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Everything posted by ashley9187

  1. I too have had a very good response from them. a few months back I ordered a set for my RSV and am very happy, although there was some delay on getting my bag liners because the owner of the company had a stroke so that put them behind on their orders. But I did get them with my embroidery on it as ordered. I was about to order a set for my RoadStar 1700. Ummm. Rick A. (Sidecar Rick)
  2. Guess I can go anywhere then. "Look out roads never traveled, here I come!!" 11,000 miles worth!!! Rick A.
  3. No, I'm not tuned for the Rockies, but now that you mention it I will be heading in that direction when I (we) leave Canada. The northern Rockies or the Cascades, crossing from Idaho into Washington state via I-15. Anyone for see a problem on I-15??? Rick A.
  4. Ok, another question about On.. What is the altitude of Redditt On. CA.. Will I have any problems with high altitude carb adjustment? Road conditions? I used google map but the maps are at least 5 years old, or so. Looks like I will be heading into the boonies, more or less. This trip is going to be my longest on my RSV. Rick A.
  5. Rick A.
  6. Rick A.
  7. Actually, I usually make my own jerkey. I control the contents and quality. But you know, I was amazed at how little jerkey you get when you dehydrate a 10# roast (after slicing to about 1/8 in thick). I have one of those Ronco Dehydrating things with the stackable trays. I then vacuum seal. I like mine a little more on the brittle side, not chewey. Thanks for the info. Rick A.
  8. OK, I think I got it, leave gun with relatives in Wisconsin, trailer has plates and up to date registration, bike is in the process of being up-graded for trip, passports are good, check attitude, leave snow tire in TEXAS leave jerkey at home (DAMN!). OK, did I miss anything???? Rick A.
  9. I was expecting it to be more difficult than that. You know, pulling everything out of the trailer, emptying saddle bags, tank bags etc., hands against the wall type of inspection, checking for your draft card, you know things like that . Rick A.
  10. Talked to wife, it looks like mid Sept. this is the first leg of the trip. We also will be riding to South Dakota, Montana, Wyoming, Colorado, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Arizona, Calif., Oregon, Washington. We have no real time limit. If it takes a month or two months, we are looking at one long ride. Rick A.
  11. Ok, it would prob be early or mid Sept. My main concern is besides passports vehicle documents and such. Rick A.
  12. My wife and I are planning a month long tour in September thru October. We plan on riding into Ottawa Canada to visit my wife long lost relatives. I will be riding my 08 RSV and trailer and a sidecar. Could there be a problem with us crossing into Canada? What documents do I need to take? What about inspections of my bike sidecar and trailer? Rick A.
  13. Hey man!!! It almost looks like mine!! Rick A.
  14. I have an 08 Road Star w/hard side bags and GREAT accent lighting from front to tail w/trailer hitch for my Tailwind trailer. http://tailwindtrailers.com/ Best trailer on the market and not inexpensive. Rick A.
  15. I too have dealt with her also. She is very easy to work with and I had her make a rear mud flap for my 08 RSV and she has it posted on her web site. http://www.acehighleathers.com/motorcycle/other-cool-stuff/ scroll down till you see the mud flap on the rear of a RSV, that one's mine. Cool Huh!!! Rick A.
  16. Your are very welcome. Always happy to welcome a new Hacker (minus the computer) to the world of three wheeling. By the way make sure that the sidecar, when it is mounted to the bike that the sidecar sits level (tire and wheel is 90 degrees to level on ground or floor) when unoccupied by both driver and rider. If the sidecar is not level on the bike side (bike sits lower than the sidecar) then you run the chance that the inboard side of the sidecar tire could wear quickly to the steel cord, don't ask how I know. I have gone thru three tires already in two years. I am in the process trying to either lower the sidecar or rise the bike. The shop where I get most of the work done is a custom bike shop and said they can solve the problem and they will mount my new 4 point seat belt system to the chair. It has a lap belt that came with the sidecar and now I think my wife needs something that is a little more secure, the 4 point seems to be the answer. If you have any questions another place the check is http://www.sidecar.com/ or you could try me, as a last resort. Rick A.
  17. Here is the link to my photobucket pictures I just added new photos of the inside and the various connections to anchor the top to the bottom of my sidecar. I hope this will be of some help. Any questions just ask. http://s1213.photobucket.com/albums/cc474/ashley9187/ Rick A.
  18. I'll get some picture tomorrow morning sometimes and I will place then in my facebook and photo bucket area. Yes I think a preload torsion spring installed in the hinge alonge with the gas struts near the nose should work fine. The struts on my sidecar is place far enough to the nose area there is no hinderance on entry and exits. Some of the writers on this thread said I think that the ply wood would be too heavy, but from my experience and from the people on the Sidecar Forum all said the the more weight you have on the sidecar will be very helpful. You need the extra ballast to help keep the sidecar on the ground, especially while making right hand turns. Some rider even carry extra weight in the sidecar when not hauling passengers or cargo. Some have even welded hundred pound steel plate to the sidecar sub-frame just to keep the car on the pavement. My sidecar weighs in at 198 lbs empty and I carry about fifty pounds in the trunk when the sidecar is empty. Rick A.
  19. I have the Champion Escort sidecar on my venture and their bracing, mounting and hinge system alone duel gas struts makes for a super clam shell opening system. That is why I got the Escort, easy step in and out for my wife and for the same reasons as yours. You can try and see my bike and sidecar at this site My facebook page has lots of pictures of my bike and also on photo bucket http://s1213.photobucket.com/albums/cc474/ashley9187/ Hope the link works Rick A
  20. Annie, I love the patch so I ordered 2 plus extra for postage. Are Aussie dollars OK with you?? Also sent you my mailing address via regular email. Any questions please PM me. Love ya. Rick A
  21. I think I remember doing the exact same thing on my old Honda Hawk (in 1971) at low tide at Pismo Beach Calif.:whistling:well....except the smoking tires and no red cones. Hard to do on wet packet beach sand. Rick A. aka Sidecar
  22. Sounds like a wild time. I use to live in Athens, graduated from Trinity Valley Community College in 88. It is still a bit ways off I am thinking about the trip, might come. Went last year to Tyler for a rally just south of the city. I love the Athens area, green and I know the area well. Rick Ashley
  23. Ok, now my 2 cents worth. I have had my Kumho on my 08 Venture for about a year now and for the type of riding I do I should have done this a long time ago. Now for some more info about my riding. My bike is equipped with a Champion Escort sidecar about 2006 model and adds about almost 200 pounds to the bike. Riding with that kind of weight and towing a trailer the Kumho tire that I had mounted on my bike has given me a tremendous amount of traction and stability on both acceleration and deceleration on my bike. Taking sharp curves and turns in the hill country of central Texas is also so much more stable no slipping and no sliding at all unless your on a a wet road. So far I have about 11,000 miles on the tire and so far not much in wear is showing. I think and this is my opinion, this is about as good as it gets. Rick A. aka (ashley9187) aka (sidecar)
  24. I have been having a problem with my clutch on my RSV 2008 model, and, and I have just ordered the sky.doc replacement kit from him and hopefully I'll be getting it in time to have my mechanic get on it this weekend and have it ready before Christmas time. my bike is a 2008 RSV with Champion Escort sidecar and I also haul a Tailwind trailer on on my bike. :Venture:Rick A. (aka) sidecar
  25. I have a pair of 7Eye glasses, with removable frame cushins helps prevent eye injury and good anti fog too. I have trifocals and they are transitional. A little pricy but I like them works great indoors and out side great sun protection. http://www.7eye.com/home.php Rick A. aka Sidecar
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