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  • Home Country
    United States


  • Bike Year and Model
    1983 venture 2004 Vrod
  1. I'm Sorry it's a 1984 venture XVZ. Thank for the Help Mike
  2. I have had my Computerized Monitoring fuse blow twice in the last couple of days.it knocks out everything fuel gauge, clock, tach. it has the old fuse box but it looks like new. back is not worn. fuses fit nice and snug. the box list that as a 15 amp fuse. any thoughts from anyone at what to look at ??? Thanks Mike
  3. Thanks for the Help Mike
  4. these are the only ones I'm finding at the walmart site http://www.walmart.com/ip/Boss-4-2-Way-Speaker-With-Poly-Injection-Cone/11968846 can you plovide a little bit more info on the ones you found Thanks Mike
  5. OK...Great thanks very Much Mike
  6. Well got her Working. thought it was strange that everything cycled through on the radio and no sound. so I pulled the left turn signal out and spliced into the speaker wire with what I knew was a working speaker and MUSIC. so now I need help with where to get replacements and any hints or photos on removing the old ones Thanks Mike
  7. Thanks for the input Fellas I'm going to dig into it tonight. I have already been looking at some replacement units Agian Thanks Mike
  8. No I don't have headsets. and the buttons are pretty basic. I don't see anything for headsets fast forward &rewind am/fm 1 2 /dir and just the knob buttons bass /balance I guess maybe I need to find a cassette and try that tomorrow
  9. Hello Everyone, Just got my 1983 yamaha Venture last night. the bike is Very clean I will post pics soon. The Issue I need help with is the Sony radio the power is on it searches switches to all the modes but no sound. the first time I turned it on I heard the little pop on sound through the speakers but now I don't even here that . the guy I got it off of siad it worked but he never used it. it's almost like it muted but it doesn't show that on the screen. there is a scan button on the laft handle bar and it also seams to work but I don't see anything about a mute on it either. no static no sound any thoughts anyone??? Thanks Mike
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