dampner? No front end wobble? I had my tree modified so as to give me the feeling of power steering. No more aching shoulders. I want to add a car battery to the trunk of the sidecar so as to provide more power to my accessories on the bike and the sidecar. I also have red accent lighting in my engine and under the sidecar for more night time visability, gives a nice red glow under the sidecar. It draws attention at night and looks really cool. Now I want to customize the interior of the sidecar and give it a nice functional dashboard. The sidecar also has the electric lean thing that raises the sidecar to compensate for the crown or lean in the road makes for a more comfortable ride for the driver or pilot. I have had the car mounted to the RSV for about 3 years now and this is the second bike it has been mounted to. The first was a VStar 1100 Silverado. Keep in touch always interested in sidecar talk. Rick A.
  15. ROFLACGU!!!!! Rick A.
  16. Our path has crossed in the last couple of days. Drove by Lukenbach TX yesterday on the way to Fredericksburg TX then on onto Enchanted Rock for a Duathalon, my club rides safety for the bike riders on the route. Had severe thunder storms last night in Fredericksburg. First rain in a couple of months. It was a localized storm. Dry at Enchanted Rock. Rick A.
  17. I for one have found this to be one of the best General Interest threads I have read in a long time. Profound information of grave importance. Going to Tyler TX in April at a rally to benefit Wounded Warriors at a place called Scooter Petes. May meet some 1%ers Here in San Antonio TX our local 1%er's was awarded a special award by our mayor for the humanitarian help to the community, the Bandito's. Go figure. Rick A.
  18. I had to mow my lawn last week. Ok it was really the weeds, they grow faster than the grass, but I still had to mow my lawn (area). Rick A.
  19. Rick A.
  20. I also have a journalism degree and I am glad my main tool was a camera!. I hated the green screen, hard on the eyes. I loved the darkroom and the smell of fresh fixer solution. God I miss those days!!. Rick A.
  21. Medical equipment that produces radiation, Nothing compared the the radiation you get just by being in a commercial airliner at between 30,000 and 45,000 ft. shielded by aluminum!!! Rick A.
  22. Picked mine up at discount tires last week. Being installed this weekend. Rick A.
  23. My wife and I would like to come to this event, it's close to home. But we will be in Tyler TX for a rally there for the Wounded Hearts In The Wind Again http://www.scooterpetes.com/events.htm Keep me posted will you of other events. Rick A.
  24. Does a bike with sidecar count as a trike still has three wheels, but only one powered. Rick A.
  25. I had a mud flap made for my RSV and she included in her pix gallery. So now I will need a bib and gas cap combo too. Rick A.
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