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Everything posted by 22lyons

  1. We tried staying a few nights however since it was last minute we couldn't find lodging for the next nigth.
  2. Never heard of the Hocking hills before but 12 hours later the wife and I had a cabin rented for the night and saddled up and headed out. Two highschool kids were on a mission trip in the dominican republic and the youngest at young teen camp. We took 52 south out of Chelsea, MI into OH 109 to Lima. From there we headed east and picked up 56. What a great drive. We took a pit stop about an hour from our destination and realized a strong storm was trailing us. We arrived at the cabin around 4:30 thinking the storm might pass through for us to go out for dinner. Not so. Wind, hail, rain well into the night. I managed to kick back on the covered deck in the hot tub and watch the strom roll through. Good thing for the coffee we found to brew up for dinner! The next day we spent meandering through the hills and state park with several miles of hiking. What a great day. The evening closed in a torrential downpour on I-75 heading towards Toledo. We found a car to follow and watched their tail lights for 45 minutes. The rain finally ended around Toledo and we managed to dry out a bit by home. Check out the hocking hills. A great ride. Larry
  3. Yep the broncos did protect him but how many games did denver win without TT? Go PACKERS!
  4. speedohealer works great. it drove me nuts for it to be off so much.
  5. skydoc who is a member here has a kit that worked great for me. didn't take much; however, if you let it slip a lot then you might need to replace all the friction plates. I just replaced the spring and the half plate.
  6. how tough is this job? my mpg at best is 32. i am wondering about my floats being too high. i have done the clutch plates, rebuilt brakes/calipers etc. so i can do some things but this job intimidates me. Larry
  7. i bought my rsv a year or so ago. how would i be able to tell if the new were installed by po.
  8. i like the idea. i have a wide shield on now and like the look. i thought about cutting it down since the top is right in my sight line. how tall would they be in a mounted position from the chrome mounting strip?
  9. don't know how much lane splitting i would do with the rsv if it was legal! might have to find something a bit smaller or not use my highway pegs!
  10. even if i had not been adjusting my jacket i probably would have not been looking behind me since i knew nobody was behind me and i was in an exit only lane. he sqeeked by me so fast and then swerved back in front of the truck using the shoulder because he did not exit. it happened so fast it didn't even have a chance to scare me or get my adrenaline running. i'm just glad that i held steady in my lane or it would have been ugly.
  11. would be a 40cal in my case....
  12. Got off work and hit the interstate at 11:30 last night. My entrance ramp lane becomes the exit only lane so i stayed put. I noticed a semi to my left ahead of me but no problem since my lane is an exit only. I went down to adjust my coat with my left hand as i came up beside the semi. As i was bringing my left hand back up to the bars i saw a set of headlights in my left mirror. at first i thought i cleared the semi but then realized i had not cleared the semi. in a flash an hd ultra blows between me and the semi splitting the lane. it happened so fast. I always thought it would be a cage that took me out. it wasn't the scariest thing that has happend in 23 years of riding but certainly was one of my closest calls. Would have ended back in the trauma room i had just got done working in!
  13. put the kit in and works great
  14. Ran them on my goldwing and now on my RSV. never a problem. run the rear at the max 50psi
  15. sounds like the hub pins to me. i had the same kind of noise and took it apart and found the hub pins rusty and in need of some moly 60 paste.
  16. Larry and all, Not able to ride with you all but you will only be a few miles from me at 52 and N Territorial. Have a great ride. Woulld be nice if i could meet up and ride for a while with you. We took a similar ride last month and took b15 through pentwater up to ludington. b15 was a nice ride. Larry
  17. i will be interested in finding out if this will help. larry
  18. i have never gotten over 35mpg but i ride pretty hard. i understand that is about right for riding hard. i will be interested in knowing if what you are doing helps. Larry
  19. What was your mpg? Mine has never been great either.
  20. now that i know i can get a purple one.... i'lll be stylin... new spring at least. will check out the additional plate too. again what a great site.
  21. I appreciate all the input. Here is the interesting part: I just put in new fluid for the clutch a few months ago while meeting carbon1 and his lovely wife. When the new fluid was put in the clutch had very little travel before engagment at first. After a day the travel became back to normal which is pretty "long" before engagement. Is this normal with a change in fluid? Thanks agian for all the help and suggestions. What a great site! Larry
  22. Goose, thanks for the reply. I have read the tech tips. What makes this a problem with the venture? I can fix things but i don't understand the clutch workings. How much for the upgraded clutch spring? I should let PCW know make and model? Thanks, Larry
  23. Ok. I just experienced a wierd feeling in the clutch which i assume is "clutch slippage". I have a 2000 with 34,000 miles. I have done some reading on here and am wondering a few things... 1. Will a new spring stock sping make a difference? I read one post where someone tried the "heavier" spring and ended up replacing it back with a new "stock" spring. 2. Do i need to replace more than a sping? It only has been slipping in 5th gear with a lot of throttle. 3. What exaclty causes this defect? I have owned old GW and never talk of clutch slippage. Thanks, Larry
  24. My wife and I took our first trip on the RSV. Bought it last fall after many years of old wings. We headed to western MI and up the coast. Took B15 which was beautiful ride connecting with M22 to Traverse City. The next morning we headed up the Old Mission Peninsula and then around the Leelanau Peninsula on M22 cricling back through TC and on up through Charlevoix onto Petoskey. Took 119 the "Tunnel of Trees" this morning and then back to southern Mi. What a great trip on the bike. Had done some of this before with the car. I had already put 7,000 miles on the bike (140 miles round trip to work) but this was our first long ride together. What a great, comfortable ride. I can say that I am tired but not sore at all. Actually, i think it is more comfortable than the car. Even with my rear shock which i think is shot. Comfortable enough for the wife to fall asleep several times.
  25. wow...
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