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About ashley9187

  • Birthday 01/12/1951

Personal Information

  • Name
    Rickey Ashley (Sidecar)


  • Location
    San Antonio, Windcre, United States


  • City
    San Antonio, Windcre


  • Home Country
    United States


  • Interests
    Motorcycles, Riding, Photography
  • Bike Year and Model
    08 Royal Star Venture/08 RoadStar 1700
  1. I too have had a very good response from them. a few months back I ordered a set for my RSV and am very happy, although there was some delay on getting my bag liners because the owner of the company had a stroke so that put them behind on their orders. But I did get them with my embroidery on it as ordered. I was about to order a set for my RoadStar 1700. Ummm. Rick A. (Sidecar Rick)
  2. Guess I can go anywhere then. "Look out roads never traveled, here I come!!" 11,000 miles worth!!! Rick A.
  3. No, I'm not tuned for the Rockies, but now that you mention it I will be heading in that direction when I (we) leave Canada. The northern Rockies or the Cascades, crossing from Idaho into Washington state via I-15. Anyone for see a problem on I-15??? Rick A.
  4. Ok, another question about On.. What is the altitude of Redditt On. CA.. Will I have any problems with high altitude carb adjustment? Road conditions? I used google map but the maps are at least 5 years old, or so. Looks like I will be heading into the boonies, more or less. This trip is going to be my longest on my RSV. Rick A.
  5. Rick A.
  6. Rick A.
  7. Actually, I usually make my own jerkey. I control the contents and quality. But you know, I was amazed at how little jerkey you get when you dehydrate a 10# roast (after slicing to about 1/8 in thick). I have one of those Ronco Dehydrating things with the stackable trays. I then vacuum seal. I like mine a little more on the brittle side, not chewey. Thanks for the info. Rick A.
  8. OK, I think I got it, leave gun with relatives in Wisconsin, trailer has plates and up to date registration, bike is in the process of being up-graded for trip, passports are good, check attitude, leave snow tire in TEXAS leave jerkey at home (DAMN!). OK, did I miss anything???? Rick A.
  9. I was expecting it to be more difficult than that. You know, pulling everything out of the trailer, emptying saddle bags, tank bags etc., hands against the wall type of inspection, checking for your draft card, you know things like that . Rick A.
  10. Talked to wife, it looks like mid Sept. this is the first leg of the trip. We also will be riding to South Dakota, Montana, Wyoming, Colorado, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Arizona, Calif., Oregon, Washington. We have no real time limit. If it takes a month or two months, we are looking at one long ride. Rick A.
  11. Ok, it would prob be early or mid Sept. My main concern is besides passports vehicle documents and such. Rick A.
  12. My wife and I are planning a month long tour in September thru October. We plan on riding into Ottawa Canada to visit my wife long lost relatives. I will be riding my 08 RSV and trailer and a sidecar. Could there be a problem with us crossing into Canada? What documents do I need to take? What about inspections of my bike sidecar and trailer? Rick A.
  13. Hey man!!! It almost looks like mine!! Rick A.
  14. I have an 08 Road Star w/hard side bags and GREAT accent lighting from front to tail w/trailer hitch for my Tailwind trailer. http://tailwindtrailers.com/ Best trailer on the market and not inexpensive. Rick A.
  15. I too have dealt with her also. She is very easy to work with and I had her make a rear mud flap for my 08 RSV and she has it posted on her web site. http://www.acehighleathers.com/motorcycle/other-cool-stuff/ scroll down till you see the mud flap on the rear of a RSV, that one's mine. Cool Huh!!! Rick A.
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